I dont get any errors because after support contact with my host who told me my WP install had been corrupted, I have restored to a backup from 18Feb. I spent 6hrs yesterday trying to fix the problem and am still at least a days work behind where I was. (I tried resetting all the wp-config settings for hours without luck, before restoring)
I wish you had put this at the top of the instructions…
If your WordPress is already working you shouldn’t be editing those values, because they’re already filled correctly, and that’s why it works. And if they’re empty, leave them so. :)”
My DB fields were blank and there were no Security keys in the file. The instructions clearly IMO tell me that they MUST be filled out. I could not get the badge to appear in my footer or qualify green, so I figured these config fields were the reason.
STEP2: Does your /wp-config.php file have all of these configuration values filled in properly (e.g. have you setup your WordPress® Security Keys)? See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Security_Keys
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each of these MUST be at least 60 characters, and must NOT contain the default: unique phrase values that come with WordPress®. We suggest using the super easy Security Key Generator
STEP4:4. Does your /wp-config.php file have both of these configuration values? These configuration values MUST be filled in: DB_USER & DB_PASSWORD See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Set_Database_Name
Maybe to restore my confidence you can switch me to the Pro version :-)