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About: Sarah Goodwin

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Do not access this file directly.

By:  Sarah Goodwin in: Community Forum

voices: 3
replies: 6

3 years, 7 months ago  Bruce

Don’t see all the S2Member options

By:  Sarah Goodwin in: Community Forum

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3 years, 8 months ago  Bruce

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Do not access this file directly.

By:  Sarah Goodwin in: Community Forum

voices: 3
replies: 6

3 years, 7 months ago  Bruce

Don’t see all the S2Member options

By:  Sarah Goodwin in: Community Forum

voices: 3
replies: 6

3 years, 8 months ago  Bruce

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Posted: Sunday Jun 2nd, 2013 at 2:14 pm #51186

I believe it’s fixed. The problem had to do with bad SCRIPT_FILENAME, which was a side-effect of the PHP-FPM config, where you have to tweak the paths with symbolic links in order to only pass PHP through the PHP handler and nothing else (e.g. static files).

My edited prepend.php file:

$_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] = str_replace( '/mywebsite-virtual/', '/', $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] );

// this is just totally wrong,  file does not exist
// how is a non existent path going to be useful to the server?
// in any case it's causing problems with Wordpress
//$_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ] = str_replace( '/mywebsite-virtual/', '/', $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ] );

$_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] = str_replace( '/mywebsite-virtual/', '/', $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] );
Posted: Sunday Jun 2nd, 2013 at 11:49 am #51177

ah ha! ..
when I access the file s2member.php on the dev system that is working correctly I get:

Do not access this file directly.

when I access on the broken production I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_bloginfo() in /opt/ibiology/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member.php on line 113

This means it fails for some other reason to include the necessary files to run, and the “do not access” is just a symptom down the road for that.

So I’ll look at include paths? And dump out some super globals…


Posted: Friday May 31st, 2013 at 12:34 am #50978

Yes, right after clicking on Activate.

The string “do not access this file directly” is in all of the s2member source code files. Is there some PHP or Apache config that would lead to this? The exact same source and database works on a development host.

I don’t know the steps to make it happen, if I knew that I’d have fixed it ;-)

Posted: Monday Apr 15th, 2013 at 10:42 pm #47574

Thank you for looking into this. Actually you will not be able to FTP in, as I am webmaster for a site that lives behind a hyper-secure firewall and can barely get in myself, after a two step VPN, etc. process. In fact, I’m pretty sure this has something to do with the server access. When I activate the plugin, it is supposed to create two folders in the plugins root folder. (I know because I watched a video about it.) I don’t see any of these folders. It should be s2member-files and s2member-logs folders. Also I can’t update s2member and I get the following message:

Removing the old version of the plugin…

Could not remove the old plugin.

Plugin update failed.

Do you think it could be a server config problem? If so, I can put you in touch with our server admin, who is behind the firewall and can help to fix it. He also has access this forum.


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