Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
That hack stopped working with the release of s2Member v120219.
Quick fix: change the name of your hack file, to: s2-o.php
The reason it stopped working is because of s2Member’s /s2member-o.php WordPress loader for JS/CSS files, which loads only the s2Member plugin, and excludes all others to streamline the delivery of dynamic JS/CSS files for s2Member. When /s2member-o.php loads WordPress, it only loads the s2Member plugin, and excludes all others, including all MU plugins (which will also exclude an s2-hacks.php file on purpose).
So, in short, the hack still works, but it requires a special MU plugin file name.
While s2Member does NOT load any other plugins through /s2member-o.php, it does allow for some special MU plugin file names to be used, so that in special cases, it’s still possible for developers to hack into the /s2member-o.php file. These special MU plugin files are ALWAYS loaded, even when it’s /s2member-o.php
I’ve updated the code sample here to include this important requirement.
You may create this directory and file: /wp-content/mu-plugins/s2-o.php
add_action("ws_plugin__s2member_after_loaded", "remove_s2_pro_css"); function remove_s2_pro_css()
remove_action("ws_plugin__s2member_during_css", "c_ws_plugin__s2member_pro_css_js::css");