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Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 2:36 pm #49830
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I am running test with $.01 transactions. I am receivng
“Congratulations! ( your membership has been approved ) ” email

but upon registering, I never receive my password. This is the 2nd time I did not receive that email.


Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 1:55 pm #49826
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

once a specific spelling appears in the wp_terms table, it will force to the mixed case by default. i deleted those entries and was succesful.

Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 1:44 pm #49824
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

i’ll go directly into the DB and try to correct it there. cannot be corrected from wordpress

Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 1:42 pm #49823
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

the problem is wordpress. it makes each 1st letter of each word uppercase, if i’ve already used the spelling. even if i delete the page and start from scratch, it defaults to what i’ve typed days ago

Posted: Monday Oct 8th, 2012 at 12:21 pm #27805
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

yes, the reason is indeed that:

as new user I am using a credit card number already associated with my Paypal account. I tried a visa gift/credit card – but it has expired so this confirms that I need to use a credit card not associated w/ my PP acct.

– therefore I have no way of testing in the real world if a confirmation email does indeed get generated.

I’ll have to get some sort of gift credit card and use it just for testing.

Posted: Monday Oct 8th, 2012 at 11:58 am #27803
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I think we need to come up with a different approach. This temp folder idea doesn’t make sense to me since it should already be available to php. Let’s think logically for a moment.

Why are the check-out experiences different when logged in as admin and when not? That is my concern.

As I mentioned it could be that I am using a credit card already on file in my Paypal account, that is not letting me check-out when not logged in as admin.

Posted: Thursday Oct 4th, 2012 at 2:42 pm #27468
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I’m the web host. I have control on setting permissions.

Where should this writable temp directory reside within the directory structure? As I mentioned I do not see a temp folder on any other WordPress installs.

Posted: Wednesday Oct 3rd, 2012 at 4:33 pm #27362
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

Only error I got was:

[ERROR] Temporary Files Directory
Unable to find a readable/writable temporary files directory. The system’s default temp directory is either non-existent, NOT yet configured, or is NOT readable/writable by PHP. Please review this article covering PHP’s sys_get_temp_dir() function, or configure your PHP installation with a secure upload_tmp_dir. See this article for further details. In some cases, you might need to consult with your web hosting company about this message.

And a warning because the wp-config.php file was not writable, which I fixed, ran the update and set back the permissions as before

Not sure where this directory should be, I’ve looked at other WordPress installs and don’t see anything obvious.

Posted: Wednesday Oct 3rd, 2012 at 3:33 pm #27359
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

Will check that, thanks.

I thought my error was caused by the credit card I am using , which is already tied in to Paypal.

I do not have another card for testing, so there needs to be another option.

Posted: Tuesday Oct 2nd, 2012 at 3:29 pm #27244
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

tried testing using another browser, but can not.

Every email I use gives me the same message:

You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account, please log in. If you don’t, please change the e-mail address or card number and try again.

I have even set up a brand new email account on my server, but receive the same message.

When I trie d testing from Firefox (where I’m logged in as admin) I’d see a completely different Paypal payment screen!

Posted: Monday Oct 1st, 2012 at 2:37 pm #27113
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

seems I can’t post the button code..

I regenerated the button, but the source code of the button is consistant. the source code of the paypal landing page does not show and hidden variable with a return url

Posted: Monday Oct 1st, 2012 at 2:33 pm #27110
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

the only thing I can think of which could be causing an issue with the return URL actually returning is that I am already logged in as admin, go to a draft page with the .01 transaction button and proceed to check-out.

On button page, I viewed source code and I can verify that the hidden variable exists. here is the code:

Seems s2member is adding what you see even though Resulting PayPal® Button Code shows just the first variable and value combo.

On order summary page I viewed source code and there is no hidden variable called return, so this could be an issue.

It could be that s2member is not creating the button correctly.

Posted: Sunday Sep 30th, 2012 at 7:49 pm #27030
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I’ve never had problems using another program to pay via Paypal and have it send back to a return URL, send an email, etc. So I’m not convinced it’s an Apache issue.

I have access to my domain manager so if there’s anything I can change, please give me some direction.

As far as contacting the company I purchase server space from, I would have no idea how to even approach this issue with them. What would I ask them to look at??

Posted: Friday Sep 28th, 2012 at 4:15 pm #26887
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I am having similar issues in s2member. My set up is all correct, yet I am not automatically directed back to the return URL. I have to click the link on the Paypal payment confirmation page.

I did see the same text you wrote above – until I added the PayPal® PDT Identity Token – now that return URL shows a default Apache index page. Those extra passed variables are causing issues.

The return URL does not work therefore no email confirmation from s2member

Seems tech feels the issue is on my end. I don’t agree. As a programmer I know how to set up whatever needs to be done.

Posted: Friday Sep 28th, 2012 at 12:27 pm #26858
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

Hello Raam,

Thanks for writing back. I’m sure we’ll solve this issue very soon.

Under ‘s2Member® PayPal® Options’, the return URL is

During the 1st real time test, I did not have the PayPal® PDT Identity Token set up, so this return URL displayed the default text:

Thank you! ( you MUST check your email before proceeding ).

* Note: It can take ( up to 15 minutes ) for Email Confirmation with important details. If you don’t receive email confirmation in the next 15 minutes, please contact Support.

BUT since I added the PDT token, there now is a string of variables after “?s2member_paypal_return=1” and that same page now shows as a default Apache page.

I added an additional fake variable. This demonstrates what I mean.

So I can’t figure out where this issue needs to be fixed.

Regarding the first issue, in Paypal:
Website Payment Preferences -> Auto Return for Website Payments
I do have the correct return URL listed as and turned ON yet Paypal does not return automatically after the purchase.

Thank you,
Rick Horvath

Posted: Saturday Sep 8th, 2012 at 8:12 pm #24673
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

Ok, I understand that someone would still have to create their own account – but is this done before or after paying for the membership? I would assume afterwards and s2member should send them an email with log in credentials so once they are logged in, s3member knows their accessibility.

But why can I not get the member areas to restrict access even after trying the php function shown in the video?

If I can’t get the site to work properly, it won’t matter much.

Posted: Thursday Sep 6th, 2012 at 1:30 pm #24353
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

When I added the function described on the video, it needed to be tweaked a bit to work with Categories – which is how I am distinguishing each member area. The php script caused the entire site to not display unless I was logged in as admin, so I removed the script.

As of now I am still testing in Sandbox. I have enabled return logging, which is working, yet the new wordpress member is not being added as a ‘User’. This may be because s2member still does not send me a confirmation email once I’ve been returned from sandbox.

Posted: Thursday Aug 30th, 2012 at 10:01 am #23584
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I did find the area to add ccap to each member, but now the site itself does not display, only to me when I’m logged in as admin – but not on any other browsers!

Posted: Thursday Aug 30th, 2012 at 8:45 am #23574
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I first followed the instructions on the video link given above

Everything is set up correctly. I used tags as the determining factor for allowing access to each area, independent of one another.

I have 4 areas all within level 1 and 4 different payment buttons with different plans.

I thought it would be easier to first create new wordpress users with only level1 access, but there is no way to associate tags to each user in order to limit their access to that one area. So each member wound up having access to every area – not a good outcome.

I then tried sandbox in hopes that s2member would at least create the new user once the return URL was hit. No such luck. I would imagine that using .01 transactions will have the same outcome.

I understand that sandbox would not generate a paypal email confirming purchase, but s2member should indeed generate an email with login information. This also did not occur.

So something does not work correctly in s2member.

ps – the email in sandbox forwards to one of my real emails and has been tested.

Posted: Wednesday Aug 29th, 2012 at 5:11 pm #23468
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

Similar issue with me.

I’m testing in sandbox. everything is working except I am not receiving any confirmation email that I am now a member.

I’m guessing it is because I am in test mode? Even in test mode I should be able to verify that I have become a member. Anyone else having this issue?

Posted: Wednesday Aug 29th, 2012 at 5:06 pm #23466
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

I’m testing in sandbox. everything is working except I am not receiving any confirmation email that I am now a member.

I’m guessing it is because I am in test mode? Even in test mode I should be able to verify that I have become a member. Anyone else having this issue?

Posted: Monday Aug 27th, 2012 at 9:44 am #23169
Rick Horvath
Username: noodles

thank you for the information!

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