I own a news site that offers excerpts of posts for free with the complete story behind s2member paywall. I use dw_post_more shortcode in the post, themselves and can’t find a way to redirect users back to the story from where they clicked to log in.
I though the pro log in widget would fix it but I can’t seem to get it to work in the dw_post_more shortcode definition, which follows:
function dw_post_more($atts,$content){
extract(shortcode_atts(array("level" => 1),$atts));
return do_shortcode($content);
else {
return '<strong><a href="'.S2MEMBER_MEMBERSHIP_OPTIONS_PAGE_URL.'">The complete story is available to subscribers of the newspaper or website. Please click here for subscription options to learn about joining the VOICE family.</a> <p>Do you already receive the VOICE newspaper at home? Your online subscription is free. Click here <a href="mailto:jeff@voiceofwr.com?subject=please connect my account&body=Editor, please connect my home delivery account for the VOICE newspaper with the VOICE website">to send an email to connect the accounts</a></p><p><a href="http://voiceofwr.com/wp-login.php">Or you can log in to your account by clicking here</a></p></strong>';
Am I going about this from the wrong angle?