Hi Kelli-
I’m still new to S2Member, but I think I see the answers. Take these with a grain of salt, and back up your site before you try them out.
1) Check out the Custom Capabilities tutorials at http://www.s2member.com/videos/A2C07377CF60025E/ . Custom capabilities are like adding a tag to a user ( like “privilege_1”, or “privilege_2”).
To give someone a custom capability at signup, you include it in the shortcode that displays the reg form. This might be S2Member Pro Forms only functionality — check it on your installation.
Example codes:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form register="1" level="0" ccaps="privilege_1" desc="Signup now for free, with Privilege 1!" custom="www.yourhostname.com" tp="0" tt="D" captcha="clean" /]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form register="1" level="0" ccaps="privilege_2" desc="Or sign up for free with Privilege 2!" custom="www.yourhostname.com" tp="0" tt="D" captcha="clean" /]
The level=”0″ says free membership, and ccaps lists the capabilities you want to tag them with.
Make sure all signups that are entitled to the custom capability have that ccap specified. That is, if your Level 3 members also have Privilege 1, make sure the ccaps=”privilege_1″ on their signup form. You’ll have to add the custom capability to all existing members who have that privilege. I don’t know how to do that en mass – check the S2Member forums.
To make WordPress check for a custom capability before showing content, you have to switch it from checking for a role to checking for the custom capability. To do this, edit the page. In the S2Member section , specify the custom capability required (e.g. “privilege_1”).
2) Yes, you can edit their roles on the WordPress User Admin page. It will be tedious.
Say you had 0,1,2 and now you want 0,1,2,3 .
First, make a new top level – add the S3 level in S2Member > General > Membership Levels. Don’t rename the level labels yet, it will be too confusing. When you save the changes, it’ll create a new WordPress role called S3.
Go to /wp-admin/users.php .
See the row where it lists all the roles, so you can click to filter by role? Click S2 to show your top level users.
Click the checkbox next to their usernames.
At the top of the list, in the Change Role To dropdown, pick S3. Click the Change button. Now all the S2s are S3s, and nobody is an S2 any more.
Repeat this with the other membership levels. Work from highest to lowest.
Now rename your levels in S2Member > General > Membership Levels. S3 becomes whatever S2 was, S2 is whatever S1 was. Name S1 to the new level you’re adding.
Hope this helps.