Hello there, thanks for your inquiry.
1. I want to use Authorize.net as my only payment authorizer. Is this possible?
I have played around with this, and you need to accept the payment through one of the credit cards s2Member supports, as far as I know, those credit cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
Sorry for the inconvenience. :(
2. I’m using a theme called Buddy Boss for buddypress. Will this theme cause any potential problemsS2Member?
As far as I know, this theme hasn’t been reported to have problems, though you will have to play around with it to be sure, if you have any problems, please let us know. ;)
3. I want two membership levels. One paid, one free. BUT I want the free membership to be by invitation only. Is this possible?
This is possible indeed, though it needs a little trick. :)
Create a free registration pro-form:
[[s2Member-Pro-AuthNet-Form register="1" level="0" ccaps="" desc="Signup now, it's Free!" custom="cristian.websharks-inc.net" tp="0" tt="D" captcha="clean" /]]
Then change the level=”0″ value to the value of the level you want to offer for free.
You will put this shortcode in a specific post/page access restricted page, you can protect it under Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Restriction Options -› Specific Post/Page Access Restrictions. You can also watch this video by Jason Caldwell, which has a little more info on specific post/page access restrictions.
Then, when you want to invite someone to that special level, you simply create a special link, which will make all specific post/page access restrictions null. And then you give the link to the user, you can create the special link under Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Authorize.Net® Pro Forms -› Specific Post/Page Access Links.
Hope this helps. :)