Hi there:
I’m stumped trying to figure out why the auto-return to a success page isn’t working for me. Can someone provide insight?
I’m using Pro Forms with Standard PayPal (Express Checkout). When the user is returned from PayPal they get sent back to the checkout form rather than the page that I’ve entered into the short code.
Here’s the short code:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="1" ccaps="" desc="XYZ" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="www.recoverysuperstar.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="0.01" rp="4" rt="M" rr="BN" rrt="" rra="2" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="" captcha="0" success="http://www.xyz.com/thank-you/" /]
I noticed that in the paypal-api.log file, it says ‘SUCCESSPAGEREDIRECTREQUESTED’ => ‘false’
What might this point to as the root of my problem? Log data follows below with data Xed out for privacy.
'TIMESTAMP' => '2012-12-01T20:47:08Z',
'ACK' => 'Success',
'VERSION' => '71.0',
'BUILD' => '4181146',
'PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME' => '2012-12-01T20:47:08Z',
'PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT' => '0.01',
'PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK' => 'Success',
PHP v5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 :: WordPress® v3.4.2 :: s2Member® v121023 :: s2Member® Pro v121023
Memory 33.56 MB :: Real Memory 33.75 MB :: Peak Memory 33.65 MB :: Real Peak Memory 33.75 MB
array (
'mc_gross' => '0.01',
'protection_eligibility' => 'Ineligible',
'item_number1' => '1::4 M',
'payer_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXX',
'tax' => '0.00',
'payment_date' => '12:47:08 Dec 01, 2012 PST',
'payment_status' => 'Completed',
'charset' => 'windows-1252',
'mc_shipping' => '0.00',
'mc_handling' => '0.00',
'first_name' => 'Cookie',
'mc_fee' => '0.01',
'notify_version' => '3.7',
'custom' => 'www.xyz.com',
'payer_status' => 'unverified',
'num_cart_items' => '1',
'mc_handling1' => '0.00',
'payer_email' => 'xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com',
'mc_shipping1' => '0.00',
'tax1' => '0.00',
'txn_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'payment_type' => 'instant',
'last_name' => 'Monster',
'item_name1' => 'XXXXXXXXXX',
'receiver_email' => 'xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com',
'payment_fee' => '0.01',
'quantity1' => '1',
'receiver_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'txn_type' => 'cart',
'mc_gross_1' => '0.01',
'mc_currency' => 'USD',
'residence_country' => 'US',
'transaction_subject' => 'XYZ',
'payment_gross' => '0.01',
'ipn_track_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
's2member_log' =>
array (
0 => 'IPN received on: Sat Dec 1, 2012 8:47:11 pm UTC',
1 => 's2Member POST vars verified through a POST back to PayPal®.',
2 => 's2Member originating domain ( `$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]` ) validated.',
3 => 's2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `cart` ).',
4 => 'The `txn_type` does not require any action on the part of s2Member.',
5 => 's2Member Pro handles Cart events on-site, with an IPN proxy.',
'subscr_gateway' => 'paypal',
PHP v5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 :: WordPress® v3.4.2 :: s2Member® v121023
Memory 26.27 MB :: Real Memory 26.50 MB :: Peak Memory 26.38 MB :: Real Peak Memory 26.50 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11
array (
'mc_gross' => '0.01',
'invoice' => 'XXXXXXXXXXX',
'protection_eligibility' => 'Ineligible',
'payer_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'tax' => '0.00',
'payment_date' => '18:42:24 Nov 18, 2012 PST',
'payment_status' => 'Completed',
'charset' => 'windows-1252',
'first_name' => 'Cookie',
'option_selection1' => 'www.xyz.com',
'option_selection2' => 'xx.xx.xxx.xx',
'mc_fee' => '0.01',
'custom' => 'www.xyz.com',
'payer_status' => 'unverified',
'business' => 'xxxxxxx@gmail.com',
'quantity' => '1',
'payer_email' => 'xxxxxx@gmail.com',
'option_name1' => 'Originating Domain',
'option_name2' => 'Customer IP Address',
'txn_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'payment_type' => 'instant',
'last_name' => 'Monster',
'receiver_email' => 'xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com',
'payment_fee' => '0.01',
'receiver_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'txn_type' => 'web_accept',
'item_name' => 'class registration',
'mc_currency' => 'USD',
'item_number' => '1::4 M',
'residence_country' => 'US',
'handling_amount' => '0.00',
'transaction_subject' => 'www.xxxxxxxxxx.com',
'payment_gross' => '0.01',
'shipping' => '0.00',
's2member_log' =>
array (
0 => 'Return-Data received on: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:42:33 am UTC',
1 => 's2Member POST vars verified through a POST back to PayPal®.',
2 => 's2Member originating domain ( `$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]` ) validated.',
3 => 's2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept|subscr_signup|subscr_payment` ).',
4 => 's2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept|subscr_signup|subscr_payment` ) w/o update vars.',
5 => 'Registration Cookies set on ( `web_accept|subscr_signup|subscr_payment` ) w/o update vars.',
6 => 'Transient Tracking Cookie set on ( `web_accept|subscr_signup|subscr_payment` ) w/o update vars.',
7 => 'Redirecting Customer to Registration Page. They need to Register now.',
'subscr_gateway' => 'paypal',
'subscr_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'eotper' => '4 M',
'ccaps' => '',
'level' => '1',
'ip' => 'xx.xx.xxx.xx',
'period1' => '0 D',
'mc_amount1' => '0.00',
'period3' => '4 M',
'mc_amount3' => '0.01',
'initial_term' => '0 D',
'initial' => '0.01',
'regular' => '0.01',
'regular_term' => '4 M',
'recurring' => '0',
's2member_paypal_return_tra' => 'alphanumericstringthatidontwanttodisplayforprivacyreasons',
Thanks for your help!