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Package s2Member\List_Servers

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Class c_ws_plugin__s2member_list_servers


public class c_ws_plugin__s2member_list_servers

List Server integrations.



( 4 Methods )
Method Summary
public static null

auto_process_list_server_removals(int|str $user_id, array $vars, str $event, str $event_spec, str $mod_new_role, str $mod_new_user, str $mod_old_user)

Listens to Collective EOT/MOD Events processed internally by s2Member.

public static bool


Determines whether or not any List Servers have been integrated.

public static bool

process_list_server_removals(str $role, int|str $level, str $login, str $pass, str $email, str $fname, str $lname, str $ip, bool $opt_out, int|str $user_id)

Processes List Server removals for s2Member.

public static bool

process_list_servers(str $role, int|str $level, str $login, str $pass, str $email, str $fname, str $lname, str $ip, bool $opt_in, bool $double_opt_in, int|str $user_id)

Processes List Server integrations for s2Member.

( 4 Methods )
Method Detail

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public static null auto_process_list_server_removals(int|str $user_id, array $vars, str $event, str $event_spec, str $mod_new_role, str $mod_new_user, str $mod_old_user)

Listens to Collective EOT/MOD Events processed internally by s2Member.

This is only applicable when ["custom_reg_auto_opt_outs"] contains related Event(s).







int|str $user_id - Required. A WordPress® User ID, numeric string or integer.

array $vars - Required. An array of defined variables passed by the calling Hook.

str $event - Required. A specific event that triggered this call from the Action Hook.

str $event_spec - Required. A specific event specification (a broader classification).

str $mod_new_role - Required if $event_spec === "modification" (but can be empty). Role the User is being modified to.

str $mod_new_user - Optional. If $event_spec === "modification", the new User object with current details.

str $mod_old_user - Optional. If $event_spec === "modification", the old/previous User obj with old details.


null - This function does not have a return value.

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public static bool list_servers_integrated()

Determines whether or not any List Servers have been integrated.




bool - True if List Servers have been integrated, else false.

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public static bool process_list_server_removals(str $role, int|str $level, str $login, str $pass, str $email, str $fname, str $lname, str $ip, bool $opt_out, int|str $user_id)

Processes List Server removals for s2Member.




str $role - A WordPress Role ID/Name, such as subscriber, or s2member_level1.

int|str $level - A numeric s2Member Access Level number.

str $login - Username for the User.

str $pass - Plain Text Password for the User.

str $email - Email address for the User.

str $fname - First Name for the User.

str $lname - Last Name for the User.

str $ip - IP Address for the User.

bool $opt_out - Defaults to false; must be set to true. Indicates the User IS opting out.

int|str $user_id - A WordPress User ID, numeric string or integer.


bool - True if at least one List Server is processed successfully, else false.


Integrate AWeber's API.

Add a separate option for mail debugging; or consolidate?

Integrate AWeber® API (much like the MailChimp® API).

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s2member\includes\classes\ at line #71


public static bool process_list_servers(str $role, int|str $level, str $login, str $pass, str $email, str $fname, str $lname, str $ip, bool $opt_in, bool $double_opt_in, int|str $user_id)

Processes List Server integrations for s2Member.




str $role - A WordPress Role ID/Name, such as subscriber, or s2member_level1.

int|str $level - A numeric s2Member Access Level number.

str $login - Username for the User.

str $pass - Plain Text Password for the User.

str $email - Email Address for the User.

str $fname - First Name for the User.

str $lname - Last Name for the User.

str $ip - IP Address for the User.

bool $opt_in - Defaults to false; must be set to true. Indicates the User IS opting in.

bool $double_opt_in - Defaults to true. If false, no email confirmation is required. Use at your own risk.

int|str $user_id - A WordPress User ID, numeric string or integer.


bool - True if at least one List Server is processed successfully, else false.


Integrate AWeber's API.

Add a separate option for mail debugging; or consolidate?

Integrate AWeber® API (much like the MailChimp® API).

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