Thanks for the kudos, Laura!
Yes, we’re improving the export/import tool drastically in the new s2Member being developed.
The current one does that have format for the custom profile fields: the columns don’t have headers, instead, they are pairs of field name and field value, and only with the field has a value, otherwise it won’t be exported. [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Import/Export -› User/Member Importation[/hilite]
Additional extended information can also be included; even Custom Fields:
[hilite mono]"ID","Username","Password","First Name","Last Name","Display Name","Email","Website","Level[0-9]+ or Role ID","Custom Capabilities","Registration Date ( mm/dd/yyyy )","First Payment Date ( mm/dd/yyyy )","Last Payment Date ( mm/dd/yyyy )","Auto-EOT Date ( mm/dd/yyyy )","Custom Value ( starts w/domain )","Paid Subscr. ID","Paid Subscr. Gateway","Custom Field ID #1","Custom Field Value #1","Custom Field ID #2","Custom Field Value #2", ...[/hilite]
Here is a full example with all fields filled in, including extended details; and two Custom Fields:
[hilite mono]"","johnsmith22","mY!passwrD","John","Smith","John Smith","","","2","music,videos","12/31/2000","01/10/2001","12/31/2020","12/31/2021","|123.357.125.654","I-2342934SSER243","paypal","interests","fishing,biking,computers","t_shirt_size","xx-large"[/hilite]
If you supply Custom Fields, your Custom Field IDs need to match up with the Custom Field IDs you’ve configured with s2Member. See: [hilite path]s2Member -> General Options -> Custom Fields[/hilite]. If you have a Custom Field that contains an array of multiple values, you can import the array using PHP’s serialize() function. This allows you to convert the array into a string representation. s2Member will automatically unserialize the value during importation. If you have any trouble, please perform an export first. s2Member’s export files are already formatted for easy re-importation. In other words, you can use them as a guideline for building your own import files.
I suggest that you create a test user with all the custom profile fields filled out and export again to look at that user’s row.
I hope it helps.