I would love to hear the details!
Ok, we’ve discovered the “mystery” — and it’s not very good story i’m sorry to say. We had posted a free trial page about a month ago – and we advertised it and some people signed up and then that stopped. We forgot that the page was still live and apparently someone simply went back and found the email spam we had sent out and w-la!
I decided to just downgrade his account to level 0 and see what hanpens. If he complains I can ask him for proof of payment. It’s a total mystery how this guy got a membership.
That’s true…. but only for Level 0. I’ve never had a test form/button for a level-2 membership which is what this was. Still no record in Paypal.
@ David this sounds like your customer simply changed his pw after buying. Unless it was you that was the buyer! Something is missing from your explanation.
Please repeat all of this and take notes. It’s not really possible for password to change themselves ;-)
This is finally working for me (!!!).
The correct fields in s2m are:
Your Payflow® API Username: username
Your Payflow® API Password: password
Your Payflow® API Partner: paypal
Your Payflow® API Vendor: username
@david — are you able to use paypal forms with advanced? does it really work? does the user stay on-site and credit cards are accepted? the advanced is like $15, /mo right?
After testing with the api vender = merchant login i get the other error saying that recurring / reference trans need to be enabled. I’ll wait 48 hours before testing again.
I am getting the Error #1. User authentication failed. error now… I’m seeing other s2m threads here saying that the “api vendor” (in s2m) should actually be = merchant login.
it would be so nice if the terminology betwn s2m & pp were the same.
ps – i have not been able to confirm that this actually resolves the issue as it takes 24-48 hours for the reference transactions to be enabled. So they say.
Dave — i was having this issue as well and just got off the phone with PP (call#7!). I found out the following. Despite what anyone may have told you at PP you do need to specifically order & pay for recurring / reference transactions. The way to do this is search for a link on your mgr console home page “buy recurring …”
Do that. It’s $10 per month. If you get a system error upon submit (as i did) just click on through — the console will kick you out and you will have to re-sign in. You should notice that in the lower -right of page there will be a status message saying recurring payments is LIVE.
Now, go to s2m and make sure you have as the vendor” you company name exactly as it is specified on your contact page within the console.
Then, click your heels together and chant “there’s no place like home” 3 times.
There is only an area “integrate” where you can create/customize a checkout page (attached). They say that all that’s needed now is the partner,merchant,user = password to integrate w/payflow.
What do you think i should enter for s2m “Your Payflow® API Vendor:” ??
PP is really not doing a good job and updating their info. This “step-by-step” is for older accounts. As you can see, the manager console is completely different. I looked everywhere and there is no API credentials area. Maybe older accounts see this UI but not newer ones. Paypal is obviously not going to bother to make all of this clear, so i think you guys should because someday soon lots of s2m users will run into this also… *Paypal, the most loved way to be confused.
Latest update to this:
— the latest confusion is over the exact setup requested by s2member for proper payflow integration. The setup asks for “your payflow API vendor” – but within the latest PP manager (see attched scrnshot) the options do not use the same terminology. My guess is that S2member wants the ‘merchant name’ here… but it’s kinda scary to be guessing things when your site is live and taking orders. Also note the options in the select menu — these are for creating a user for a specific use — seems like that would be a good idea to have a dedicated user defined for s2m integration.. though i’m not sure what “role” options would be correct here…
Ok, I just got off the phone with PP and here’s the deal: for “old” accounts (i didn’t ask what = old) you have to request the payflow edition. For new accounts (yay, i am new) it’s there by-default. So, it would be helpful if your doc’n mentioned that and just directed new acct holders to go straight to the payflow credentials setup. Possibly the reason for my confusion on this is simply that PP did not send login to their “manager console” — i have yet to see if everything is available there. ~J
Thx Zech … i finally see the cancel link within PP. Some customers are having trouble finding this as well. Guesss that’s a PP issue… ~J
Sorry Cris,
my bad (again!). Mailchimp re-organized their site and i was simply unable to find the customization area for these email forms — i thought it must be something on the s2m side ;-)
i appended this message to my post for others that might have this ‘problem’:
>> JUST FOUND THIS — IT’S WITHIN THE ‘SIGNUP FORMS’ are from within the list.
ok, but the issue is_not that safari is having problems nor is it that my server is having problems playing mp4s — it’s that safari will only play mp4s when they are NOT protected by s2member.
As soon as the page/file is protexted (using level + ccaps) i get this:
html5: Video file not found
Just for fun, i did add the mime type and, it made no diff.
…. does anyone ever mention that sometimes replies don’t get posted? weird. here goes again:
is this Safari on Mac, or Safari or Windows, or both? (Do you know?)
> it’s both
Does the problem only happen whenever you use FlowPlayer to play the video file, or can you also recreate the issue with a direct link to the download?
> i can’t figure out how to make it play inline in safari — changing the s2m inline file extensions to include mp4 make try and play using quicktime (and then fails). These files play in QT just fine outside of the browser
What versions of s2Member and WordPress are running?
> s2m v 130221 / wp 3.5.1
ok, thanks – i’m just not sure what to do about these users that have paid for new sub’n products while NOT logged-in. After receiving notice from them that they were unable to access their new stuff, i went in and manually upgraded their level & ccaps. But i am wondering about the PP profile ID. Do i have to find the new PP transaction ID and copy that into their user profile?
BTW, it would be insanely great if S2M were able to recognize someone (their email address) upon returning from a new PP transaction, and nicely merge/modify their user account.
Thanks Bruce! — follow-ups:
if i remove the sub’n ID will that automagically kill the paypal subscription too?
Yes! Google wallet is coming back — they are making a big, big push into mobile payments. Love to see S2M participate!
… ok, so what i’m getting is that this is an advanced php scripting issue (via the pro login snippet)– not something that is going to be possible to do w/o a pro. Unless, of course the sidebar widget is used.
It would be so great if there were a MU plugin, or ? with this simplified but really useful option 1) on login: direct user to page OR post OR anything as long as they have rights otherwise take them to the membership options page.
This is just out of reach for us non-coders. Basic questions immediately come up for us like – where does the php code get inserted; and: does one need to include the lines for category or tag restricted content even if all content is restricted by other means (ccaps for example) …?
Questions that i guess, are basic — but will prevent someone like myself from having a nice entrance experience for my users. The login widget seems to handle most of this but sidebar login widgets really mess with many page designs.
YES – works perfectly using the mod rewrite links instead of the ¶m for skip-confirmation. THIS IS GREAT!!!