This would require some custom code.
Here’s an idea that perhaps you can build from; or get someone to help you with.
Please create this directory and file:
(NOTE: these are MUST USE plugins, see:
(See also:
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'check_login_status');
function check_login_status($user)
$identifying_prefix = 'lt_'; // Username prefix indicates it's for a limited time.
if($user instanceof WP_User && stripos($user->user_login, $identifying_prefix) === 0)
$last_login_time = (integer)get_user_option('s2member_last_login_time', $user->ID);
$total_previous_logins = (integer)get_user_option('s2member_login_counter', $user->ID);
if($last_login_time || $total_previous_logins)
return new WP_Error('expired', 'Sorry, your Username has expired.');
return $user; // Default passthrough.
Another way (perhaps more secure); would be a CRON job that sets a flag against certain accounts after they have logged in for the first time. With that in place, you might have something like this variation of the above routine.
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'check_login_status');
function check_login_status($user)
if($user instanceof WP_User && get_user_option('login_expiration_flag', $user->ID))
return new WP_Error('expired', 'Sorry, your Username has expired.');
return $user; // Default passthrough.
Combine one of these techniques with a real-time check on every page as well; like this.
add_filter('init', 'check_login_status_while_on_site');
function check_login_status_while_on_site()
if(($user = wp_get_current_user()) && get_user_option('login_expiration_flag', $user->ID))