Hi, i am building a new site in wordpress. I use s2member to add a member area. the old site (custom made CMS) had a list of 300 member with certain fields. this system exports it to a plain xls file, please see below:
export from old system in xls columns
Username,Role,Password,First Name,Last Name, Nickname, Email,Address,Postal Code,City,Country Telephone,Mobile,Fax,Website,Company,Position,CV,
I made an export of the s2member fields (i added some custom fields), please see below:
9,"testaccount","","Test","Account","Test Account","email@email.com","","s2member_level1","","04/18/2012","a:2:{s:5:\"level\" s:10:\"1334728518\" s:6:\"level1\" s:10:\"1334728518\" }","","","","","","address","Street","city","stad","company","company","country","Netherlands","cv","curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae, curriculum vitae","email","email@email.com","fax","1234567890","member_type","Internal","mobile_phone","1234567890","position","CEO","postal_code","0000aa","telephone","0001234567","website","www.website.com"
How can i re-format the xls in to a working format for s2m to import it properly.
Could you provide a step by step tutorial?
Another question, how do you confugure paswords, is that someting s2member does?
All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.