I am going to have a little moan now. When purchasing s2member you say that the plugin and code is thoroughly documented. You have also said in your video presentation that ‘this is the method’ and with a little look at the API scripting documentation and a little php you can do this …..
Where is the documentation? Failing no documentation simply pointing someone to your php file is not support or a remedy to the lack of documentation.
Now I may be very poor at php but it has taken me 1.5hrs to set up debugging in one of your classes to find the answer to the question. Not great documentation not great support!
by the way so everyone can benefit from my 1.5hrs in relation to your video ‘portal’ the answer appears to be:
$new_options = Array(); // s2member array for security level
$new_options["ws_plugin__s2member_level0_pages"] = $post_id; // set Level0 for this Page
c_ws_plugin__s2member_menu_pages::update_all_options ($new_options, true, false, array ("page-conflict-warnings"), true); // s2member update
If only you had told me that.