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About: Russ Crowley

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Posted: Tuesday Jul 9th, 2013 at 8:30 pm #53201

The answer is clear now.

On my Membership options, I have two possible upgrades (which users get redirected to when they try and access an area for which they don’t have access rights), and there are two forms on that page: hence the message.

I’ll have to create two new pages, and separate these forms – one to each page – and link to it from the membership options page.

Apologies for wasting your time.


Posted: Tuesday Jul 9th, 2013 at 11:06 am #53183

Hi Bruce,

After I posted this, I did some more investigating and it appears when a user tries to access a page for which they don’t have the correct ccaps, it displays this error. I’m using OptimisePress.

My users can register at L1, with limited ccaps. They can see other pages at that level, but when they click on a page within a ‘module’ the page refreshes and returns this error in a dialog box. Obviously this is not ideal, but I don’t want to have to go to every page and use conditionals (unless there’s another way?)



Posted: Thursday May 2nd, 2013 at 2:24 am #48996

I just tried this, and it works as you said it did. How bizarre!

I don’t know what you did, but I can assure you it wasn’t working before – so thanks for your help; it’s very much appreciated.

I’ve rectified the redirect as well: it was a function of one of my plugins which even though the redirect had been deleted, was still actually in effect (!?) – I deactivated the plugin and it no longer redirects.

So, I’m pleased, and happy to say, all is working fine.

Thanks again Cristian.

Kind regards,


Posted: Wednesday May 1st, 2013 at 11:14 am #48923

Check out page iId 808 ‘The Learn Thai Alphabet Application Home Page’ (which is the page which I use from Clickbank); it’s on there.

Posted: Wednesday May 1st, 2013 at 10:34 am #48916

Hi Cristian,
I’ve just sent the login details via the contact form. I have tested all logins, and they all work.

Posted: Tuesday Apr 30th, 2013 at 10:13 am #48795

Can you please update me as to what is going on?

Posted: Saturday Apr 27th, 2013 at 8:13 am #48562

Is there anything further on this?

Posted: Saturday Apr 20th, 2013 at 7:51 pm #48022

I’ve done it more than twice, logged-in as admin, and not logged-in – I still only see the green 3-pin plug.

Posted: Saturday Apr 20th, 2013 at 12:19 am #47964

All I see is a green ‘3-pin’ plug, there is no email test functionality option.

Posted: Friday Apr 19th, 2013 at 12:30 pm #47882

No I didn’t test that functionality because I followed the link you sent me, and it mentioned nothing about an email test. I followed the instructions by entering the URL \…scanner.php

I’ve just rechecked that page, and there is nothing about an email test button; rest assured, if it had said it, I would have done it.. you didn’t say it, it didn’t say it, I haven’t done it.

Please clarify (and tell me what I need to do to run this test)?



Posted: Thursday Apr 18th, 2013 at 6:08 am #47764

Hi Bruce,
Iust ran the server scanner:

– – – – –
Notice[NOTICE] WordPress® Memory Limit
Although NOT required, s2Member® recommends that you raise your WordPress® memory limit (please set: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT in /wp-config.php), to at least 64M (i.e. 64 megabytes). Please see: this how-to article. Or consult with your web hosting company about this message. Your current memory limit allows only: 40M
Notice[NOTICE] WordPress® Home/Site URLs
Although NOT required, s2Member® recommends that your WordPress® installation be configured with a matching HOST name. This can be changed in the Dashboard, under: WordPress -> Settings -> General -> WordPress/Site URLs. Your current configuration does NOT match:

You passed on all of these scans :-)
Pass[PASS] PHP Version
You are currently running PHP 5.3.21 (which is fine). Minimum required version is: 5.2.
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Version
You are currently running WordPress® 3.5.1 (which is fine). Minimum required version is: 3.3
Pass[PASS] Multibyte String Extension
The mbstring extension is installed. Your server supports UTF-8 character conversion.
Pass[PASS] ZLib Extension (GZIP)
The zlib extension is installed. Your server supports GZIP compression.
Pass[PASS] Default Hash Extension
The Hash extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports message digests.
Pass[PASS] Default XML Parser Extension
The XML Parser extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports XML parsing.
Pass[PASS] Default libXML Extension
The libXML extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports this important dependency.
Pass[PASS] Default Simple XML Extension
The Simple XML extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server can convert XML into PHP objects.
Pass[PASS] Default XML Reader Extension
The XML Reader extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server has the ability to read XML documents.
Pass[PASS] Default XML Writer Extension
The XML Writer extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server has the ability to write XML documents.
Pass[PASS] Default DOM Extension
The DOM extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports XML document traversal.
Pass[PASS] Default Sessions Extension
The Sessions extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server allows read/write access to session data.
Pass[PASS] MySQL Database Extension
The MySQL extension is installed. Your server supports MySQL database communication.
Pass[PASS] Mcrypt/Encryption Extension
The Mcrypt extension is installed. Your server supports advanced data encryption.
Pass[PASS] Default JSON Extension
The JSON extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports JavaScript object notation.
Pass[PASS] GD Image Extension (JPEG/PNG/FreeType)
The GD Image extension is installed. Your server supports dynamic image creation.
Pass[PASS] Default Fileinfo Extension
The Fileinfo extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP 5.3+. Your server supports MIME type detection.
Pass[PASS] Default Ctype Extension
The Ctype extension is installed. Comes with every installation of PHP. Your server supports character class detection.
Pass[PASS] PHP eval() Function
The eval() function is available.
Pass[PASS] PHP ini_get() Function
The ini_get() function is available.
Pass[PASS] PHP Short Open Tag: < ?
You are currently running PHP v5.3.21, with short_open_tag=on. So you're good here.
Pass[PASS] PHP Echo Tag:
You are currently running PHP v5.3.21, with short_open_tag=on. Support for PHP echo tags () is enabled.
Pass[PASS] cURL Extension w/ SSL Support
The cURL extension for remote communication via PHP is available (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled).
Pass[PASS] cURL Extension w/ SSL Support (connection test)
The cURL extension for remote communication via PHP is available (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled). Test HTTPS connection to: succeeded.
Pass[PASS] INI fopen() URL w/ SSL Support
The setting allow_url_fopen is on in your php.ini file (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled).
Pass[PASS] INI fopen() URL w/ SSL Support (connection test)
The setting allow_url_fopen is on in your php.ini file (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled). Test HTTPS connection to: succeeded.
Pass[PASS] INI fopen() URL (localhost connection test)
The setting allow_url_fopen is on in your php.ini file (and the OpenSSL extension for PHP is enabled). Test HTTP connection to localhost: succeeded.
Pass[PASS] OpenSSL Extension With openssl_sign()
The OpenSSL extension is installed, and PHP function openssl_sign() is available.
Pass[PASS] Temporary Files Directory
A readable/writable temporary files directory was found here: /tmp
Your server reports this value: /home/learnt23/public_html/ltaapp
Your server reports this value:
Your server reports this value: //s2-server-scanner.php
Your server reports this value:
Your server reports this value: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Your server reports this value:
Pass[PASS] Plugin Directory Checksum (s2member)
Scanned all directories and files in the following plugin directory: /home/learnt23/public_html/ltaapp/wp-content/plugins/s2member. The checksum for this plugin directory (ebc230cc22eb153a6f57f791b3c0db0b), matches up with the official release of this plugin (ebc230cc22eb153a6f57f791b3c0db0b).
Pass[PASS] Plugin Directory Checksum (s2member-pro)
Scanned all directories and files in the following plugin directory: /home/learnt23/public_html/ltaapp/wp-content/plugins/s2member-pro. The checksum for this plugin directory (5737f3b7a3d5de149b063e7592420219), matches up with the official release of this plugin (5737f3b7a3d5de149b063e7592420219).
Pass[PASS] WordPress® MAX Memory Limit
Your WordPress® MAX memory limit (WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: 256M
Pass[PASS] WordPress® External HTTP Requests
Your WordPress® External HTTP Requests (WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: FALSE
Pass[PASS] WordPress® DB Charset
Your WordPress® database charset (DB_CHARSET in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: utf8
Pass[PASS] WordPress® DB Collation
Your WordPress® database collation (DB_COLLATE in /wp-config.php, or by default), is set to: an empty string
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Character Encoding
Your WordPress® installation is operating with UTF-8 encoding, under: WordPress -› Settings -› Reading -› Encoding.
Pass[PASS] WordPress® Debugging Mode
Your WordPress® installation is NOT running in debugging mode (WP_DEBUG in /wp-config.php, or by default), is NOT set to TRUE.

– – – – – –

Please advise the next step?



Posted: Thursday Mar 21st, 2013 at 8:35 pm #45423

Hi Bruce,

How bizarre! Nevertheless, I’m pleased it is working correctly, and thanks for taking the time to look at this for me.



Posted: Wednesday Mar 20th, 2013 at 7:34 am #45223

I have just sent it Christian, Thanks.

Posted: Wednesday Mar 20th, 2013 at 6:00 am #45213

Thanks Cristian,

I implemented the code you gave above, and ran the echo constant, it read 27. I then set the number of days <= 1, refreshed the browser 3 or 4 times, and the content still shows.


Posted: Tuesday Mar 12th, 2013 at 1:43 am #44322

I appreciate these posts are quite old, but I’m trying to implement a ‘reverse drip’: content is available on login, and then becomes unavailable after a specified period of time.

For example using your code:

= 30){ ?>
Drip content to Members that started paying you at least 30 days ago.

How do I make this so that either content on a post or page, or an entire post and page itself disappear?

I tried changing >=30 to <=28 so users can see this for 28 days; but it doesn't work. The content is still visible.

Can anyone assist?



Posted: Saturday Feb 16th, 2013 at 9:42 pm #42012

Hi Jason, I just thought I’d follow up on here with this.

I set aside today to sort my mess out, poured over the videos (on here, again) and thought about what I was doing, what I was offering my customers, and the way that I was doing it; this time, it all ‘clicked into place’.

All told it took me an hour to do (including testing) and now I have a simple, easily navigable, customisable, and supportable site! Far easier, and better than the previous one.

Thanks again for your help.

Posted: Friday Feb 15th, 2013 at 5:44 am #41818

Thanks Jason, but unless I’m missing something, using generate Specific Post/Page Access Links requires a whole new registration with a unique email address, and the php code you gave creates a link which is freely available and is not requested by the user.

To reiterate, I’m after something which:
1. Must be requested by an existing customer
2. Is free (doesn’t cost them anything extra)
3. Allows the user to use the same login details as they first registered with, i.e. same username and same email address.

It seems to be a combination of the free Specific Post/Page Access Links,and the billing modification; or, a FREE option on the Pro Form Generator For Specific Post/Page Forms – that kind of thing.

I do realise this might not be possible at this stage, but thanks for your time and your assistance.



Posted: Thursday Feb 14th, 2013 at 1:08 am #41664


Apologies for the lack of description and clarity in the previous post…let me explain what I am trying to achieve.

When users buy my product, they become the standard level1 users. I would also like to give them the option of accessing another post which has an additional download link in it. This additional access is free, but it must be requested by a logged-in user, and the link must have a time limit-expiry link, such as 12, 24 or 48 hours.

I know it sounds familiar, but I’ve watched the ccap videos, I’ve tried copying and pasting the php ‘..can access(xyz)’ into my function.php file, and I’m still not getting it.

I can create a level2 form which allows them access to this page; but, 1) I don’t want to do this as after watching the videos, I realise there’s no need – there has to be an easier way; 2) I kept getting the ’email in use’ message.

After about half-an-hour of searching, I then found from the help on this site that I can create a modification billing page; I did this, but it won’t allow me to do it for free – I don’t want to charge customers for this access, I merely want them to be able to request the page access, get it and the [time sensitive] link.

This way, I can see if users are requesting access to the same download page multiple times (there shouldn’t be a requirement for them to do this unless they get repeated crashes and haven’t backed their device up – I can only imagine it means giving their login details away: which is what I want to avoid.

Also, I want the users to use the same login information they registered with: same username, password, email, etc. I [think I] know you can do this [on the billing page], but I don’t know how to get it to do what I would like it to do. Of course, there may be an even easier or better way to do this, I know not; however, you may know.

Anything I do with php has to be done cautiously and with fingers-crossed. For example, after editing the functions.php file, straightaway all my pages were blank!! The only way I could get to the php file was through ftp and removing the offending link that way: after which, my pages magically reappeared.

This is the last piece in my jigsaw before I go live with my site, so I’m keen to get it right.

Thanks again for your assistance.


Posted: Tuesday Feb 12th, 2013 at 1:50 am #41534

I tell a lie, I did have time, and it’s worked a treat – thanks Jason.

The options won’t let me input $0.00, Is there anyway I can give them this access for free?

Posted: Tuesday Feb 12th, 2013 at 1:17 am #41529

Thanks Jason,

I don’t have time to investigate this today; but I will tomorrow and let you know.



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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

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