( 49 Methods ) Todo Methods |
s2Member\Admin_Notices → admin_notices()
Update to add_action("all_admin_notices"); .
s2Member\Custom_Reg_Fields → custom_registration_fields()
Optimize with empty() .
s2Member\Custom_Reg_Fields → ms_custom_registration_fields()
Optimize with empty() .
s2Member\Custom_Reg_Fields → custom_registration_fields_4bp()
Optimize with empty() .
s2Member\Files → total_downloads_of()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
s2Member\Files → total_unique_downloads_of()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
s2Member\Files → user_downloads()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
s2Member\IP_Restrictions → delete_reset_all_ip_restrictions()
Make return value conditional, based on success.
s2Member\IP_Restrictions → delete_reset_specific_ip_restrictions()
Make return value conditional, based on success.
s2Member\List_Servers → process_list_server_removals()
Integrate AWeber's API.
Add a separate option for mail debugging; or consolidate?
Integrate AWeber® API (much like the MailChimp® API).
s2Member\List_Servers → process_list_servers()
Integrate AWeber's API.
Add a separate option for mail debugging; or consolidate?
Integrate AWeber® API (much like the MailChimp® API).
s2Member\Pages → check_specific_page_level_access()
Provide more information in the return array (like MOP Vars).
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → ()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → cp()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → ()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → ()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → ()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → ()
Optimize with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\PayPal → paypal_api_response()
Optimize this routine with empty() and isset() .
Possibly integrate this API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff512417.aspx.
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_checkout()
Build in routine to void first payment if Recurring Profile creation fails for some reason? Seems logical, even though highly unlikely.
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_aim_response()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_ajax_tax()
Check the use of strip_tags() in this routine?
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_apply_coupon()
See if it's possible to simplify this routine.
Add support for tracking Coupon Code usage.
Add support for a fixed number of uses.
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_arb_response()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_cost()
Add support for Zip + 4 syntax?
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_parse_arb_desc()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\AuthNet → authnet_postvars()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
Update to use strcasecmp() .
s2Member\ccBill → ccbill_link_gen()
Optimize this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\ccBill → ccbill_postvars()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
Update to use strcasecmp() .
s2Member\ClickBank → clickbank_postvars()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\Google → google_postvars()
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\PayPal → paypal_ajax_tax()
Check the use of strip_tags() in this routine?
Continue optimizing this routine with empty() and isset() .
Candidate for the use of ifsetor() ?
s2Member\PayPal → paypal_apply_coupon()
See if it's possible to simplify this routine.
Add support for tracking Coupon Code usage.
Add support for a fixed number of uses.
s2Member\PayPal → paypal_cost()
Add support for Zip + 4 syntax?
s2Member\Queries → query_level_access()
For improved reliability, modify other query vars associated with exclusions/inclusions. Like tag_slug__in ? See: WP_Query#Parameters
Make it possible to force filtering, even when used in combination with Query Conditionals and get_posts() , which auto-supresses. Or, perhaps strengthen the existing $force parameter in this regard.
s2Member\Registrations → configure_user_registration()
Impossible to delete cookies when fired inside: /wp-activate.php ?
s2Member\s2Get → sc_get_details()
Prevent this routine from potentially returning objects/arrays?
s2Member\s2If → sc_if_conditionals()
Add support for else if logic.
Add support for nested AND/OR conditionals inside the ONE Shortcode.
Address possible security issue on sites with multiple editors, some of which should not have access to this feature.
s2Member\SSL → force_ssl()
Add form to the array $non_ssl_attr_only_tags ?
Cleanup this routine and convert callback functions to static class methods?
s2Member\Systematics → is_systematic_use_specific_page()
Test URIs against formulated links for Systematic Pages like the Membership Options Page? Don't think this is required though; as it's already handled in other areas, correct?
s2Member\Utilities → amount_period_term()
Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through rrt="" .
s2Member\Utilities → period_term()
Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through rrt="" .
s2Member\Utilities → term_cycle()
Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through rrt="" .
( 11 Functions ) Todo Functions |
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_decrypt()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_encrypt()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_file_download_key()
Allow custom expiration times.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_login_ips_for()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_shorten_url()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_total_downloads_of()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
Create a Shortcode equivalent.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_total_unique_downloads_of()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
Create a Shortcode equivalent.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_user_downloads()
Make it possible for s2Member to keep a count of files downloaded with an Advanced Download Key.
Create a Shortcode equivalent.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_value_for_pp_inv()
Create a true Shortcode equivalent function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_xdecrypt()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.
s2Member\API_Functions → s2member_xencrypt()
Create a Shortcode equivalent for this function.