Hello and good day!
For some reason my Pay Pal Pro form is not working for either credit cards or through the Paypal website. Once the information is placed and the customer submits payment they get redirected back to the same order page. There is not order placed at all and no registration and no error message except in the log.
Here is my Log:
LOG ENTRY: Mon Mar 4th, 2013 @ precisely 2:24 pm UTC
PHP v5.2.17 :: WordPress® v8684 :: s2Member® v130221 :: s2Member® Pro v130221
Memory 50.27 MB :: Real Memory 50.75 MB :: Peak Memory 50.38 MB :: Real Peak Memory 50.75 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
——– Input vars: ( Mon Mar 4, 2013 2:24:40 pm UTC ) ——–
array (
‘METHOD’ => ‘DoExpressCheckoutPayment’,
‘PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC’ => ‘$49 USD / One Year Access, non-recurring’,
‘PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM’ => ‘motion-master-templates.com’,
‘PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT’ => ‘49.00’,
‘L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0’ => ‘$49 USD / One Year Access, non-recurring’,
‘L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0’ => ‘49.00’,
‘VERSION’ => ‘71.0’,
——– Output string/vars: ( Mon Mar 4, 2013 2:24:43 pm UTC ) ——–
array (
‘TIMESTAMP’ => ‘2013-03-04T14:24:43Z’,
‘CORRELATIONID’ => ‘e947113929dcf’,
‘ACK’ => ‘Failure’,
‘VERSION’ => ‘71.0’,
‘BUILD’ => ‘5331358’,
‘L_ERRORCODE0’ => ‘10417’,
‘L_SHORTMESSAGE0’ => ‘Transaction cannot complete.’,
‘L_LONGMESSAGE0’ => ‘The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method.’,
‘L_SEVERITYCODE0’ => ‘Error’,
‘__error’ => ‘Error #10417. Transaction cannot complete. The transaction cannot complete successfully. Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method.’,
Thank you!