When I do a test as a standard user, and I complete the renewal page, it shows me a message in a yellow block at the top of the screen “Thank you. Your account has now been updated. Please log back in now.”
With the [hilite mono]success[/hilite] attribute Raam mentioned, you can have the user sent to another page, with your own custom text, after checking out. [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Pro Forms -› Custom Return URLs Upon Success[/hilite]
It seems your hack would only email me when a Level 0 switched back to Level 1, but not when a Level 1 extended.
You may find the Payments Notification useful for this. Use it to run a script that’ll email the user the way you want. [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Notifications -› Payment Notifications[/hilite]
Here’s a video on the Notifications API: Video » s2Member (API Tracking/Notifications)
I hope it helps. :)