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Upgrading Members asked for name,user,pass et

Home Forums Community Forum Upgrading Members asked for name,user,pass et

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices. Last updated by  Bruce 3 years, 4 months ago.

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Posted: Tuesday Jul 9th, 2013 at 3:54 pm #53193

1 week ago a client received her last upgrade and had a subscriber email her saying he could not upgrade. I logged into a test account and noticed that even though I was logged in using s2widget, it was asking for all my info. Name, email, user, pass, pass confirm…everything. Just like I was joining.

I am using Pro forms and subscription mod which is putting in the modify=”1″ correctly.

I then tried it with another browser as the admin and where I used to get “the warning” about breaking my privileges, it is also asking for all my info. Over to the right I see my logged in info in the widget.

I disabled “everything” except s2 and it still does it.

Anyone else seeing this?

While this is not an upgrade failure…it is not correct behavior so I am assuming a connection.

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Posted: Thursday Jul 11th, 2013 at 5:39 pm #53320
Username: Eduan

Hello Victor,

So if I understood correctly the problem you’re having is that when users are trying to upgrade they get a full registration form instead correct?

Have you made sure you’re using an upgrade/modification form? Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Pro Forms -› Billing Modification Forms.

The s2Member login widget only offers login and link to registration, and some useful links when the user is logged in.

– Eduan

Posted: Friday Jul 19th, 2013 at 3:45 pm #53693

Yes we are using the modification forms. modify=”1″ is in the shortcode and yes it is asking for username pass name etc.

I notice as the page is loading that it briefly displays billing info then disappears. I am using pro form with paypal as only option in both of the fields…well see below

[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form modify="1" level="4" ccaps="" desc="Sod Membership $25.00 / Monthly" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="" ta="0" tp="" tt="D" ra="25.00" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" rrt="" rra="10" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="" captcha="0" /]
Posted: Tuesday Jul 23rd, 2013 at 3:12 am #53836
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

Thank you for reporting this important issue.

I’m very sorry for the delay in response.

We’ll take a look at this. Can you send us a Private Contact Form submission here, please?

See: s2Member® » Private Contact Form

We’ll need a Dashboard and FTP login. Thank you very much for your patience.

Posted: Thursday Jul 25th, 2013 at 5:27 pm #54111


Action taken: I posted a private contact form and referenced this Topic.

Posted: Thursday Jul 25th, 2013 at 5:31 pm #54112


Posted: Friday Jul 26th, 2013 at 11:58 pm #54193
Username: Bruce
Staff Member


Got it. Taking a look now.

Posted: Saturday Jul 27th, 2013 at 12:36 am #54194
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

Thanks. I was able to reproduce this on a test installation. I’m contacting the development team about this and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

In the meantime, you can reproduce this behavior using Shortcode Conditionals in the short term.

See: Knowledge Base » Simple Shortcode Conditionals

Posted: Saturday Jul 27th, 2013 at 3:48 am #54199
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

I notice as the page is loading that it briefly displays billing info then disappears. I am using pro form with paypal as only option in both of the fields…well see below

After taking a look at this, we have found that the issue I was reproducing was a separate problem with my local environment. The issue with your site appears to be that s2Member’s CSS/JavaScript isn’t loading on the Pages that you have your Shortcodes on.

This was hard to track down because your JavaScript and CSS does load normally on pretty much every part of your site but these pages. If I take a look at /join-here-sod-membership-25month/ on your site, your head tags look like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=";subset=latin,latin-ext">
<style type="text/css" media="screen">...</style>
<style type="text/css">...</style>

This portion of your Page should have multiple <script> tags, where it doesn’t. It looks like your theme is missing a call to wp_head() in this template. You should get your theme’s developer to look into this.


Posted: Sunday Jul 28th, 2013 at 9:22 pm #54310

Not sure why you are seeing that…

When I look at the source here is what I see between the title and /head

I see the s2 scripts in the list yet it still is asking for full name etc even while I am logged in.

<title>Join Here Sod Membership &#8211; $25/Month &#187; Foundations In Torah</title>
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Posted: Sunday Jul 28th, 2013 at 11:18 pm #54313

I see the same issue on another server on different site with different theme too and just checked a 3rd client on his own box and each time I upgrade I am prompted for usernames etc etc. I am clearly logged in on each site using the s2 login widget too.

So I have 3 separate sites, 3 separate server environments, 3 different themes and individually assorted sets of plugins all producing this when I login as an entry level subscriber trying to upgrade.

Am I correct that the username and email fields should be already filled in and un-editable? That is not what I see.

Posted: Sunday Jul 28th, 2013 at 11:43 pm #54320

Question…I run most clients thru cloudflare. Any chance something is being served cached that we do not want served from cache? Just a thought…

Posted: Tuesday Jul 30th, 2013 at 12:28 am #54367
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

I see the s2 scripts in the list yet it still is asking for full name etc even while I am logged in.

Looking at your page now, that appears to be the case now. However I had done a complete copy of your header in my previous reply and this was the case. I’m sorry for the time wasted on this as it doesn’t seem to have helped your problem.

Am I correct that the username and email fields should be already filled in and un-editable? That is not what I see.

When you view a Modification Pro Form as a non-logged-in User, you should be prompted with this message, as on the default WordPress theme:

This error is meant to be only for site admins, really. The correct way to use Modification forms is to use Shortcode Conditionals to decide when a User needs to be given the form.

I’ve been unable to reproduce this issue on any of my development environments, and neither has our development team.

Posted: Thursday Aug 1st, 2013 at 1:23 am #54579

When you view a Modification Pro Form as a non-logged-in User, you should be prompted with this message, as on the default WordPress theme:

Thanks Bruce, but I AM logged in….I am not logged out.

I am using a brand new test account and trying to upgrade it. The new account is a Level 1 free member and I am trying to upgrade it to a level 4 paid member. While I am logged in with all data displayed in the S2M pro login widget, it is asking for me to enter a username, passwords, email etc on the upgrade form.

I would provide a screenshot, but there is a new issue with the Pro upgrade that has killed my Pro login Widget from appearing. see =(

Posted: Friday Aug 2nd, 2013 at 11:47 pm #54797
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

I am using a brand new test account and trying to upgrade it. The new account is a Level 1 free member and I am trying to upgrade it to a level 4 paid member. While I am logged in with all data displayed in the S2M pro login widget, it is asking for me to enter a username, passwords, email etc on the upgrade form.

I see. I was not aware that this was the issue. The only thing I can suppose is the problem here is possibly something to do with Object Caching, or that s2Member’s JavaScript is not loading. Taking a look at your site I can see that s2Member’s JavaScript is being brought in. You mentioned you were using Cloudflare, is it possible to test with that off?

Posted: Thursday Aug 15th, 2013 at 10:29 pm #55967

I tracked the problem down to cloudflare. I saw it as the common denominator on a few sites with the issue. Then I noticed another site that was not having the issue was also using cloudflare. I did a side by side comparison of the settings and lowered how aggressive it was set and everything started working

I will now be using Amazon S3 to offload much of the content instead and hope to keep the same performance

Thanks for all your help!

Posted: Thursday Aug 15th, 2013 at 11:04 pm #55973
Username: Bruce
Staff Member

I did a side by side comparison of the settings and lowered how aggressive it was set and everything started working

That’s great to hear. I’m sorry this was such a pain to track down. I’m not too experienced with Cloudflare, so I did not know if that would be the issue or not. Thanks for the information.

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