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Posted: Wednesday Jul 10th, 2013 at 9:02 am #53229 | |
I don’t know. When I typed in the password it only had one field and no verification, and the field was password type so I couldn’t see what I was typing. Maybe I mistyped the password? |
Posted: Wednesday Jul 10th, 2013 at 8:49 am #53225 | |
Thank you Bruce. I’ve setup an admin user and an SFTP user and sent the info in the private contact form. At the same time we’re also getting new sign ups returned to the sign up page after logging into PayPal and clicking the confirm subscription button. When this happens they’re not charged a sign up transaction, we’re not credited for a new subscription, there are no emails sent to the would be subscriber, and the sign up page is empty with no message as to why they were returned. Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Jul 10th, 2013 at 8:21 am #53219 | |
Hello Bruce, Thank you for this info. If I use a Thank You page, according to the info at… s2Member® -› PayPal® Pro Forms -› Custom Return URLs Upon Success, …what do I do about the PayPal® PDT Auto-Return Integration setups? Will there be a conflict? And I looked at this page and section and I do not see anywhere to specify that s2Member should use a page such as thank-you. I’m looking for the ability to have PayPal return a successful subscriber to a Thank You page, where we could have a generic message as well as use some of the common s2Member [ short codes]. Also, related to this, is there a way to send PayPal failures to a failure page? E.g. so that we can create a custom message for the ever so common Error # 36 message –which is meaningless to a would be subscriber, and leads to a small chain of emails with them each time. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Jul 10th, 2013 at 8:06 am #53215 | |
Thank you Bruce, PayPal requested that we turn on logs and send them to PayPal so they can review the IPN info sent to them. This is unusual because we’ve enjoyed successful transactions for several months now. And we didn’t change any of the settings in s2Member–especially any of the PayPal settings because we know things can get ugly suddenly. How can I send you logs? And which logs do I send you? This is AAA Urgent for us. It literally happened right now in the middle of a membership drive where we’ve expended significant resources to get people to go to our site and sign up. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 1:23 am #49804 | |
TJ! Elegant, simple and perfect solution! I only wish our friends at s2Member had designed the CSS classes and IDs so that all fields could be changed with single code elements (e.g. s2member-field-email, s2member-field-first-name, etc). …but this is a superb work around! And it gives an excellent way to refine the forms. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 26th, 2013 at 12:07 pm #48504 | |
Cristian, Than main thing we want to know if we can enter a Paid Subscriber ID and then set the member’s gateway to PayPal–inside of s2Member. And if this is doable, will doing it enable the manually entered members (who are paying), to be synced up with PayPal and s2Member so that if they EOT it will happen as expected. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 26th, 2013 at 12:04 pm #48503 | |
Hello Cristian, We have the API notifications set up already and they’re working–we get individual notifications and a daily report/summary/digest would be useful. Our goal is to get a monthly report out of s2Member so we can compare it to the PayPal info. It is difficult to compare s2Member to PayPal on a day by day basis due to the EOT difference where a member continues to have access until their payment date. So the pairing/matching is not exactly a day to day sync. A member may stop paying on PayPal and PayPal will report them as such. But then s2member won’t give them an EOT until the actual payment renewal date (based on the date they joined.) On the other items, the members we need to sync up are people who joined the site before we used s2Member. These members have been entered manually. We want to know if we can go back into these records and enter a PayPal Paid Subscriber ID number. Then set their subscriber gateway to PayPal. We’re hoping that if we get all the paying members in a report from PayPal, that we can compare that to a report from s2Member and find the members who are not paying on PayPal, and the members who are paying on PayPal. And we can see from the s2Member report which members do not have a Paid Subscriber ID. Then we can manually demote all of the non-paying members. And we can enter the PayPal Paid Subscriber ID for the members who are paying, but don’t have PayPal info in s2Member. We’re hoping that by doing this exercise we can isolate the exceptions and finally stop the issue where members have paid access but they are not paying and they never get an EOT demotion. Integrations are there and registrations work–as do EOT’s, cancellations, upgrades and downgrades, for the majority of our membership. We do have logging enabled. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 26th, 2013 at 10:13 am #48490 | |
Hello Cristian, Here’s what WPEngine has done: "...setup an Nginx rule which should allow .htaccess rules to properly apply to files in your /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/ directory." So I’m testing with the mod rewrite URL from above: /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/s2member-file-remote/s2member-file-inline/ I’ll let you know what happens. Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Apr 24th, 2013 at 3:40 am #48264 | |
Hello Cristian, I tested the query string format on two podcast posts from last Friday, April 19, 2013. And when I saved the posts it gave this error at the top of the page (above where it said the post was updated): Error [http://www.domain.com/?s2member_file_inline=yes&s2member_file_remote=yes&s2member_file_download=file.mp3]: Unable to determine content type of media (e.g. audio/mpeg). Verify file extension is correct and try again. And then I tested the link by checking our podcast in itunes for that day–and it worked. However I’ve since discovered that the two podcast posts didn’t save that new query string URL–they reverted to the old URL. So BluBrry PowerPress stripped out the query string URL. That leaves us with the option to get WPEngine to repair the mod rewrite URL. I’ll keep this thread updated with our progress for others to reference. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Tuesday Apr 23rd, 2013 at 12:56 pm #48200 | |
Hey good people, Another item… We use BluBrry PowerPress, and in the podcast posts, Podcast Episode meta box, the Media URL field has a “Verify Media” button. We can click this after we enter the URL and it will check the file and give a message (E.g. “Media verified successfully. “). However, when I use the above query string URL: …we know the media file is there, but the Verify Media message says, “Media URL contains characters that may cause problems for some clients. For maximum compatibility, only use letters, numbers, dash – and underscore _ characters only.” While I need media authentication back again, I don’t want to create a trickle down problem where our site is working as it should but now some media players cannot access the files. Do you have some insight into this issue where the s2Member query string may not work on some devices? Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Tuesday Apr 23rd, 2013 at 9:35 am #48191 | |
Hello my friends, Thank you for the updates and solution. I copied the info to WPEngine so that they can take a look at resolving this on their servers. Meantime… I tested the normal query string on our live, staging, and sandbox sites, as well as on the bare bones install I did on WPEngine, and another bare bones install I did on a separate premium shared host. Most interesting was that our live site, which has the buckets set to full public access–required authentication using this link. Then the streaming worked. Our Staging, Sandbox, Bare bones and the Bare bones unique host site all use the same test Amazon AWS account, same S3 bucket, but of course each use their own unique s2Member generated CloudFront distributions. I tested in logged in browsers and in logged out browsers. The result was the same each time. Our Staging installation and my non-WPEngine hosted installation asked for authentication, and then began streaming! However the Sandbox and the Bare bones installs on WPEngine, which use the same account info–asked for authentication and then gave this error:
That seems crazy because all four use the same AWS info and have the same settings in s2Member. When I set up each of the sites, I diligently flushed the AWS info using the s2-hack PHP file method, then entered only the S3 info and saved. Then I entered the CloudFront info and saved. In all four instances the CloudFront distributions set up perfectly when I saved the s2Member settings. – – – The only reason this is a concern is because now my next step is to go to the Live site and do two things: A. Set the S3 bucket back to default settings so that it always authenticates for all files, and …the concern comes in that two of four sites don’t work. And while the main goal is to reestablish authenticaiton on our live site, it would also be nice to set up our Staging and Sandbox sites to use the same AWS account and S3 bucket as we do on the live site. Any thoughts on how that will work or fail? …and advice? Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 19th, 2013 at 3:51 pm #47891 | |
Hey Cristian, I setup everything again on a completely different offsite server (at another host). This is a bare bones install on a multisite also. All the “s2Member loves Amazon AWS S3 and CloudFront” setups worked perfectly. Here are the link structures I’m testing with: STREAMING /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/s2member-file-remote/s2member-file-inline/ DOWNLOAD /?s2member_file_storage=s3&s2member_skip_confirmation=yes&s2member_file_download= – – – Logged in results Download = works perfectly. Streaming = this error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The specified key does not exist. – – – Logged out results Download = Taken to Member Options page. Streaming = Authentication requested!!!!!! So that is working again–however (but), after authenticating correctly I get a 404 error (I tested with two unique user accounts). – – – So I’m getting different results on a non-WPEngine server. That’s all there is and there is no more. Your thoughts? Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 19th, 2013 at 11:25 am #47879 | |
Cristian, An important clarification… You mention, ” I just tested the mod-rewrite format with a file in my own test installation with Amazon S3+CF integration, and I could download the files just fine…” We can also download without any problems. This is a streaming only issue. All of our video files download and stream. This was not the case three weeks ago. Thanks, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 19th, 2013 at 11:22 am #47878 | |
Hey Cristian, Thank you for the help. I’m now monkey-in-the-middle. I posted this at WPEngine support: “…we gave s2Member Admin access to our site on WPEngine as well as admin access to our AWS Amazon account. They logged in and did testing and came back with many things. They also mentioned: “‘It seems the mod-rewrite is not working, although the .htaccess in s2member-files seems fine. I’m guessing that WP Engine may have something to do with this.’” They responded: “Thanks for your message! I would be happy to look into it further. Can you please elaborate on how the mod-rewrite may not be working? Can you explain to me how to replicate the error?” I don’t know what to tell them about the mod-rewrite. I’ll copy and paste some of the info you’ve shared above. Lastly, can I please get you logins to the bare bones site we made that also fails? Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Thursday Apr 18th, 2013 at 2:19 pm #47797 | |
Hello Cristian, I finished setting up s2Member and AWS on the new bare bones site. Everything set up correctly (s2Member, S3 credentials and bucket, as well as the CloudFront credentials and the s2Member created download distribution and streaming distributions). On the AWS side both of these distributions are created and enabled. Download works: …and streaming fails: This is using the same AWS account and S3 bucket as mentioned and tested above. The bucket was created and left as default–which Amazon AWS recommends. And it is secured. The download and streaming distributions are new and created by s2Member. They are enabled. So a bare bones site with s2Member and AWS info–no other plugins–fails to stream. Streaming worked three weeks ago, before I started this ticket. Something changed between WPEngine, s2Member and AMazon AWS–and it also affects this bare bones site. I now see that the theme and plugins are not part of the problem. Chris |
Posted: Thursday Apr 18th, 2013 at 1:43 pm #47795 | |
Thank you for the help Cristian, 1. It is the staging install. The live site is completely separate. 2. I added you as an admin to the site, but I forgot to add you as a network admin–I’ll do that now. Done (“Important: This user has super admin privileges.”). 3. I’ll ping WPEngine about this: ” It seems the mod-rewrite is not working, although the .htaccess in s2member-files seems fine. I’m guessing that WP Engine may have something to do with this.” 4. Thanks for the catch on the URL with the slash before the file name–that was a typo. The real URL works for the download. 5. The CF distribution worked fine and setup fine. 6. I include the full contents of the .pem files (including the —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– and —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–). 7. I’m also testing the account, bucket and s2Member created distributions on a bare bones site install on WPEngine. This will eliminate any issues with theme or plugins. It’s the default 2012 WP theme with only s2Member installed. 8. When I set up this S3 bucket I went with the default settings. Then I entered the correct security credentials and s2Member successfully configured the two CloudFront distributions. So I don’t understand the errors with the distributions you mentioned. ANd I don’t understand the need to redo it–it was working, both Download and Streaming distributions were set up and enabled on the AWS side. And the download worked–only streaming fails. Is it possible for you to give me an example of a perfect streaming URL format? Is this the correct URL to use when s2Member has our bucket, keys and has created the CloudFront distributions: …or did any part of this change recently? /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/s2member-file-remote/s2member-file-inline/ …or is there a more preferred URL? E.g. http://www.domainname.com/s2member-this/s2member-that?andfilename=filename.mp3 That way I can stop trying all the different examples and use one that is known by s2Member to work. And again, we’ve only got a streaming issue on our live and staging sites–download works. I’ll update with what I discover on the bare bones site. Thanks, Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Apr 17th, 2013 at 7:54 am #47657 | |
Hello Cristian, The above link also gives a 404: I’m sending the info you requested via the private contact form. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Tuesday Apr 16th, 2013 at 7:11 am #47601 | |
Thank you Cristian, On our live site we’ve made the S3 bucket public so that our podcast will continue to serve–it should be member only. On our staging site we have the default bucket setup, with default s2Member S# and CloudFront distributions. On our staging site we have a subdomain so we do not use the www there, as we do on live. This link format: http://ourdomain.com/wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/filename.mp3 …also fails with a 404 error. I really, really need to get the URL signing working with s2Member and these files from the Amazon S3 bucket using CloudFront streaming. They download but will not stream. Please help me figure out what’s going on here–we’re into week number three with s2Member generated URLs not working for streaming. I’m at the point where we may need to abandon s2Member for authenticating links and move to a signed URL generator. I don’t want to do that because s2Member should work. Can we escalate this and get it resolved? I’d like to give you our live site and our staging site logins and see what you guys discover. We pay for s2Member Pro. And we’d love to pay for s2Member Premium Support. We have a paying membership over 10,000 and the podcasts are now unauthenticated for three weeks becuase s2Member cannot make a signed URL for streaming. Thank you for your continued support. Chris |
Posted: Monday Apr 15th, 2013 at 7:26 am #47481 | |
Thank you Cristian, I get a 404 error if I use that link with our domain and our file name. |
Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 1:38 pm #47318 | |
Hello my friends at my home away from home… Back to the main issue: The MP3 audio files will download but they will not stream using the s2Member generated URLs! On our Amazon AWS account: I set up a new S3 bucket with the default (protected) configuration. On our staging site: I cleaned s2Member with the s2-hacks.php URL/?reset_aws=yes I go to a media file with the URL for streaming and IT FAILS (it used to work!): I create a post and add the URL for download and IT WORKS: IT REALLY, REALLY seems that s2Member is not creating a valid STREAMING signed URL (or the URL we have used for a long time has now changed). Amazon AWS support keeps pointing to the streaming singed URL in their responses to us. They tell us that the bucket is set up correctly and the file is there. And if download works but streaming fails that it is the streaming signed URL failure. btw The ticket at Amazon AWS support is three times as long as this ticket here in s2Member. They referred me to: And I’ve lost loads of time testing with the Amazon S3 Policy Generator: http://awspolicygen.s3.amazonaws.com/policygen.html And I’m very careful about bucket naming: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html Thank you for hlpeing resolve this! :) Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Apr 10th, 2013 at 2:47 am #47029 | |
Hey Bruce, This one came in 19 hours ago: Maybe it’s asking me to Approve, Trash or Spam it because I was the author of the post? However I thought only site admins would get these emails. Lastly, you good people should consider using Akismet (free), or some other plugin that filters spam on the site. Also, another good requirement is to only allow registered and logged in users to do anything on the site–then you could track these idiots. When your site is so open many SEO gray and black hat tools such as SENukeXCr find your site and automate these things. You gots to be pro-active in blocking non-registered people in today’s internet world. Chris – – – from: s2Member® – – – A new trackback on the post "How to Hide Member Pages in Site Map & Menu" is waiting for your approval Website : christian louboutin men (IP: , CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN for the opening of the Shanghai store boutiques... Approve it: http://www.s2member.com/wp-admin/comment.php?action=approve&c=198 – – – |
Posted: Wednesday Apr 10th, 2013 at 2:23 am #47023 | |
Thank you Bruce! I like hearing about additional info posted to important topics. However each of these emails I receive is not about the topic–they’re all spam advertisements. How can I get non-spam, legitimate updates to posts on s2Member? And why does it ask ME to approve the comments?! I’m not an Admin at s2Member. Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Friday Apr 5th, 2013 at 8:52 am #46692 | |
Hey Cristian, Thanks for the support. I believe this also, and I realize it’s easy to test–but I’m leary of testing this because we upset our members a couple of months ago when we accidentally used the same bucket on our staging site as we had on our live site. Needless to say all media died on our site and we didn’t know what the hell had happened! …and my director made me sit in the corner for an hour because I didn’t know what caused it. Oh, yeah, I also didn’t get fruit cup with dinner. :) When something breaks on our site our 11,000+ paying members come out of the woodwork at us like the robots did in the end of iRobot, the apes in planet of the apes, or the aliens on the pyramid after that poor last, defenseless predator… I am Legend, 28 Days Later–you get the picture. If I jack things up again I’ll be buried in concrete with Jimmy Hoffa. Can you give me a definitive answer on this? :) …as in, “Yes, 100% if you use the same security credentials in another s2M, on another site, but use different buckets in each one, why you’ll be just fine.” Amazon AWS support let me know they do not see a problem on the AWS side using the same security credentials in more than one site. – – – Another issue is we actually DO NEED to use the SAME bucket on the other site! Else we’ll be paying for duplicate AWS bucket storage. Is there a work around in s2Member that will allow is to do this? Thank you, Chris |
Posted: Thursday Apr 4th, 2013 at 6:03 am #46577 | |
Hello Bruce, I understand there is a conflict using s2Member and the same Amazon S3/CloudFront info on more than one site. Can you clarify this for me? Can I can use the same Amazon account (S3 keys and CloudFront keys), but use a different bucket on each site? E.g. One AWS Amazon account and TWO (or more) S3 buckets in the single AWS Amazon account above and TWO (or more) WordPress websites, using s2Member Download options with the above single AWS Account info… but …using the different buckets for each site’s configuration in the s2Member Download Options > Amazon® S3/CDN Storage & Delivery. I’ve created multiple AWS Amazon accounts because I thought everything was required to be unique. It would save me (us) a ton of grief if we can use one AWS account with one set of Security Credentials across all sites, but use a unique bucket for each site. As a side note, I don’t know where the limitation lies, but it really would be useful if more than one site could use the same bucket. Thank you for your help. Chris |
Posted: Wednesday Apr 3rd, 2013 at 4:37 pm #46517 | |
Thanks. No, that logging was not enabled. But I did enable it now so we can see what’s what soon. Thank you for helping us find a solution to this. Chris |