I’m sure there are other options, but this one should work and I love playing with the hooks and filters… lol!
My suggestion would be to add a function to the user_register hook. Something like this should work (not tested)
1. Create a new file (if you don’t have one) in wp-content/mu-plugins/ called s2-hacks.php. You may also need to create the mu-plugins directory.
2. add this to that new s2-hacks.php file:
function dw_reg_confirm($user_id){
//This is the url of the page you want to show after registration.
$confirm_page = 'http://yoursite.com/confirm-page';
add_action('user_register', 'dw_reg_confirm');
//s2member might prefer add_action('ws_plugin__s2member_after_register', 'dw_reg_confirm');
3. Again, I’ve not tested this fully so let me know if you have any issues.
4. You can also do other things with the content of that page by using the $user_id that is passed from wordpress. If you want to see all the variables s2member sends to their action hook, then change $user_id to $vars=array() and before the “}” add die(print_r($vars)); .
May not be the best option but I hope that helps,
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by David Welch.