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s2member-logs is approaching 11GB!

Home Forums Community Forum s2member-logs is approaching 11GB!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices. Last updated by  Bruce 4 years, 2 months ago.

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Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 1:19 pm #28004
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

OK, so was having some problems backing up my site with Backupbuddy. The size was ballooning quite a lot. I look thru the Backupbuddy folder tool and see that
is about 11GB! The whole site is maybe 1GB itself. Does it make sense to periodically clear this log out? Should I save a copy?

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Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 1:29 pm #28006
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

It looks like I have lots and lots of paypal-api-ARCHIVED-date-134052025.log files, many for each day at ~2.2mb each. I don’t have that many payments being processed! Is this some kind of bot attack?

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 2:15 pm #28009
Username: Eduan

Hello Jim, that is strange, you can clear these logs, s2Member just generates them if you need them. That would say, BTW, that you’re getting a lot of transactions. :)

How much time have you had your website active with s2Member?

– Eduan

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 3:15 pm #28016
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

Maybe since April 2012. I am not getting a lot of transactions, A handul of signups since then, perhaps <20. So what gives? Just delete them via ftp?

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 3:20 pm #28019
Username: Eduan

That certainly is strange then. Could you show the contents of one of those log files? Wrap it between the code tags please. :)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 5:36 pm #28024
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

Looks like the entries all look like the below. I’m not sure what below is sensitive, can you tell me if there is anything I should not be revealing so I can correct?

PHP v5.3.3 :: WordPress® v3.3.1 :: s2Member® v120608 :: s2Member® Pro v120608
Memory 54.14 MB :: Real Memory 54.75 MB :: Peak Memory 54.32 MB :: Real Peak Memory 54.75 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (en-us) AppleWebKit/534.14 (KHTML, like Gecko; Google Wireless Transcoder) Chrome/9.0.597 Safari/534.14
-------- Input vars: ( Sun Sep 9, 2012 6:37:22 pm UTC ) --------
array (
  'METHOD' => 'BMCreateButton',
  'L_BUTTONVAR0' => '',
  'L_BUTTONVAR1' => 'notify_url=',
  'L_BUTTONVAR2' => 'cancel_return=',
  'L_BUTTONVAR3' => 'return=',
  'L_BUTTONVAR4' => 'rm=2',
  'L_BUTTONVAR5' => 'no_shipping=1',
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  'L_BUTTONVAR7' => '',
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  'L_BUTTONVAR9' => 'page_style=paypal',
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  'L_BUTTONVAR11' => 'item_name=Arsenalinsider Premium Limited Special for £1.00/mo!',
  'L_BUTTONVAR12' => 'item_number=1',
  'L_BUTTONVAR13' => 'invoice=504ce1e2e5076~',
  'L_BUTTONVAR14' => 'on0=Originating Domain',
  'L_BUTTONVAR15' => '',
  'L_BUTTONVAR16' => 'on1=Customer IP Address',
  'L_BUTTONVAR17' => 'os1=',
  'L_BUTTONVAR18' => 'modify=0',
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  'L_BUTTONVAR20' => 'sra=1',
  'L_BUTTONVAR21' => 'a3=1.00',
  'L_BUTTONVAR22' => 'p3=1',
  'L_BUTTONVAR23' => 't3=M',
  'VERSION' => '71.0',
  'USER' => '',
  'PWD' => 'OMIT',
-------- Output string/vars: ( Sun Sep 9, 2012 6:37:23 pm UTC ) --------
array (
  'WEBSITECODE' => '<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="-----BEGIN PKCS7-----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-----END PKCS7-----
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
  'EMAILLINK' => '',
  'TIMESTAMP' => '2012-09-09T18:37:23Z',
  'CORRELATIONID' => '65f6205c73937',
  'ACK' => 'Success',
  'VERSION' => '71.0',
  'BUILD' => '3587318',

PHP v5.3.3 :: WordPress® v3.3.1 :: s2Member® v120608 :: s2Member® Pro v120608
Memory 54.15 MB :: Real Memory 54.75 MB :: Peak Memory 54.33 MB :: Real Peak Memory 54.75 MB
User-Agent: Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.18741/28.2443; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.10
Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 6:06 pm #28026
Username: Eduan

Hmm… What’s the name of that log file? Also, what payment gateway are you using? I imagine PayPal, but the logs s2Member generate do not look like that.

– Eduan

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 6:42 pm #28030
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

Paypal – although these are recurring subscriptions so its actually via Paypal’s Payflow or whatever its called. Filename in this case (this was a part of it) is paypal-api-ARCHIVED-09-10-2012-1347265009.log

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 8:12 pm #28040
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the heads up on this thread, Eduan

OK, so was having some problems backing up my site with Backupbuddy. The size was ballooning quite a lot. I look thru the Backupbuddy folder tool and see that
is about 11GB! The whole site is maybe 1GB itself. Does it make sense to periodically clear this log out? Should I save a copy?

It appears that your server may be archiving changes to your PayPal logs every time there is a change. It sounds that this may have something to do with your backup processes on your server. Whatever service you’re using (Backupbuddy?) is creating a new archived file every time the paypal-api.log file is changed (paypal-api-ARCHIVED-09-10-2012-1347265009.log). The s2Member log is constantly changing, but should not create any number of files (s2Member will archive log files if they reach a certain length, but you should not have too many of these).

I would suggest turning off backups for this directory, if possible, and deleting all files within the s2member-logs file, assuming you are not having any problems with your s2Member setup currently. This should fix your problem :-).

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 8:18 pm #28044
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

Hmm, I’ll ask the web host. Backupbuddy is only scheduled to run once a week and it does the whole site, not one directory. Anything else I should check for?

Posted: Wednesday Oct 10th, 2012 at 8:34 pm #28047
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

Hi Jim,

You may also want to make sure your server’s settings are set up correctly. If you could run this Server Check Tool that would be great. Also, if you are contacting your web host, please verify that there is nothing special going on with your server’s file_put_contents() function, as that is what s2Member is using to store logs.

On another note, it’s possible that your server’s configuration are not set up to allow PHP to edit files. If nothing else seems to help, you may want to check that.

Let us know how that goes. :-)

Posted: Thursday Oct 11th, 2012 at 9:20 am #28125
Jim Climy
Username: weasel

Checking on those questions – server check at

I was logged in as an admin when I ran?

Server Scan By: s2Member®
The following issues were discovered...

Tip: For additional functionality, please log into WordPress® as a Super Administrator, then come back and re-run this scan. Additional functionality includes the ability to dismiss and/or AUTO-FIX some issues.
Error[ERROR] Multibyte String Extension
Missing PHP extension. s2Member® needs the mbstring extension for PHP. This will add multibyte support to your installation of PHP, allowing UTF-8 character conversion. Please consult with your web hosting company about this message.
Error[ERROR] Default XML Reader Extension
Missing XML Reader extension. s2Member® needs the XML Reader extension for PHP. This will add XML support to your installation of PHP, and allows for the reading of XML documents. Note, this extension should have been enabled with just a default installation of PHP. Please consult with your web hosting company about this message.
Error[ERROR] Default XML Writer Extension
Missing XML Writer extension. s2Member® needs the XML Writer extension for PHP. This will add XML support to your installation of PHP, and allows for the creation of XML documents. Note, this extension should have been enabled with just a default installation of PHP. Please consult with your web hosting company about this message.
Error[ERROR] Default DOM Extension
Missing DOM extension. s2Member® needs the DOM extension for PHP. This will add Document Object Model support to your installation of PHP, allowing XML documents to be traversed easily. Note, this extension should have been enabled with just a default installation of PHP. Please consult with your web hosting company about this message.
Error[ERROR] Mcrypt/Encryption Extension
Missing Mcrypt extension. s2Member® needs the Mcrypt extension for PHP. This will add encryption support to your installation of PHP, with a variety of block algorithms; such as DES, TripleDES, and Blowfish. Please consult with your web hosting company about this message.
Notice[NOTICE] WordPress® Memory Limit
Although NOT required, s2Member® recommends that you raise your WordPress® memory limit (please set: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT in /wp-config.php), to at least 64M (i.e. 64 megabytes). Please see: this how-to article. Or consult with your web hosting company about this message. Your current memory limit allows only: 32M
Notice[NOTICE] WordPress® Home/Site URLs
Although NOT required, s2Member® recommends that your WordPress® installation be configured with a matching HOST name. This can be changed in the Dashboard, under: WordPress -> Settings -> General -> WordPress/Site URLs. Your current configuration does NOT match:
You passed on all of these scans :-)
Pass[PASS] PHP Version
You are currently running PHP 5.3.3. Minimum required version is: 5.2
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Version
You are currently running WordPress® 3.3.1. Minimum required version is: 3.2
Pass[PASS] ZLib Extension (GZIP)
The zlib extension is installed. Your server supports GZIP compression.
Pass[PASS] Default Hash Extension
The Hash extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports message digests.
Pass[PASS] Default XML Parser Extension
The XML Parser extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports XML parsing.
Pass[PASS] Default libXML Extension
The libXML extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports this important dependency.
Pass[PASS] Default Simple XML Extension
The Simple XML extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server can convert XML into PHP objects.
Pass[PASS] Default Sessions Extension
The Sessions extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server allows read/write access to session data.
Pass[PASS] MySQL Database Extension
The MySQL extension is installed. Your server supports MySQL database communication.
Pass[PASS] Default JSON Extension
The JSON extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports JavaScript object notation.
Pass[PASS] GD Image Extension (JPEG/PNG/FreeType)
The GD Image extension is installed. Your server supports dynamic image creation.
Pass[PASS] Default Fileinfo Extension
The Fileinfo extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP 5.3+. Your server supports MIME type detection.
Pass[PASS] Default Ctype Extension
The Ctype extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports character class detection.
Pass[PASS] PHP eval() Function
The eval() function is available.
Pass[PASS] PHP ini_get() Function
The ini_get() function is available.
Pass[PASS] cURL Extension With SSL Support
The cURL extension for remote communication via PHP is available (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled).
Pass[PASS] INI fopen() URL With SSL Support
The setting allow_url_fopen is on in your php.ini file (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled).
Pass[PASS] OpenSSL Extension With openssl_sign()
The OpenSSL extension is installed, and PHP function openssl_sign() is available.
Pass[PASS] Temporary Files Directory
A readable/writable temporary files directory was found here: /tmp
Your server reports this value: /home/arsenal/public_html/
Your server reports this value:
Your server reports this value: /s2member-server-check-120703.php
Your server reports this value:
Your server reports this value: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
Your server reports this value:
Pass[PASS] WordPress® MAX Memory Limit
Your WordPress® MAX memory limit (WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: 256M
Pass[PASS] WordPress® External HTTP Requests
Your WordPress® External HTTP Requests (WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: FALSE
Pass[PASS] WordPress® DB Charset
Your WordPress® database charset (DB_CHARSET in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: utf8
Pass[PASS] WordPress® DB Collation
Your WordPress® database collation (DB_COLLATE in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: an empty string
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Character Encoding
Your WordPress® installation is operating with UTF-8 encoding, under: WordPress -› Settings -› Reading -› Encoding.
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Debugging Mode
Your WordPress® installation is NOT running in debugging mode (WP_DEBUG in /wp-config.php, or by default), is NOT set to TRUE.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by  Jim Climy.
Posted: Thursday Oct 11th, 2012 at 12:16 pm #28141
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

Hi Jim,

Just to clarify, s2Member does create ARCHIVED files accordingly, but you should never get this many log files normally which leads me to believe this is a problem outside of WordPress. However, it could be possible that there is a plugin conflict or bug with s2Member causing this. I’m going to put this issue into a case issue to look into for the next major release of s2Member. In the meantime, you may want to disable logging within Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› Account Details -› Logging.

Thanks for your patience.

Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.