Apologies for the lack of description and clarity in the previous post…let me explain what I am trying to achieve.
When users buy my product, they become the standard level1 users. I would also like to give them the option of accessing another post which has an additional download link in it. This additional access is free, but it must be requested by a logged-in user, and the link must have a time limit-expiry link, such as 12, 24 or 48 hours.
I know it sounds familiar, but I’ve watched the ccap videos, I’ve tried copying and pasting the php ‘..can access(xyz)’ into my function.php file, and I’m still not getting it.
I can create a level2 form which allows them access to this page; but, 1) I don’t want to do this as after watching the videos, I realise there’s no need – there has to be an easier way; 2) I kept getting the ’email in use’ message.
After about half-an-hour of searching, I then found from the help on this site that I can create a modification billing page; I did this, but it won’t allow me to do it for free – I don’t want to charge customers for this access, I merely want them to be able to request the page access, get it and the [time sensitive] link.
This way, I can see if users are requesting access to the same download page multiple times (there shouldn’t be a requirement for them to do this unless they get repeated crashes and haven’t backed their device up – I can only imagine it means giving their login details away: which is what I want to avoid.
Also, I want the users to use the same login information they registered with: same username, password, email, etc. I [think I] know you can do this [on the billing page], but I don’t know how to get it to do what I would like it to do. Of course, there may be an even easier or better way to do this, I know not; however, you may know.
Anything I do with php has to be done cautiously and with fingers-crossed. For example, after editing the functions.php file, straightaway all my pages were blank!! The only way I could get to the php file was through ftp and removing the offending link that way: after which, my pages magically reappeared.
This is the last piece in my jigsaw before I go live with my site, so I’m keen to get it right.
Thanks again for your assistance.