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About: Joe Raciti

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Posted: Tuesday Jan 29th, 2013 at 9:57 pm #39957
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

Hi Bruce,

Thank you for getting back to me. The report says I passed on all the scans. You can see the result here:

I think I remember the Go Daddy representative saying I had already maximized my memory allowance.

– Joe

Posted: Saturday Jan 26th, 2013 at 9:21 am #39685
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

Hi Jason,

Thanks for your response. The problem is that when people are paying for a membership to my site using the PayPal buttons generated by s2member they are being sent to PayPal and then, after purchase, are never receiving login details. I mentioned the splash page because I read in another s2member thread that users should be seeing a blank screen when they are returning from PayPal after purchase instead of text. Perhaps that is not true. Do you think this is a PayPal problem? It might also be worth noting that this problem has only emerged in the last month or two. Before that, everything was working perfectly.

Posted: Friday Jan 25th, 2013 at 8:43 pm #39585
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

Hi Jason,

Thank you for getting back to me. I talked to customer support through Go Daddy and they told me that I couldn’t send mail from my site using a free email service. We changed the from email to the email associated with my domain name, changed the SMTP Host to “” and the port to 25 (no encryption or authentication). When I sent a test email to my domain email, I received a forwarded email to my gmail inbox and the email log registered the delivery. However, my email log isn’t registering any outgoing emails anymore (even though some are sending) and when members purchase a PayPal membership they are being redirected to a splash page on my site that says something like: says:

you MUST check your email before proceeding

if you have trouble, contact customer support.

I read on the forum that the redirct page should not have any text on it. I checked my PalPal information and it all appears to be correct. I rebuilt the PayPal buttons but the problem persists. I downloaded a server checker script that I found in another thread and ran that by going to the url in a browser. I pasted the output into a notepad file which can be found here:

Thank you.

Posted: Friday Jan 25th, 2013 at 12:14 am #39479
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

I am having a similar problem. I contacted Go Daddy, my host, and they told me that I can’t send emails from within my site from a free email address (I was using gmail). We changed my email to one provided by Go Daddy ( address) and ran a test. The Go Daddy support person had updated my email address to send a copy to my gmail address and when we ran the test I did in fact receive an email. However, when I tried to purchase a membership using a friend’s paypal account, my friend never received a confirmation email with login details and instead was sent to a page on my site at ( – actually, there was a bunch of other stuff after that link but I get the same page when I just plug that in. The page that I see is:

[ ] says…

Thank you! ( you MUST check your email before proceeding ).

* Note: It can take ( up to 15 minutes ) for Email Confirmation with important details. If you don’t receive email confirmation in the next 15 minutes, please contact Support.

Back To Home Page

If you need assistance, please contact support

I installed the server checker file that I found linked to in another s2member forum and ran the server check test in Google Chrome. I copied the output into a notepad file. You can read that here:

Thank you kindly.

– Joe

Posted: Thursday Jan 24th, 2013 at 12:38 pm #39425
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

I am having a similar issue that wasn’t resolved with the above recommendation. I have WP Mail SMTP configured correctly (I think) and the from email field and from name match those in the S2general settings. I selected “No: Do not use SMTP authentication.” on the WP Mail SMTP plugin (should I change that)? The first time I sent a test email it worked. The other times I tried it did not, although my email log indicates that the emails are being sent. At the bottom of the SMTP debugging output it reads:

SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111)

The following From address failed: ****

(I put the asterisks there).

– Joe

Posted: Monday Sep 10th, 2012 at 12:05 pm #24754
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

Thank you kindly. I’ll try and change a few things and monitor the situation.

– Joe

Posted: Saturday Sep 8th, 2012 at 9:26 am #24637
Joe Raciti
Username: jraciti1

Thank you for the response Cristián. I am using buttons but I have been getting a number of emails from customers who seem to be getting the text that is in my PayPal Pro Form field. Do I indicate somewhere in s2member which response email the customer receives after checkout or is that automatic?

Thank you.

– Joe

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