Im truly at a loss on why i am not explaining the issue in a way you can understand. I have the s2Member® (Membership w/ PayPal®). (free) membership Version 111011 installed on my site. (I have this widget active on a number of other sites. The widget works fine for each of the other sites. For some reason it does not seem to be functioning on this new site)
Site has the s2Member® (Membership w/ PayPal®). (free) membership Version 111011 installed and as you can see if you hit the site, the s2Member login is on the home page and if you hit the “LiveWire” tab, you will see the Member Options page with the abilty to login to s2Member. (if you would like to login to the s2Member uder my user name / password; (user name) john.vojtush (pass) journey7. You can see the s2Member functionality we have set up for this site and are expecting to have on
Site (the site that s2Member does not seem to be working). The site has the s2Member® (Membership w/ PayPal®). (free) membership Version 111011 installed. But when you hit the home page there is no option to log into s2Member. If you hit the “LiveWire” tab, you will come to the Member Options page with no ability to login to s2Member. I know that the site is recognizing s2Member, becasue when i log into the Word Press site as an admin the “LiveWire” page shows as the “Login Welcome Page” with no s2Member functionality. But when I am not logged in as WP Admin, the “LiveWire” page show as the Member Options page once again with no s2Member login capabilities. We are wanting the mirror the same s2Member capabilities found on
The admin credentials for the word press site are (user) admin (pass) journey7. This will provide you with full admin access to our WP site, allowing you to see how s2Member is configured.
I have purchased s2Member Pro to install on the site (I purchased primarily to talk with one of your support team members) I will install s2Member at some point, but i do not need the commerce aspect of Pro.
Sorry if i am not explaining things in a more clear manner. Screen shots will not highlight any issue as s2member is simply not functioning (login & basic profile & wall posts) where they typically function
Please feel free to enter the respective site to see if I have not confirgure s2Member properly.
Thank you, John