I’m using the JW Player version 6 example. (btw, the long tail site says that v6 doesn’t completely work in WP….)
But it’s realy nice and you all put a great code snipped on the plugin page BUT i do not know why it won;t work for me (doh).
login: test/test
You’ll see that the path to the video file isn;t getting embedded — YES, i’ve installed and activated the plugin “Insert PHP”
My code:
// Configuration.
$s2_jw_config["jwplayer"] = "../jwplayer/"; // Relative URL path to JW Player files directory.
$s2_jw_config["mp4_video_file_name"] = "lesson-15-wi-fi-high.mp4"; // Name of your MP4 test file.
// Don't edit anything else below unless you know what you're doing.
<div id="jw-container">JW Player® appears here.</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $s2_jw_config["jwplayer"]; ?>jwplayer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
sources: /* List all available sources. */
{type: 'mp4', file: '/wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/s2member-file-inline/<?php echo $s2_jw_config["mp4_video_file_name"]; ?>'}
/* Shortcode equivalent: [s2File rewrite="yes" inline="yes" download="<?php echo $s2_jw_config["mp4_video_file_name"]; ?>" /] */
primary: 'flash' /* Try Flash® first, fallback on HTML5 or direct download of MP4 file. */,
width: 480, height: 360 /* Set video dimensions for all sources. */