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About: Jeff Cherry

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Posted: Wednesday May 8th, 2013 at 8:12 pm #49524
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

and that comes back around to my original problem…. I did create seperate pages for each pro form but cannot use the other pages because S2Member is protecting them because I have the all command and cannot unprotect just those other pages or make them SSL protected like the membership options page…

So it sounds like I am screwed all around and have to get rid of S2 member now.

Posted: Tuesday May 7th, 2013 at 12:28 pm #49376
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Thanks… That is beyond my skill level so I will have to find someone to do that…

Is there a way that I can offer 3 different memberships with different prices on the one Membership options page without just listing eqach one with the pro form code for each one down the page? THat would create a huge long page and confuse people… was wondering if there was a way to do some sort of drop down menu or selection type setup? Although that answer is probably way past my skilllevel as well… LOL

Posted: Thursday Apr 25th, 2013 at 4:13 pm #48390
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Sorry, I should have been more specific… I have created most of the fields already as you mention… I also know how to do the export… The issues I need help with are:

– I need to be able to have multiple profile fields on the same line in the forms and be able to control their width (example – child 1 first name, child 1 last name, child 1 date of birth, child 1 gender – all on one line and field width just the size needed for the data) instead of each field being on its own line and beign the width of the form page

– I need to be able to have the system automatically generate the Member number based on their unique variables (Sequenced Member # with a suffix of A for Spouse/Domestic Partner & B-Z for Dependents, Relationship – 0 = the Member; 1 = Spouse or Domestic Partner; 2 = a Dependent)

Posted: Wednesday Apr 17th, 2013 at 11:48 pm #47730
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

I have S2Member running with Buddy Press on WP install and it works fine and I have never received any errors like you mention… must be an install issue, conflict of plugins or the host

Posted: Wednesday Jul 11th, 2012 at 9:00 pm #18968
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

One other question please…

Does the description have to be this exactly or can I make it anything?
ccaps=”” desc=”1st Month @ $49.98 / then $19.99 USD / Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )”

I want to change it to something just like “Join today”

I was not sure how these code commands are used by The description field is too limited for our needs so I have detailed the pricing and membership info in the membership option page and did not want this redundancy in the page.

Thanks again.

Posted: Wednesday Jul 11th, 2012 at 4:22 pm #18954
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Thanks Cristian,

My brain finally started to work right and I understand now… just had a dumb mental block on it for some reason.

Posted: Tuesday Jul 10th, 2012 at 7:55 pm #18845
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Well, that does not work as it says the trial period which I guess that “offer first” is setup for will only allow you to do 1 year…

Posted: Tuesday Jul 10th, 2012 at 7:48 pm #18844
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Looking at it… I guess I could use the “I’ll offer the first” option and make that the one time membership fee and just set it to the $29.99 and tell it “I’ll offer the first 20 years @ $29.99” then use the “then I want to charge” function for the recurring monthly fee of $19.99…

Would that work or is there a better way?

Posted: Tuesday Jul 10th, 2012 at 7:39 pm #18842
Jeff Cherry
Username: jcainc

Thanks for the response… We have to use…

I have Pro forms setup but do not see a way in the membership level to do this… it apears to only let you do one or the other, not both – I can do the monthly or one time but not both – unless I am just missing something.

I am not sure how to get around it without some sort of custom capabilitiy or shortcode which I am not familar enough to know how to do yet…

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