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Vincent Miele

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Posted: Wednesday Jun 12th, 2013 at 8:56 pm #51842

I had read in posts from last year that this was planned. I am hoping you guys roll this out soon as I really cannot proceed until I find this solution


Posted: Tuesday Jun 11th, 2013 at 6:06 am #51754

Thanks, but they won’t help because they are developing their own add-on “plugin” to compete with “s2member”. I’m sure it won’t have all your bells and whistles, but have some of the basic features we (and many others) need to implement s2member downloads with a shopping cart.

I would think it would be of interest to you to study it a bit and say a step ahead of them.


Posted: Saturday Jun 8th, 2013 at 9:56 pm #51687

Let me switch gears for a minute.

There is a lot of talk on Easy Digital Downloads.
This forum post asked about it with no response:

I would like to elaborate on the user’s questions.

EDD allows me to add products to database, and keeps track of sales, downloads, provides reports, and many other features. It is really good (and free). But it doesn’t implement s2member restrictions.

I have different levels of membership, each with restrictions on number of downloads.

Using a link like: works perfectly and brings up an alert telling user he/she has 9 downloads left this month (or whatever time period)

EDD allows you to put a LINK for the product, so I put the product link as the s2member link.

Unfortunately, when the user click the download button, the link looks like:

and when clicked, it looks for the product’s URL:

But it just brings up the save/open dialog box and bypasses s2member restrictions.

Both are using the same link in the end, the process is just a little different. Curious to know why this behavior occurs, and if you can think of a way to get this to work. If you can, you will solve a TON of problems that many of your users have.


Posted: Friday Jun 7th, 2013 at 3:26 pm #51630

I understand that. You have been saying that for a long time as I have read that response in older posts.

But going back to original forum post up top, I believe the solution is already here. I already have things partially working ok. Can you take a look at my original questions and see if you can help? It’s already in the codex.


Posted: Friday Jun 7th, 2013 at 3:55 am #51575

As great as s2member is, it is really lacking in basic features such as the ability to track downloads. I was really hoping it would work with Easy Digital Download, but it doesn’t. I read on another forum if EDD could be compatible with s2member, but EDD said it could be, but they are working on their own membership plugin.

I believe the features are somewhere built into your plugin to do what I originally asked above but my questions were really not answered. You also spoke in the forums last year about integrating some kind of “cart” system, but it looks like that hasn’t happened. That’s fine, and I think the ability to do what I need is in there with your codex already.

But without the ability to incorporate tracking downloads without the need to hire a developer, I would be unable to utilize this.


Posted: Thursday Jun 6th, 2013 at 1:06 pm #51538

Sorry Bruce, I am not following you. Am I supposed to go and write a php function? i don’t understand this or what to do with it even after adding a “hook”.

Posted: Sunday Jun 2nd, 2013 at 8:04 pm #51196

I read in a post that s2member was working on added a cart. Whether it would have all the functionality of easy digital downloads I don’t know, and I don’t even know if they are working on anything at this time.

I read on another forum where someone asked the makers of EDD if they themselves were planning intregration with s2member and they said no as they have or are making their own membership plugin.

I think s2member is amazing, but not having a cart system is a real headache for me. If someone has 5 products to sell, it’s fine. But I need a system to manage thousands of products with categories and reports. EDD has that but just doesn’t work with s2member.

Posted: Sunday Jun 2nd, 2013 at 3:35 pm #51189

I also own a music web site with downloads and have recently come across this plugin. It was exactly what I was looking for, but not working with s2member.

My issue is that I add the s2member file link as the “download” link in the plugin, but for whatever reason, the file is no longer protected by s2member based on the restrictions, it just gives the user the download.

I have about 3000 products and I have to track my downloads, so just adding them to a page isn’t good enough, can really use this plugin though.

Posted: Sunday Apr 21st, 2013 at 9:17 am #48041
Now, if you go to the database, you could change their blog ID from 1 to 6 directly and not need to copy the accounts. 

Can it be as simple as changing a value in the database directly? If so, that’s all I would really need to do. What would that field/value be…originating blog, primary blog…?

thanks for the help

Posted: Saturday Apr 20th, 2013 at 9:11 am #47992

This is where you are losing me

“… make sure the user ID field is empty If you have a user ID, then s2Member will update the existing user, not create a new one.”

I have – let’s say – 350 WordPress users. 200 seem to be assigned to blog 1, 150 to blog 6.
I want ALL assigned to blog 6

So do I LEAVE the user id in – to “update” them to blog 6?….or empty the user id data?

Sorry, I’m just getting confused by the wording in the responses.


Posted: Thursday Mar 21st, 2013 at 8:06 pm #45421

Not sure if I’ve made headway …but I see something that is happening

Sometimes, when i load the general options page, it REFRESHES all by itself as I scroll down the page. It then says options saved, and the recaptcha fields are replaced by my wordpress username.

One thought is that it has something to do with the Roboform (password toolbar). But there is no explanation as to when YOU logged in and it was replaced by “Administrator”

This happens randomly…like an “auto-refresh”. I don’t know why it happens.

Posted: Tuesday Mar 19th, 2013 at 5:45 pm #45189

can you tell me if the recaptcha code is supposed to appear in wp_options and wp_sitemeta?

I sent a ticket to host. We’ll see if they can help (doubt it, but worth a shot)

Posted: Tuesday Mar 19th, 2013 at 3:17 pm #45179

Sorry, I didn’t say you went there in the morning…I had said “when I logged in in the morning”…the first key was replaced with “Administrator”. When it happens to me, the first key becomes MY wordpress login (I don’t use “administrator”)

Anyway, after deleting the cache file, it still happens. I know you are racking your brain trying to figure it out. Everytime I go in, I am tracing my steps to see if I can replicate….but it just happens randomly.

If you can’t figure this out, I hope you can provide a workaround to at least “protect” what’s in there. It’s such a freakish thing as I have no trouble with any other part of s2member.


Posted: Tuesday Mar 19th, 2013 at 3:22 am #45153

Ok, deleted that leftover file. We’ll see.

BTW, when i logged in this morning, the recaptcha fields were replaced again, but this time the
first field said “ADMINISTRATOR”.

Interesting, it is usually replaced by by own username (I don’t use “administrator”)
This had to happen while you were in there checking – and pretty much eliminates roboform as the culprit.

I’ll keep an eye today

Posted: Saturday Mar 16th, 2013 at 8:16 am #44921

It’s very hard to test. It just happens randomly. I go in and check, the values are replaced. I’m not even making changes in the general options page.

Very frustrating as I’m losing members because they can’t sign up if I don’t keep checking at least twice a day.

Posted: Thursday Mar 14th, 2013 at 1:14 pm #44633

An email match would be enough to know it’s the same user, right?

Yes Christian, an email match may be enough to know. Unfortunately, this coding is beyond my capabilites.

I’ll have to adandon this little project. But thanks for the help anyway


Posted: Tuesday Mar 12th, 2013 at 7:51 pm #44438

The code above works well and I will use it in conjunction with CCAPS. That’s good enough for me.

I’m almost there. I just didn’t understand the first part
“You could first check by email address if the user is already registered.”

That’s the biggest part of this. This might not be feasable…or require really advanced programming,
but the scenarios are

1. If user does not have an account at all, create it at level 1
2. If user has account, and both email and username match, check LEVEL – if 0, upgrade to 1. If 1, we’re set
and no new account is required.
3. If email account exsists, but username is different…UGG, what do we do here?

Any final help on this subject would be appreciated

Posted: Monday Mar 11th, 2013 at 8:28 pm #44292

Happened again today. Haven’t got a clue as to why. I submitted a private contact form the other day. Please see if you can figure this out.

Maybe you can also install “ROBOFORM” and see if there is a bug that allows it fill in values. It’s a stretch though, but the fields are getting replaced with my wordpress login. But it’s not like it’s happening while I’m working with the general options page.


Posted: Saturday Mar 9th, 2013 at 11:52 pm #44183

Christian, you guys and s2member are amazing. I didn’t think I could do this, but I’ve made some headway on this and we’re 90% there. There are 2 issues that I have to resolve.

I implemented this code in the “thank you page”

$op["op"] = "create_user"; // The Remote Operation.

$op["api_key"] = "**************************************"; // Check your Dashboard for this value.
   // See: `s2Member -› API / Scripting -› Remote Operations API -› API Key`

$op["data"] = array (
   "user_login" => "$name", // Required. A unique Username. Lowercase alphanumerics/underscores.
   "user_email" => "$email", // Required. A valid/unique Email Address for the new User.

   // These additional details are 100% completely optional.

   "modify_if_login_exists" => "1", // Optional. Update/modify if ``user_login`` value already exists in the database?
       // A non-zero value tells s2Member to update/modify an existing account with the details you provide, if this Username already exists.

   "user_pass" => "", // Optional. Plain text Password. If empty, this will be auto-generated.

   "first_name" => "$firstname", // Optional. First Name for the new User.
   "last_name" => "$lastname", // Optional. Last Name for the new User.

   "s2member_level" => "1", // Optional. Defaults to Level #0 (a Free Subscriber).
   "s2member_ccaps" => "nextgen", // Optional. Comma-delimited list of Custom Capabilities.

   "s2member_registration_ip" => "", // Optional. User's IP Address. If empty, s2Member will fill this upon first login.

   "s2member_custom" => "", // Optional. If provided, should always start with your installation domain name (i.e. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]).

   "s2member_notes" => "Administrative notation. Created this User via API call.", // Optional. Administrative notations.

   "opt_in" => "1", // Optional. A non-zero value tells s2Member to attempt to process any List Servers you've configured in the Dashboard area.
       // This may result in your mailing list provider sending the User/Member a subscription confirmation email (i.e. ... please confirm your subscription).

   "notification" => "1", // Optional. A non-zero value tells s2Member to email the new User/Member their Username/Password.
       // The "notification" parameter also tells s2Member to notify the site Administrator about this new account.

$post_data = stream_context_create (array ("http" => array ("method" => "POST", "header" => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "content" => "s2member_pro_remote_op=" . urlencode (serialize ($op)))));

$result = trim (file_get_contents ("", false, $post_data));

if (!empty ($result) && !preg_match ("/^Error\:/i", $result) && is_array ($user = @unserialize ($result)))
   echo "Success. New User created with ID: " . $user["ID"];
   echo "API error reads: " . $result;

It successfully created the user and generated the email admin and the user. Wondeful! That said,

1. For the test, i used custom capability, which I can use to deliver the protected content. But that’s not really how I want to deliver it. I want the give access to the protected Specific Post/Page link. Is there a line I can add in there for that?

2. Orders are coming in through our shopping cart (1shoppingcart). The script above generates a user name with their FULL NAME. Problem is if the “email account already exists” as a member, it says API error, email already exists. In other words, the customer may ALREADY have an account, but under a different username (other than their full-name) with the same email.

One possible solution to this may be creating a custom field in the shoppingcart, but I’d have to figure that out and see if I can pass that value. However, this may not be realistic since the membership option is product specific. So another solution may be needed.

Thank you again for you help.

Posted: Thursday Mar 7th, 2013 at 6:27 pm #44013

Hi Eduan
I already understand WHY I am getting that error. There are NO ACCOUNTS. I believe it’s because too many different “people” are using that same link I generated. What I am trying to do is find a better approach. I know s2member can handle it, just curious as to the “best route” to go

Here is a summary of scenario:

Customer goes through our shopping cart (not paypal) and orders a digital download
Upon approval, they get send an EMAIL with a secure link to download.

They are not members, this is a one time download for them. Currently, I created a link, but too many people are using it, causing the error. Plus I want the link to be somewhat secure.

What I am trying to avoid is having to manually generate a link everytime someone places an order.

Is this scenario possible?

Posted: Thursday Feb 28th, 2013 at 11:07 am #43415

It hasn’t happened since I submitted the ticket. Yet, I’m sure it’s strange.

I wonder if “ROBOFORM” has anything to do with it. Not sure if you are familiar with it, but it’s a toolbar that maintains all your logins/passwords. For the captcha fields to be filled with what appears to be the wordpress login, I wonder if somehow it is submitting the login there.

But I’m watching it very closely.

Posted: Wednesday Feb 27th, 2013 at 11:40 am #43335

I am not making any changes in the general options area. I just look at the web site, and see that the captcha is missing so no one can register. When i look in the options, it was replaced by my WordPress login (again, I cannot verify the password since it’s encrypted, but it looks like the WordPress login.

It’s difficult to test the plugins because this happens every couple of days – by apprearance on it’s own. So I haven’t a clue as to how that happens.

If it matters, it’s multisite

Posted: Monday Feb 25th, 2013 at 9:17 am #43163

good tool Christian. I have a new bookmark.


Posted: Saturday Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:52 am #43044

Actually, it is links in emails (like the forum example above)

For example:

“Visit us to see the Group Post:

(this is WP Symposium, like Buddypress)

Right now, it looks like the solution is:

as this almost works. I just get to (&post-176 is dropped)
But that’s good enough I hope.

I just have to figure out how to edit the emails, but I’ll get that support from WPS.

Thank you so much for the assistance.

Posted: Friday Feb 22nd, 2013 at 3:25 am #42786

I figured the functionality was there all along.

Now to figure out how to combine the two



<a href="” title=”Login”>Login

Knowing you’re not out to help develop web sites, using the forum example, where do you think I might begin to look to make that change?


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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.