I had a similar problem where I could not log in on any account from my own computer but others could log in fine. I tried several different computers in my house, had all the IP restriction information cleared, reset the password. BBpress had been disabled and used the reset/roles capabilities. Still I could not log in under either my admin account or a test account I had created under an S2 membership level. I cleared my own cache, cookies etc and even reboot my computer. Still wasn’t able to access the site. The log-in kept giving me an error as if the UserID didn’t exist or the password was wrong. Finally in an act of desperation I reboot my router which gave me a new IP address. For whatever reason, that fixed the issue. However, now I have another person with WordPress admin access and they can’t log in either. As far as I can tell, there is some kind of bug in that area. Upon reading other forum posts with similar log-in issues, I wonder if it has something to do with the BBpress integration. We found that bbpress wasn’t going to work with our forums so we disabled it and that appears to be when the problems started.