Hi Claire.
I tried your CSV in my test installation and the 3 users were imported… Did you already have those users created in your installation? If so, trying to use the same email address or username would have prevented importing them again.
In the CSV file, the values have to be double quoted. I’m guessing that the software you used to edit the CSV file didn’t save them. It should look like this:
"ID","Username","Password","First Name","Last Name","Display Name","Email","Website","Role","Custom Capabilities","Registration Date","First Payment Date","Last Payment Date","Auto-EOT Date","Custom Value","Paid Subscr. ID","Paid Subscr. Gateway"
,"AnitaAhn","azhcc20013","Anita","Ahn","Anita Ahn","taohealingcenters@gmail.com","www.taohealingcenters.com","author",,,,,03/06/13,,,
,"MindiAnderson","azhcc20013","Mindi","Anderson","Mindi Anderson","mindi@mindiyogiwellness.com",,"author",,,,,08/03/13,,,
,"SherryAnshara","azhcc20013","Sherry","Anshara","Sherry Anshara","SherryAnshara@QuantumPathic.com","www.quantumpathic.com","author",,,,,"12/13/13",,,
Ah, the usernames will be lowercased when you import, that’s WP’s doing. Just letting you know so you don’t have the user trying the camelcase and not being able to login because it doesn’t match.
By the way, I didn’t edit the email addresses because I’m assuming you made them up. If they’re real, then please edit your post to remove the CSV and I’ll edit mine.