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Separate but Equal Membership Levels

Home Forums Community Forum Separate but Equal Membership Levels

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices. Last updated by  Cristián Lávaque 4 years, 7 months ago.

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Posted: Sunday May 6th, 2012 at 4:17 am #12752

We want to create separate but equal membership levels.

The members may opt to see either small or large cap stocks at a lower price
or they can choose all stocks at a higher price.

Is there a way to implement:
–multiple limited classes of membership
–which all have access to their individual content
–without automatically having access to the others “below” them.

I see the current_user_is() function. Is this all I have to work with?

I would like to make this work without requiring the person who posts reports to add in short codes for each post?

Is it possible to do something like this example:
Level 1:
–A Group: Sees reports on all Small Cap Stocks
–B Group: Sees reports on all Large Cap Stocks
Level 2:
— Sees ALL reports
Level 1: Sees ONLY reports on all Small Cap Stocks
Level 2: Sees ONLY reports on all Large Cap Stocks
Level 3: Sees ALL reports

There’s actually 4 levels, but i wanted to keep my example short

The best guess I have at this moment is to add code to the posts template page that cues off of the Page Title
using current_user_is() function. Then any Post containing the Words “Small Cap” would only be visible to the small cap members or the top level members.

Sorry if this is already answered.

Dave & Bill

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Posted: Sunday May 6th, 2012 at 5:16 am #12754

Hi Dave.

Level 1: Sees ONLY reports on all Small Cap Stocks
Level 2: Sees ONLY reports on all Large Cap Stocks
Level 3: Sees ALL reports

This is not something that’s achieved by default with the current release, and we’re working on making it possible soon, but for now you could customize your installation a bit to do it.

If you edit the s2Member Level 2 role, you can remove the capability for access to s2Member’s Level 1 content.

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Saturday May 12th, 2012 at 10:00 am #13303

That’s great thank you! This plugin is extremely easy to use as most questions are answered right in the admin pages. Of course I have a few sticky questions.

Can you tell me, is there a way to support both monthly and annual memberships without creating two pro-forms (monthly/annual) for each real level of access to the site?

I am using pro-forms.

I suspect that I should hack the pro-form. I was hoping to learn the “Easiest” way to do it before I start experimenting.

Also creating extra membership levels beyond the first 5 is a mystery to me. (I am using S2pro) I see hints, but again, I suspect there is an easy thing I am missing.

Thanks for your support.

Posted: Saturday May 12th, 2012 at 3:34 pm #13312

Thanks for the kudos, David! :)

Yeah, you can adjust the number of levels. It’s explained here [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› General Options -› Membership Levels/Labels[/hilite].

About the payment options for the same access, yeah, you’ll have to use different forms for now. You can do it in the same page just changing values to the form before displaying it, no need for separate pages. This article will help:

It may not be impossible to do it in the same page with an option in the form, but it’d involve some JavaScript and I don’t know how to do it.

I hope it helps.

Posted: Monday May 14th, 2012 at 10:35 am #13399

Thanks for the guidance, Cristián

I found the answer to this question. Please ignore or delete this post.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  David Fallace.
Posted: Tuesday May 15th, 2012 at 12:03 am #13438

Cool. Thanks for the update. :)

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