latest stable versions: v150827 (changelog)

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About: Christopher Greene

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Posted: Friday Nov 9th, 2012 at 3:54 pm #31170

OK, actually… This didn’t fix it because I can’t make changes to the theme without affecting other elements. Is there another way to accomplish this? For some reason, my theme treats S2Member shortcode as an input text area. Why is it doing this?

Can I customize this somehow when generating the PayPal button with s2Member?



Posted: Friday Nov 9th, 2012 at 9:18 am #31126

Thank you! That fixed it. :)

Posted: Thursday Nov 8th, 2012 at 6:57 pm #31082

Take a look at the link I provided above. You’ll see red buttons but a white border around them that doesn’t match the page color #EEEEEE? I’ve already tried modifying the image to the background color, also set the image background to transparent but PayPal seems to be taking over?


Posted: Sunday Nov 4th, 2012 at 12:23 am #30574

Yes, that worked! Thanks.

Posted: Friday Nov 2nd, 2012 at 6:59 pm #30515

Hi Raam,

Thank you so much for your reply! I’m in a bit of time-crunch and have been troubleshooting for hours without a solution…

I only see ‘.htaccess’ and ‘paypal-payflow-api.log?’ The information snippet I provided you came from ‘paypal-payflow-api.log’ and I copied one of the test transactions for your review.

The test transactions are a first time purchase by users already logged in. All test accounts have already registered to ‘Subscriber’ or User ‘Level 0.’ I’ve had to manually create the accounts in WordPress because the site is in Maintenance-mode and not open to the public. I am logged into the test accounts myself and have tried a Membership level upgrade from Level 0 using the Billing Modification Form and PayPal Pro Forms for Level 1 and 2 access purchases.

After checkout, none of the user membership levels changed in the test group to reflect their purchase/upgrade/modification? All users still are set to ‘Subscriber’ or ‘User Level 0’ after purchase. Why hasn’t this been updated?

Let me know if I can provide any more info… I really need your help!



Posted: Friday Nov 2nd, 2012 at 5:50 pm #30498

Here is a log of one of the failed transactions… Also, I have re-confirmed IPN and PDT Settings with Paypal.

PHP v5.2.17 :: WordPress® v3.4.2 :: s2Member® v121023 :: s2Member® Pro v121023
Memory 46.52 MB :: Real Memory 47.00 MB :: Peak Memory 46.60 MB :: Real Peak Memory 47.00 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
——– Input vars: ( Fri Nov 2, 2012 4:59:43 pm UTC ) ——–
array (
‘TRXTYPE’ => ‘R’,
‘ACTION’ => ‘A’,
‘FIRSTNAME’ => ‘Liberty’,
‘LASTNAME’ => ‘Minded’,
‘CLIENTIP’ => ‘’,
‘DESC’ => ‘$4.95 USD / Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )’,
‘BA_DESC’ => ‘$4.95 USD / Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )’,
‘PROFILENAME’ => ‘1354510783:0 D:1’,
‘AMT’ => ‘4.95’,
‘TAXAMT’ => ‘0.00’,
‘START’ => ‘12032012’,
‘TERM’ => ‘0’,
‘TENDER’ => ‘C’,
‘ACCT’ => ‘****************’,
‘EXPDATE’ => ‘****’,
‘CVV2’ => ‘***’,
‘COUNTRY’ => ‘US’,
‘ZIP’ => ‘HIDDEN’,
‘PARTNER’ => ‘PayPal’,
‘PWD’ => ‘HIDDEN’,
——– Output string/vars: ( Fri Nov 2, 2012 4:59:47 pm UTC ) ——–
array (
‘RESULT’ => ‘0’,
‘RPREF’ => ‘RUJ5A0ED2B40’,
‘PROFILEID’ => ‘RP0000000001’,
‘RESPMSG’ => ‘Approved’,
‘TRXRESULT’ => ‘0’,
‘TRXRESPMSG’ => ‘Approved’,
‘AUTHCODE’ => ‘111111’,
‘AVSADDR’ => ‘N’,
‘AVSZIP’ => ‘N’,
‘CVV2MATCH’ => ‘Y’,
‘PPREF’ => ’98N56823H4064735F’,
‘CORRELATIONID’ => ‘3ead3aa56278’,
‘PROCAVS’ => ‘N’,
‘PROCCVV2’ => ‘M’,
‘TRANSTIME’ => ‘2012-11-02 09:59:43’,
‘FIRSTNAME’ => ‘Liberty’,
‘LASTNAME’ => ‘Minded’,
‘AMT’ => ‘4.95’,
‘ACCT’ => ‘****’,
‘EXPDATE’ => ‘****’,
‘CARDTYPE’ => ‘1’,
‘IAVS’ => ‘N’,

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.