You can copy the pertinent payment gateway template to your theme folder, then edit it there. This way you’ll avoid editing the s2member core files. But you’ll have to update the files every time s2member is upgraded as the file in your themes folder will take precedence over the default.
Instructions for copying it over are here:
In your template, look for the line that says:
<?php echo _x ("Create Profile", "s2member-front", "s2member"); ?>
then change “Create Profile” to whatever you want.
The “Your Profile” text is only shown to logged in users. s2Member’s JavaScript changes this on-the-fly via JavaScript, and not within the actual HTML source-code. If you want to change “Your Profile” as well, then you’ll have to do so via JavaScript which needs to load after s2member’s own JavaScript in order to override its own override. Just target the ID of the div tag that holds the text you want to change.
You can use jQuery’s text() function to accomplish this:
Someone asked a similar question about changing button text a while back and I suggested a similar fix:
By the way, the JavaScript .text() function can be used for both the “Create Profile” and “Your Profile” scenarios. This way you can avoid copying over the templates. It’s probably safer to do it with just JavaScript anyway.
You can either put this in your own script file, or load it as a separate JavaScript snippet by sticking something such as the below in your functions.php file:
function load_my_javascript_snippet()
<script type="text/javascript">
// put your jQuery code here
add_action('login_footer', 'load_my_javascript_snippet');