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Using Specific Post/Page Access Restriction

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices. Last updated by  Bob Gollon & Frank Damico 4 years, 6 months ago.

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Posted: Wednesday Jun 27th, 2012 at 8:47 am #17651

We are developing a website to provide advice on upcoming MLB games, hopefully adding NFl and NBA later. This will be a paid service that people can come to for informed advice on games and make some money if they decide to place bets on those games however they do that. We will just provide advice, thoughts, and some humor. We purchased S2 PRO to handle this and originally decided to create a Clubhouse page that a member would have access to after entering their username and password after completing their purchase through Paypal. Because someone could purchase advice for one sport and not another, we didn’t think we could use this solution since the Clubhouse page would list all sports and allow access to all, whether purchased or not. We then found the “Specific Post/Page Access Restriction” feature whereby a person would receive access to a specific page for a certain amount of time. This feature seemed to allow us to sell access to an advice page for a specific sport, totally eliminating the need for a registration feature with a login and use of a Clubhouse page. Here is where we are stuck. Once the Paypal transaction is complete, the person receives a tiny URL to get to the advice page. Once there, they can see the page URL at the top (along with a lot of other information) and if they copy the URL and strip out all the “excess” information they can come back to that page whenever they want. Our thought was to have a single advice page for each sport and just sell access to it. Since we plan to offer paid access for 3, 5, and 7 days, we can’t even create a new advice page each day that would be removed after a certain number of days since the access time varies. My partner and I and not technical people so is there an efficient solution using S2 PRO that we have just missed? Hopefully so. Thanks in advance for your help. Bob (

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Posted: Thursday Jun 28th, 2012 at 6:59 am #17742
Raam Dev
Username: Raam
Staff Member

Hi Bob, Frank,

You said:

Once there, they can see the page URL at the top (along with a lot of other information) and if they copy the URL and strip out all the “excess” information they can come back to that page whenever they want.

That is actually not true. If you restrict a page with Specific Post/Page Access Restrictions Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Restriction Options -› Specific Post/Page Access Restrictions, the only way someone will be able to access the page is through the special link they are emailed. All that “excess information” that you mentioned actually contains special keys that are necessary to access the page. Once the amount of access time has passed, those keys will no longer work and the person will need to purchase access again.

If you were testing the Specific Post/Page restrictions, make sure that you are fully logged out of WordPress before testing. In fact, you should also clear your browser cache and cookies to make sure there’s no way s2Member is detecting that you’re an administrator trying to access the page (because in that case, you will always have access).

Another good way to mimic a purchase is to use another computer entirely — a computer that have never logged into your WordPress site.

Posted: Thursday Jun 28th, 2012 at 8:00 am #17756

I will try it today. Thanks for your help


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