Yes, but this requires a small bit of custom code. You can use the example below and configure it to automatically add users who register at specific s2Member Levels to BuddyPress Groups of your choosing.

Installation Instructions

  • Create this directory and file (using code below): /wp-content/mu-plugins/s2-bp-groups.php

  • Configure the $s2member_bp_groups_map array as seen in the code sample.

add_action('ws_plugin__s2member_during_configure_user_registration', function (array $vars) {
    extract($vars); // Variables from registration context.
    // Run `print_r($vars);` to get a full list for inspection.
    // The most important variable extracted here is `$user` (a WP User object).
    // In addition, we also use the `$role` variable extracted here; e.g., `subscriber`, `s2member_level`, etc.

    # Configuration. Array keys are s2Member Role names.
    # See: <>
    # Each Role can be added to an array of one (or more) BuddyPress Groups, by slug.
    # A BuddyPress Group slug can be acquired by inspecting its Permalink in WordPress.
    $s2member_bp_groups_map = array(
      'subscribe' => array(), // Free Subscribers are not added to any BP Groups.
      's2member_level1' => array('test-group'), // Add Members who register at Level 1 to this BP Group.
      's2member_level2' => array('test-group', 'another-group'), // Add Members who register at Level 2 to these two groups.
      's2member_level3' => array(), // Members who register at Level 3 are not added to any BP Groups.
      's2member_level4' => array(), // Members who register at Level 4 are not added to any BP Groups.

    # Do NOT edit anything below this line.
    if (bp_is_active('groups')) {
        if (!empty($s2member_bp_groups_map[$role])) {
            foreach ($s2member_bp_groups_map[$role] as $_group_slug) {
                if (($_group_id = BP_Groups_Group::group_exists($_group_slug))) {
                    groups_join_group($_group_id, $user->ID);

Using CCAPs as the Basis for Group Addition

add_action('ws_plugin__s2member_during_configure_user_registration', function (array $vars) {
    extract($vars); // Variables from registration context.
    // Run `print_r($vars);` to get a full list for inspection.
    // The most important variable extracted here is `$user` (a WP User object).

    # Configuration. Array keys are s2Member CCAP names.
    # A BuddyPress Group slug can be acquired by inspecting its Permalink in WordPress.
    $s2member_bp_groups_map = array(
      'pro' => array(), // Members w/ CCAP `pro` are not added to any BP Groups.
      'ultimate' => array('test-group'), // Add Members w/ CCAP `ultimate` to this BP Group.

    # Do NOT edit anything below this line.
    if (bp_is_active('groups')) {
        foreach ($s2member_bp_groups_map as $_ccap => $_group_slug) {
            if (($_group_id = BP_Groups_Group::group_exists($_group_slug))) {
                if($user->has_cap('access_s2member_ccap_'.$_ccap)) {
                    groups_join_group($_group_id, $user->ID);