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About: Aaron Rossano

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Posted: Wednesday Feb 20th, 2013 at 11:31 pm #42633

i’m still getting the same message i had setup in the new user email configuration (yes customise new user emails with s2member) in the general options.
here’s my m-plugins s2-hacks.php

add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_registration_notification_email_sbj", "my_s2_registeration_sbj", 10, 2);
function my_s2_registeration_sbj ($s2member_default_sbj, $vars = array ())
	file_put_contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR."/debug.log", var_export($vars, true));
	return "testing registeration email subject";
add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_registration_notification_email_msg", "my_s2_registeration_msg", 10, 2);
function my_s2_registeration_msg ($s2member_default_msg, $vars = array ())
	file_put_contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR."/debug.log", var_export($vars, true));
	return "testing registeration email body text";

add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_modification_notification_email_sbj", "my_s2_modification_sbj", 10, 2);
function my_s2_modification_sbj ($s2member_default_sbj, $vars = array ())
	file_put_contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR."/debug.log", var_export($vars, true));
	return "testing registeration email subject";
add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_modification_notification_email_msg", "my_s2_modification_msg", 10, 2);
function my_s2_modification_msg ($s2member_default_msg, $vars = array ())
	file_put_contents(WP_CONTENT_DIR."/debug.log", var_export($vars, true));
	return "testing registeration email body text";

fyi i ensured that the write debug.log is working running it outside the filter and it was writing to the file fine.

Posted: Tuesday Feb 12th, 2013 at 11:20 pm #41594

i just want to be able to get the hook working.
my next option is to use the built in wordpress ones but i’d like to be able to keep it consistent.
i really need help with this, i’ve been investing a lot of time. i don’t need help with the programming as much as i do with just getting the hook from the plugin to trigger.

i tried to put a mail function within the hook to see if i can get it to trigger anything but i believe it’s not being called.
the emails are configured to use the s2member emails overridding the wordpress ones.

this is the code i have within my s2-hacks.php within mu-plugins

add_filter (“ws_plugin__s2member_registration_notification_email_sbj”, “my_s2_registeration_sbj”, 10, 2);
function my_s2_registeration_sbj ($s2member_default_sbj, $vars = array ())
wp_mail(‘testemail’, ‘subject triggered’, ‘subject triggered’, $headers);
return “testing registeration email subject”;
add_filter (“ws_plugin__s2member_registration_notification_email_msg”, “my_s2_registeration_msg”, 10, 2);
function my_s2_registeration_msg ($s2member_default_msg, $vars = array ())
wp_mail(‘testemail’, ‘body text triggered’, ‘body text triggered’, $headers);
return “testing registeration email body text”;

Posted: Monday Feb 11th, 2013 at 5:54 pm #41428

actually i just realised that the next bill date is always going to be the same regardless of what the new subscription is.

what about reactivating account. is that the same form as updating billing?

Posted: Sunday Feb 10th, 2013 at 5:59 pm #41383


thanks for the response.

what if i don’t give a grace period or i miss calculate it. does it still all add up?

so if i signed up for a yearly subscription and just changed it to monthly. without giving any trial days i just got charged again for the monthly. does that mean that if i cancel my account now, i have 13 months all together in my account? or 1 month and the 12 months basically disappear?

lets say i just changed it from yearly, to monthly, and then to quarterly? how many months does my account have? does it collect the months as i keep changing my subscription?

is reactivating any different?

Posted: Thursday Feb 7th, 2013 at 6:14 pm #41092

after an account expires what sort of form do i need to provide the user to allow them to reactivate their account? is it the same one for updating billing?
what’s the difference between a billing modification form to a billing update form?

Posted: Tuesday Feb 5th, 2013 at 7:46 pm #40886

that all worked.
i’m using paypal pro to charge users paypal or credit card.
fantastic. thank you so much.

Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 1:15 am #40584

hi jason thanks for the response.
that would be helpful with estimating the next bill date by looking at the previous date. thanks.
i’m processing recurring payments with paypal and configured to have options for:
yearly, quarterly, monthly.

how would i create a php function to match the exact configuration for how paypal will set those dates?
monthly = +1 month
quarterly = +3 months
yearly = +12 months
or does paypal look at 1 month as 30 days or something?

is there a similar function to : get_user_field(‘s2member_paid_registration_times’)
to be able to get the recurring duration? e.g monthly / quarterly / yearly?

Posted: Thursday Jan 31st, 2013 at 7:13 pm #40216

thanks for the encouragement.
it seems like the issue was with setting up a paypal sandbox australian account. as soon as i switched to american, all these options turned up and i was able to configure it and get it working correctly.
it’s really frustrating that within the sandbox it comes out different and a lot of the options are turned off even though the services are offered in australia.
corrected the form tag was something that got messy overtime trying to figure out why it wasn’t working..
thanks jason!

Posted: Wednesday Jan 30th, 2013 at 1:14 am #39971

sorry i also forgot to mention.
i’d like to be able to put a condition for one of my Custom Registration/Profile Fields.
it’s a select dropdown.

Posted: Monday Jan 28th, 2013 at 7:21 pm #39818

hi jason,
thanks for the response.

i’m not using standard buttons at all, only pro.

the goal is to be able to charge recurring payments.
i’m currently already using the paypal pro form with recurring payments.
the way i have it configured at the moment is that it only allows recurring payments to users with a paypal account.
ideally i’d like it to allow users who want to put in the credit card too, either within paypal or on the site.

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