I’m glad that helped! Thanks for the update. :)
This is a URI restriction, not a URL one. You were entering the URL, so I suggested using the URI only.
From [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Restriction Options -› URI Access Restrictions[/hilite]
Here you can specify URIs ( or word fragments found in URIs ) that are restricted to certain Membership Access Levels. Control over URIs is a little more complex. This section is intended for advanced webmasters only. That being said, here are the basics… A REQUEST_URI, is the portion of a URL that comes immediately after the domain. This is a URL http://www.example.com/path/to/file.php, and this is the URI: /path/to/file.php. In other words, a REQUEST_URI is the full path to a real ( or virtual ) directory and/or file on your domain.
In the fields below, you can provide a list ( one per line ) of URIs on your site that should be off-limits based on Membership Level. You can also use word fragments instead of a full URI. If a word fragment is found anywhere in the URI, it will be protected. Wildcards and other regex patterns are NOT supported here, and therefore you don’t need to escape special characters or anything. Please note, these ARE caSe sensitive. You must be specific with respect to case sensitivity. The word fragment some-path/ would NOT match a URI that contains some-Path/. A few Replacement Codes are also supported here.