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About: Brenda Jones

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Customizing Pages for specific user levels

By:  Brenda Jones in: Community Forum

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4 years ago  Bruce

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Posted: Tuesday Nov 27th, 2012 at 2:30 pm #32727

Sorry for the “scream” in the last post. The login should be the standard WP, as modified by s2Member. Whatever I did (and I think the whole site database was getting corrupted anyway) completely garbled that, but if you look now it’s back to normal. I’ve also deactivated the role modification add-in.

In the current configuration, the role-specific home page is working for all but admins. So we can safely say that our theme wasn’t causing the problem, and the User Role Editor probably was.

Thanks for the tip for testing plugins. So in the future if I suspect a rotten plugin, I can simply move its folder out of the plugins directory to another one. awesome – thanks for your patience!

Posted: Monday Nov 26th, 2012 at 1:57 pm #32615

Now I have totally hosed my website!!!

I apparently put in an invalid member login url in s2Member’s Login setup, and I can no longer even view my website correctly while NOT logged in. I can’t access the Dashboard any more to correct the problem. Any URL I type for the site’s pages gives me a garbaged result.

For example, even when I directly enter the address below into the navigation bar…–s2member-gen-ops

.,..this is what appears. Substitute any page at all, and you get something like it.–s2member-gen-ops&reauth=1

Posted: Wednesday Nov 21st, 2012 at 1:55 pm #32265

Hey, I tried looking at the code surrounding the log-in box (embedded in a widget at and cannot find any sign of a redirect back to the original public home page. I also tested all four levels, plus level 0, and NONE of them are going to the correct member login page.

Posted: Wednesday Nov 21st, 2012 at 9:22 am #32245

I can try to explain but may fall short. To start, I couldn’t figure out how to attach the image (or at least am too lazy to create a file, upload it to somewhere and provide a url.) The login welcome page is set as in the General Options.

The problem is with both Level 3 AND Level 4. Using User Role Editor, at level 3 I added ability to edit events (event espresso) and at level 4 I added quite a number of custom capabilities. So, it seems that this may be affecting the redirect?

I did watch the video, which may indeed be helpful! Sorry I didn’t find it in my initial attempt to search for solutions. Guess once I know “the language” better I can generate better results. :-/ Anyway, I had already determined by observation that Admins always start at the Dashboard. I can live with that :-) but really didn’t want all my level 3s and 4s to have to!

If we remove that little snippet of WP code as a fix, will we need to do it again every time we upgrade WP?
Thanks as always for your quick responses.

Posted: Tuesday Oct 9th, 2012 at 11:14 am #27897

I’m not sure what you mean by digest options.

I’m sorry! I forgot to include that plugin in my list. It is simply called bbpress Digest, by Milan Dinic. Very helpful, but not a part of s2member.

And yes, I am using the plugin User Avatar v 1.4.11 by E Bajgoric. But I will have to get my webmaster/coder to add both of these to the page. That is beyond my skillset. :-)

Posted: Sunday Oct 7th, 2012 at 2:31 pm #27734

s2Member doesn’t have an interface to customize its profile form. You’ll need to hack the source files for it to achieve it.

Thanks for responding on a weekend! I guess what I was asking is, is there some way to add the “Digest options” through the “Add new field” portion of s2member? Ditto for the avatar plugin. I’m not seeing it, but I thought I had read somewhere in your documentation that there was some way to add a new field that might include the code for these two items.

I guess on the “my profile” page I could add the code directly below the s2member profile code – IF the plugins allow for that. Unfortunately I am basically a “script kiddie” and anything much beyond “here is the code, drop it into your html editor thusly” will do me and the site in. :-/ We don’t really want to hack source files, anyway, because we’re trying to keep it plug and play as much as possible.

If I figure out a way, I’ll come back and post it.

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