Just an update,
I have customised the settings of the s2 widget a bit to make it look good on my page now
So I don’t really need a shortcode anymore but it still would be cool to have
Also I found the general settings login and registration design option to create a custom landing page for people who incorrectly try to log in or have forgotten their password so everything is now contained within my theme
One problem with the account profile form and registration form is the password strength indicator doesn’t seem to work.
And with the account profile form I have set the display name to be the username in s2Members, however is there a way to remove the ‘display name’ feild altogether from the account profile as I don’t want users to be able to change their display name to anything other than their username.
And Im using a plugin called [WP User Avatar] to set a custom avatar for new users and disable gravatar but how to show the user Avatar on the s2Member account profile page and allow for users to manage their avatar.
The only problem i found with this avatar plugin is if i enable the option ‘allow uses to upload their own avatars’ then users are sent to the wordpress backend wordpress page after logging in, instead of the themed account page so that sux i need to ‘uncheck’ that option because i dont want users ever going to the backend page. But I want them to be able to change their own avatar from the custom themed account page
So I also found a plugin called [user-meta] which allows for full customisation of the profile fields including the avatar. You can show or hide as many fields as you like so I’m showing just the profile avatar beside the s2Members account form for now, however im not sure if this plugin actually works 100% as I cant seem to edit the profile avatar even tho the buttons are there.
But anyways that is the idea I wanted. It would be great if s2Members had these features built in
my site is at http://www.team666.com
if you can check it and offer some advice on the issues plus join up too i only have like 5 members atm :/