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About: Carla Madni

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Topics I've Started

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File Downloads

By:  Carla Madni in: Community Forum

voices: 3
replies: 4

4 years, 5 months ago  Carla Madni

Removing your css styles and your oops~ text

By:  Carla Madni in: Community Forum

voices: 5
replies: 8

4 years, 6 months ago  Cristián Lávaque

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My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)

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Posted: Saturday Jul 28th, 2012 at 3:18 am #20493
Carla Madni
Username: cmadni

Thank you for the assistance. I will study everything you recommended.

Posted: Friday Jul 27th, 2012 at 11:19 am #20407
Carla Madni
Username: cmadni

(I’m Carla’s developer, Lore.)
I watched the video which is far more informative than most tutorials I’ve seen. That’s high praise coming from me, because I’ve watched so many.

Based on the video, I think I should create a downloads page, which shows only those items which they’ve purchased using the custom capabilities. Is it possible to combine that purchase with a 1 year subscription at time of sale, thus restricting their access to their downloads page to one year? That would accomplish yearly licensing, and they’d get their reminder email, be able to login for support, etc. If not, would you please consider adding this in the next year, to be able to make a custom capabilities sale, and combine it with a membership?

Also, do you have information about security & whether you’ve proofed this code against injection attacks, etc? I have implemented some solutions myself, such as restricting the admin panel to my IP via htaccess, but I think a page on this topic would be appropriate if it doesn’t exist yet. I wish to cover all the bases that I can. I understand that the card information is not stored on my server, which is a good thing, but is there any danger in having the key in there? Could someone do something with that info if they got it, like somehow gain access to my boss’s bank account?

Thanks. :)

Posted: Monday Jun 4th, 2012 at 3:35 pm #15392
Carla Madni
Username: cmadni

Thanks – It seems like the Oops alert messages could be added in the control panel, like most other messages are. Use what you have as the default, since it would be fine for most applications. Just not for what I happen to be doing, which is a site that needs to be flawless.

While you’re at it, is there a way to request that S2 not overwrite my default body and header fonts that I apply in my CSS?

My entire site uses a serif font and the only thing that’s sans-serif is the alert message, so it sticks out like a thumb. But worse, many people will not even notice that they are switching Sans fonts on their sites, and will be randomly using Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri and Arial, depending on what plugins they added to what template.

The plugin authors need to use as little CSS as possible, describing only layout, not overriding the fonts, colors, line-heights, link colors and other basics, which belong in the template.


  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Carla Madni.
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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