latest stable versions: v150827 (changelog)

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About: YoniExpress

Sorry, I've not written a description yet. I'll get to it soon!

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Response empty in User Modification Form

By:  YoniExpress in: Community Forum

voices: 2
replies: 1

3 years, 8 months ago  Bruce

Create Email Representative of Placed Order

By:  YoniExpress in: Community Forum

voices: 2
replies: 16

3 years, 8 months ago  Bruce

Drop down list for payment options

By:  YoniExpress in: Community Forum

voices: 2
replies: 1

3 years, 9 months ago  Cristián Lávaque

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My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)

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Posted: Monday Apr 15th, 2013 at 9:07 pm #47562

So what’s wrong with out code? It’s all right there.

Posted: Monday Apr 15th, 2013 at 7:49 pm #47550

Does that mean city, state, zip are working fine in your test and appear in both the emails and thank you pages or that you haven’t been able to attempt it?

Posted: Monday Apr 15th, 2013 at 12:46 pm #47503

I’m working with testing this functionality in the current release.

So what did you find? Today is this client’s launch day and these are the last two pieces for this project, appreciate any advice.

Our two options are: figure out why the form values of city, state, zip etc are not populating (they are empty when they get to email and thank you page,) or let us know the best hook to intercept the email process so we can create our own email handler.

Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 6:58 pm #47352

Just re-ran, we have a checksum warning (because we had to mod custom-fields-inc.php – long story) and a memory warning, we’ve only got 40MB. I chased all those yesterday, it’s unrelated (see results above, custom fields are working in one email, not the other.)

Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 6:54 pm #47349

I just updated it today, and ran the server scanner yesterday (passed all tests.) That log entry was from just earlier (after the update,) don’t know why it shows that version.

Version:    130406
Stable tag:    130406

SSL Compatible:    yes.....(etc)
Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 6:33 pm #47342

Bruce – thank you for looking. Private form won’t be necessary, it’s sandboxed at PayPal. Here’s one entry from paypal-api-log, form data is submitting fine. Note how city, state, zip, etc. are all intact (I have descended to the point of just rattling the keyboard for some fields like fghfdhfghf.)

The problem is, part of the data is available to the user signup, the other parts to the new user registration email, and those also go missing from the thank you URL but in all cases, address, city, state, zip go empty (details above.)

Closest I can figure is it happens after curling payPal and getting a response.

LOG ENTRY: Thu Apr 11th, 2013 @ precisely 10:54 pm UTC
PHP v5.3.21 :: WordPress® v3.5.1 :: s2Member® v130221 :: s2Member® Pro v130221
Memory 3.46 MB :: Real Memory 4.00 MB :: Peak Memory 3.50 MB :: Real Peak Memory 4.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31
-------- Input vars: ( Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:54:23 pm UTC ) --------
array (
  'METHOD' => 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile',
  'EMAIL' => 'webdev@(obscured).com',
  'FIRSTNAME' => 'bill',
  'LASTNAME' => 'testing',
  'SUBSCRIBERNAME' => 'bill testing',
  'DESC' => '2 Boxes',
  'PROFILEREFERENCE' => '1368356063:0 D:1 M~(obscured).com~2',
  'INITAMT' => '17.00',
  'FAILEDINITAMTACTION' => 'CancelOnFailure',
  'AMT' => '17.00',
  'TAXAMT' => '0.00',
  'AUTOBILLOUTAMT' => 'AddToNextBilling',
  'PROFILESTARTDATE' => '2013-05-12T00:00:00Z',
  'BILLINGPERIOD' => 'Month',
  'ACCT' => '************3972',
  'EXPDATE' => '042018',
  'CVV2' => '123',
  'STREET' => 'fghfgh',
  'CITY' => 'fdhghg',
  'STATE' => 'ca',
  'ZIP' => '56789',
  'VERSION' => '71.0',
  'USER' => '(obscured).com',
  'PWD' => '1364319780',
  'SIGNATURE' => 'AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31AmWWBw7udQZarMmEHCHu-fnNQROx',
-------- Output string/vars: ( Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:54:27 pm UTC ) --------
array (
  'PROFILESTATUS' => 'PendingProfile',
  'TRANSACTIONID' => '8J152958YA825620L',
  'TIMESTAMP' => '2013-04-11T22:54:27Z',
  'CORRELATIONID' => '4425d8921165e',
  'ACK' => 'Success',
  'VERSION' => '71.0',
  'BUILD' => '5650305',
Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 12:35 pm #47314

Need to solve this today, please.

Alternatively is there a hook we can grab like after_billing_success and create our own email process? That would work, I’ll dig thruogh more documentation and the classes to see if it’s possible.

Posted: Thursday Apr 11th, 2013 at 7:01 pm #47234

I’ve tracked it as far down as paypal-checkout-in-inc.php and found that even at that point the internal variable $post_vars **STILL contains these missing values. We’ve almost got this finished, please let us know what’s going wrong here or where to look.

Posted: Thursday Apr 11th, 2013 at 5:34 pm #47231

Added yet again:

I’ve set up some tests that may help determine what’s going wrong. I temporarily removed the success= redirect and have it immediately doing some var_dumps on submit.

If I understand it correctly, the shortcode is used twice: first to load the form, second to process any redirects.

With the redirect removed, on submit, the values for city, state. etc. are all in $_POST. They are still present after a successful curl to payPal. Even in this condition, those values are empty in the emails.

Somewhere in s2 it’s nuking the values for these fields, they aren’t showing up in the thank you page (with the success= re-enabled) or in the emails.

Posted: Thursday Apr 11th, 2013 at 4:50 pm #47228

Added: we’ve been walking through setting up the thank you page in the interim (see above) and these two issues might be related. With a dump of various variables, we can see that many of the values are getting nuked, and they’re all the ones missing from the signup confirmation email (example: city, state, zip, etc.) These are straight from the default paypal-checkout-form.php, unaltered. Any idea why they are posting **empty?**

The issue with that will probably solve the email issue (I hope.)

Posted: Thursday Apr 11th, 2013 at 1:11 pm #47207

Thank you for getting back to us.

JavaScript is required for a Pro Form to function as intended, because that’s the way it was built.

2Member is indeed submitting to the framework without Javascript. I am able to dump variable/object content at various points.

And I’d also test with live, 1 cent transactions rather than the Sandbox.

We have that all working, and will go live after we work other stuff out.

Emails work (sorta,) order shows up in the sandbox, user shows up in admin, all that works . . . .

We made a breakthrough yesterday on our own and have sorted out the display issue. We now have a much easier (hopefully) problem to solve, which I’ll open in another thread.

Posted: Wednesday Apr 10th, 2013 at 5:27 pm #47114

Okay so more stuff we’ve tried:

– Verified the IPN URL in payPal’s sandbox (sitename/thank-you)

Added that URL to the success parameter of the shortcodes.

– I left our var_dump in paypal-checkout-in-inc.php which verified the successful transaction.

– Created a custom thank you page at sitename/thank you.

– Emails work (sorta,) order shows up in the sandbox, user shows up in admin, all that works . . . . still outputs an no-content page at the checkout URL. Additionally, none of the custom field info is coming through in the emails, followed your documentation to the letter.

Need a little help here, what’s up?

Edit: Entry below.

LOG ENTRY: Wed Apr 10th, 2013 @ precisely 9:16 pm UTC
PHP v5.3.21 :: WordPress® v3.5.1 :: s2Member® v130221 :: s2Member® Pro v130221
Memory 6.59 MB :: Real Memory 7.00 MB :: Peak Memory 6.65 MB :: Real Peak Memory 7.00 MB
User-Agent: WordPress/3.5.1; https://(obscured)/dev
array (
  'txn_type' => 'subscr_signup',
  'subscr_id' => 'I-WDRKLCAJY2EV',
  'custom' => '(obscured).com',
  'txn_id' => 'I-WDRKLCAJY2EV',
  'period1' => '1 M',
  'period3' => '1 M',
  'mc_amount1' => '0.00',
  'mc_amount3' => '9.00',
  'mc_gross' => '0.00',
  'mc_currency' => 'USD',
  'tax' => '0.00',
  'recurring' => '9.00',
  'payer_email' => '(obscured)',
  'first_name' => 'bill',
  'last_name' => 'testing',
  'option_name1' => 'Originating Domain',
  'option_selection1' => '(obscured)',
  'option_name2' => 'Customer IP Address',
  'option_selection2' => '',
  'item_name' => '1 Box',
  'item_number' => '1',
  'proxy_verified' => 'paypal',
  's2member_log' => 
  array (
    0 => 'IPN received on: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:16:51 pm UTC',
    1 => 's2Member POST vars verified with a Proxy Key',
    2 => 's2Member originating domain ( `$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]` ) validated.',
    3 => 's2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept|subscr_signup` ).',
    4 => 's2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept|subscr_signup` ) w/o update vars.',
    5 => 'Signup Confirmation Email sent to: "bill testing" <(obscured)>.',
    6 => 'Storing IPN signup vars now. These are associated with a User\'s account record; for future reference.',
  'subscr_gateway' => 'paypal',
  'eotper' => NULL,
  'ccaps' => NULL,
  'level' => '1',
  'ip' => '',
  'initial_term' => '1 M',
  'initial' => '0.00',
  'regular' => '9.00',
  'regular_term' => '1 M',
  's2member_paypal_proxy' => 'paypal',
  's2member_paypal_proxy_use' => 'pro-emails',
  's2member_paypal_proxy_coupon' => 
  array (
    'coupon_code' => '',
    'full_coupon_code' => '',
    'affiliate_id' => '',
  's2member_paypal_proxy_verification' => '4b2d6ea3f800c96727e93b502ea40cb7',
Posted: Tuesday Apr 9th, 2013 at 9:30 pm #46979

Okay, so I’ve got this “working” in that it submits the form, connects with the API, returns a response (which I can only see with a var dump,) but **does not output to the browser. MADDENING!

We’ve determined

– s2Member is indeed submitting to the framework without Javascript. I am able to dump variable/object content at various points.

– I discovered (and it should have been obvious) that different classes are called based on what’s entered into the paypal configuration.

– In any case, the root of the problem remains: s2Member is not returning anything back to browser checkout page.

I placed a var_dump in and get

array(1) {
  string(109) "<strong>Thank you.</strong> Your account has been approved.<br />&mdash; You'll receive an email momentarily."

Which is a big breakthrough as far as I’m concerned. Why won’t it output to the %%$#% page?

Posted: Tuesday Apr 9th, 2013 at 7:11 pm #46944

More info: the API explorer says our sandbox creds are fine:

Posted: Tuesday Apr 9th, 2013 at 5:22 pm #46942

OK, so perhaps you can let us know this:

I’ve found the include where the form posts data. An example, I intentionally used my wordpress admin login and of course it won’t let me sign up with that as a login. A var dump clearly shows the error in an array (to the effect of “you’re an administrator . . . “)

The %%response%% placeholder is intact and in our form, which is where I presume (so far) that this is where that error should output. It’s not doing that . . . just the template page with no content.

So when an error is returned, what is supposed to happen? Where would it output? There’s no placeholder for it in the original form.

Posted: Tuesday Apr 9th, 2013 at 3:41 pm #46936

Do you really need to remove part of the JS? Have you tried the pro-form with the default JS and had the blank page problem then?

There are several things that are troublesome about this, the largest being that if the form and process is Javascript dependent, it’s built of straw. Yes, we had to remove it, it was bloated with things we didn’t need and interfered with the construct of the design and function. I’ll temporarily re-enable it, but it will be looking for elements that aren’t in our forms and will probably break in a different way.

I guess I’ll have to route this out myself, what would be helpful is if we got a definitive answer on the Javascript issue. If I solve it, I’ll post the solution (like I did with my other unanswered thread.)

The link is helpful, thank you, but I’ve been to nearly every page in the documentation. I’ll look closer as time allows, that piece is later in the puzzle.

Posted: Monday Apr 8th, 2013 at 1:16 pm #46856

Any assistance on this issue? Today is their launch day.

Posted: Friday Apr 5th, 2013 at 1:21 pm #46718

I hit the logs, and there are two entries for today, but nothing showing any of the current posted data.

Another question: The client has decided different options on the pricing. Is there an easy way to apply some form of discount with different payment options without creating more levels? Example:

level 1: $9 month
Pay quarterly: (some discount OR 1 month free)
Pay bi annually: (larger discount or x months free)

From what I can see without deeper digging is we’d have to do those as multiple “levels” and we already have three levels and only see the ability to create 5 levels, wich leaves us one short. Is there an easier way to do that?

Posted: Friday Apr 5th, 2013 at 12:10 pm #46713

Thank you – you mean the JS is required to **submit** the form? All of the (other) functions are irrelevant to our environment.

Yes, it returns to the checkout page itself, with nothing in the_content() (basically a blank page.) It’s not a PHP error blank page, the template renders fine, just nothing in it.

I will send the relevant links and test CC numbers (sandbox) in the next ten minutes.

Edit: Will check logging and I sent the contact info. There was nowhere to send the test CC info, use
card # 4358145975103972
Exp 4/2018 and any CVV (123)

This is a sandbox account, so these numbers require no security. You will see the wp-admin link in the email, the dev site is at dev (then “get started”)

Posted: Wednesday Apr 3rd, 2013 at 2:06 pm #46480

Never mind. This project is overdue and I’ve figured it out, posting solution for those who might need a similar usage.

I was looking in the wrong place (sorta,) as shortcodes are ultimately parsed by W.P. It wasn’t fun locating where to grab the shortcodes, but it’s stored like so:

$sc = $GLOBALS["scode"];

(get_defined_vars() outputs what appears to be the exact same dump, seems redundant. You probably have your reasons.)

Then using the wordpress function,

$tst = shortcode_parse_atts($sc);

A var_dump() on $tst shows all the selected level shortcodes in place. More gracefully,

$s2shortcode = shortcode_parse_atts($GLOBALS["scode"]);
echo "PRICE {$s2shortcode['ra']} FIRST MONTH {$s2shortcode['ta']}";

As mentioned, a var_dump() shows all the array keys that can be accessed.

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.