Hello all!
I’ve just purchased the plugin and am very happy with it. I’m having trouble with the Membership page, though, and I’m sure I just committed a simple error somewhere.
The membership page for our site should know if the user is logged in or not. If they aren’t, they see a grid of PayPal buttons for the various membership levels and are reminded to log in if they are already a member on the right.
If they are logged in at level 0, they should see their information, a place to edit their profile, and the PayPal grid with slightly different text – “you can sign up for events but aren’t eligible for the member price” etc.
If they are at level 1 or higher they should see a note that says that says they are in good standing, their information, a place to edit their profile, and a cancellation button.
I tried the [s2If !current_user_can(access_s2member_level0)] conditional for the people who are not logged in, but then if you were logged in you saw that block and the block for level 0 people. Then I tried putting the public content in user level -1, but now when I visit the page and am not logged in I see nothing but “Welcome!”
I think I’m mostly there but I have tried all the combinations that make sense to me and it’s still not doing what I’d like it to. If someone could look over my code and tell me where I went wrong, I’d appreciate it.
<h4>Welcome <strong>[s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME" /]</strong><em>!</em></h4>
[s2If is_user_logged_in()]
<h4>Your Account Details:</h4>
<p>Membership Level: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL" /]<br>
Your are a: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LABEL" /]Your User ID is: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ID" /]<br>
Your Username is: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_LOGIN" /]<br>
Your Email Address is: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL" /]<br>
Your First Name is: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME" /]<br>
Your Last Name is: [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_LAST_NAME" /]
<h4>You can edit your profile using the form below.</h4>
[s2Member-Profile /]
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level-1)]
<p>You are either not a member or not currently logged in. You cannot register for events without providing user information. You may register for free or log in on the right. If you are interested in becoming a paid member, you can do so below. Paid members receive discounted ticket prices for events, and all membership donations are tax deductible.</p>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th scope="col">Membership Categories</th>
<th scope="col">Price</th>
<th scope="col"> </th>
<td>Single Adult (under 25)</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="" desc="Single Adult (under 25)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="100" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Single Adult (over 25)</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="2" ccaps="" desc="Single Adult (over 25)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="150" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Couple Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="3" ccaps="" desc="Couple Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="250" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Sustaining Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="4" ccaps="" desc="Sustaining Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="750" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Supporting Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="5" ccaps="" desc="Supporting Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="1000" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Corporate Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="6" ccaps="" desc="Corporate Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="2500" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Test Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="7" ccaps="" desc="Test Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="1" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
<p>You are a current member in good standing.
To cancel your membership, click here:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button cancel="1" image="default" output="anchor" /]</p>
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level0)]
You are currently a free member. You can register for events on the website, but you are not eligible for the member price. If you are interested in becoming a paid member, you can do so below.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th scope="col">Membership Categories</th>
<th scope="col">Price</th>
<th scope="col"> </th>
<td>Single Adult (under 25)</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="" desc="Single Adult (under 25)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="100" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Single Adult (over 25)</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="2" ccaps="" desc="Single Adult (over 25)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="150" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Couple Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="3" ccaps="" desc="Couple Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="250" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Sustaining Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="4" ccaps="" desc="Sustaining Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="750" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Supporting Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="5" ccaps="" desc="Supporting Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="1000" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Corporate Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="6" ccaps="" desc="Corporate Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="2500" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]</td>
<td>Test Membership</td>
<td>[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="7" ccaps="" desc="Test Membership" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="tdf1138.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="1" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="1" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]
Thanks in advance!
Edit: the page in question is at http://tdf1138.com/?page_id=12 if anyone needs to see it.