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About: Phil Jones

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Change The Registration Page URL?

By:  Anonymous in: Community Forum

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4 years, 8 months ago  Phil Jones

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Posted: Monday Apr 16th, 2012 at 1:57 pm #10907
Phil Jones
Username: philj

Thanks David. I get the impression that your thinking evolved as you wrote the post (It happens to me also).

My plan was to put the “tempter/taster” as text next to the pdf and only allow access to the PDF is they were registered/logged-in. So it should be relatively straight forward.

So, I think you are saying (in the latter paragraph) I could, in this circumstance, open the form in a (new window or) pop-up, or a modal-form. That is great.

(Now I just need to know how!)

However, what is your concern in the first sentence that I could not do a modal-form “because it does not send the form though ajax”?

I quite like the idea of a modal form. Does your thought still stand? What is the problem?



Posted: Monday Apr 16th, 2012 at 9:01 am #10888
Phil Jones
Username: philj

Thank you David – I look forward to hearing from you.

Posted: Monday Apr 16th, 2012 at 8:58 am #10887
Phil Jones
Username: philj

Hi David,

I am doing free membership. In essence I want to lock down content so people only download my PDFs/videos and some wordpress pages and posts IF they give me their email and details first.

Later I would like to (possibly) offer paid members , but certainly paying for specific product. More likely, pay for specific products.

I am curious how this alters your answer.



Posted: Sunday Apr 15th, 2012 at 12:33 pm #10845
Phil Jones
Username: philj


Does that mean with the Pro version it is possible for create (replace) the registration page as a pop-up?

I am trying to keep the new member on the page from which they subscribed.



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