hi Eduan
Sorry if I did not make myself clear – lets try again a bit more comprehensive
In wordpress dashboard:
[Appearance][Background] i can upload an image that is in the background. This image I can position, left, centre or right, tile it horizontally, vertically or both directions. Here I use a 1200×400 pixel image which is centred in the top of the browser window.
In your setup menus,:
[General Options][Login/Registration Design] Background Configuration – I can also upload a background image (you do not make use of what is prior installed under wordpress) you give the options to tile it horizontal, vertical , tile both directions or no tiling. However, for no tiling you do not allow the positioning option that wordpress gives – you simply position in top left corner with the expectation that the user will tile it.
Thus, the Login/Registration Design does not match the rest of my site as the background image shifts to the left depending on browser window size.
This in noway distracts from the functionality it only limits the looks or aesthetics.
regards Anton