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About: Dmitry Sandal

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I do not understand how a Modif-on Form work

By:  Dmitry Sandal in: Community Forum

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3 years, 9 months ago  Jason (Lead Developer)

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3 years, 9 months ago  Dmitry Sandal

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I do not understand how a Modif-on Form work

By:  Dmitry Sandal in: Community Forum

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3 years, 9 months ago  Jason (Lead Developer)

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Posted: Thursday Mar 21st, 2013 at 9:29 am #45338

Hello Jason,

Thanks for the answers. But you did not really answer my questions … : (
Do I need to ask them again?

All that you have written, I have read previously in different topics on your forum… But you do not answer my questions. It’s been a very long time, and there is no result. : (
Every time I have to wait 2 days to hear what I have read several times on your forum. It’s sad, I had lost hope to get support from your side…

Posted: Monday Mar 18th, 2013 at 5:41 am #45039


Posted: Monday Mar 18th, 2013 at 5:03 am #45037

Hello, Elizabeth.

Thank you!

My ISP gives me a dynamic IP. Every day I can have a different IP. How can I be in this case?

Posted: Wednesday Mar 13th, 2013 at 4:36 pm #44532

PayPal itself doesn’t allow to change the terms of an existing subscription, so to “change” it it needs to be replaced with a new one. Since s2Member doesn’t know the EOT of the existing subscription, it can’t figure out the paid time left.

For this kind of change, you’d have to use a bit of PHP to estimate the time the user has left (similar to the need to have EOT notifications) and add it to the shortcode’s initial term without charge, so the next regular payment of the new subscription happens after the already paid time. Knowledge Base » Using Variables In A Shortcode

I understand that I need to add the remaining days of the current subscription to the beginning of the new subscription.

But if your plugin simply gave the following data:
1. The number of days (or date) of the next payment for the current level.
2. EOT for Buy Now.
3. EOT (if the user cancel your subscription) for the current level.
(2 and 3 – should be in different variables. It is very bad that one value removes other.)

It would be much simpler.


Of course, I can make a request directly to Paypal, but modify subscription form is opened with a delay (5-10 seconds, while there is a call to Paypal).
Plus, if Paypal will change settings, my script will work correctly (I will have all the time to control it myself).
Plus, I’m not sure that my script will work correctly in all cases (and you does not want to give correct the script).


All these issues say that your plugin does not do functions that expects.


Is this also works for Payflow, or do I need a different code for a Payflow?

I don’t understand the question.

2. PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition) (aka: PayPal® Payments Pro) – this is what s2Member supports with respect to PayFlow. This type of account offers both of the API flavors. You can integrate with the PayPal Pro API, or with the PayFlow API.

If I sign up for PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition) , is this API request will work without any modifications?
Or do I need to use PayFlow API? Why use two different API? Paypal is going to transfer its service to PayFlow API?

If I’m not mistaken, it could notify a hack that uses the wp-loaded hook and then check the EOT time with get_user_field.
Knowledge Base » Hacking s2Member® Via Hooks/Filters

I can see only $s2member_auto_eot_time = get_user_field (“s2member_auto_eot_time”);
But how can I know is this EOT for current lavel ot it is EOT for Buy Now?
How do I know EOT for the current level to which you have access, not Buy Now EOT?

Posted: Tuesday Mar 12th, 2013 at 4:36 am #44341

You can using the subscription cancellation and modification buttons/pro-forms.

Suppose a site user has made a subscription for a year and paid $ 1,000, and then a month later he decided to make modifications and decided to pay $ 200 a month. The user automatically loses $ 900. Do you really think that your plugin has the function of modifying subscriptions?
Your plugin does not do basic functions and you do not provide any technical support …

If you need to customize something to behave in a certain way that isn’t the default, and you don’t know how to do it yourself, you can hire a freelancer experienced in these things. There are several freelancer sites where you can try posting your job, like:,,,

I’ve already paid for your plugin, now I have to pay to the one who will make your work?

Link that you wrote to me:
Is this also works for Payflow, or do I need a different code for a Payflow?

Currently these times are not saved as a history, whatever the current EOT time is will overwrite the previous one. If you need to store these, you could use a notification together with a custom script to save them. Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Notifications -› Cancellation Notifications

I do not see anything about EOT in Cancellation Notifications. How can I get EOT with Cancellation Notifications?

Posted: Saturday Mar 9th, 2013 at 5:02 am #44144

boudewijn lutgerink, you carefully read my questions?

I bought a plugin. In advertising has been written that it supports the ability to unsubscribe and modify subscriptions. But in fact, these functions do not work. Plugin developers offer me finish myself these basic features.

I do not want to become an expert in how your plugin work. I just do not want any trouble that you plugin can deliver to me. I want to install it and forget it.

Please do not make me repeat the same question over and over again. Just give me a clear answer, which I have to do to get everything working as it should.

Posted: Friday Mar 8th, 2013 at 1:58 pm #44113

I hope that helps. :)

No, it does not help. :(
I’m sorry, but you did not answer my question. Every time I have to wait 2 days to hear what I have read several times on your forum and the responses above.

My question is clearly:
How can I know EOT if the EOT do not have value and I do not know the subscription period?

I’m sorry, I can not wait for one year to check how the algorithm that I should write work. If I make a mistake, my clients or I will lose money. I do not know how your plugin work and it is difficult to deal with it. I think that your plugin should perform such a basic procedure.

Please send me the code that I have to install that will work correctly.

The second question:

Currently these times are not saved as a history, whatever the current EOT time is will overwrite the previous one. If you need to store these, you could use a notification together with a custom script to save them.

Please send me the code that I have to install that will work correctly.

Please do not make me repeat the same question over and over again.

Posted: Tuesday Mar 5th, 2013 at 8:54 am #43766


If the user cancels his subscription and EOT has value set the end of the year, then made a Buy Now for two years, how will I know EOT of subscription that has been canceled?

What if I have only Lavels and subscription time may depending on various promotions held on the site (1year, 2 year…), how can I get the length of the terms that a user has a subscription?

If the EOT time is set, you can get it with get_user_field.

But if the EOT is not set, how can I get it?

Posted: Saturday Mar 2nd, 2013 at 10:27 am #43618

As I understand, s2Member user meta value s2member_auto_eot_time sets after unsubscribing?
Okay, let’s assume the user bought a subscription for 2 years and then made the cancellation. s2member_auto_eot_time will be set as the end of the subscription, right?

But then if the user buys something through buy-now for 1 year?
If the user buys something through buy-now for 3 years?
What will be s2member_auto_eot_time value in this case?


What if I have only Lavels and subscription time may depending on various promotions held on the site (1year, 2 year…), how can I get the length of the terms that a user has a subscription?

Posted: Friday Mar 1st, 2013 at 2:17 pm #43523

Thanks for the reply!

Please tell me, how can I get the time that remains until the end of the user’s account in case he makes modification and in case he had previously made cancellation?

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