I haven’t set the s2member script to use for creating blog farms. So as it stands it is only activated for my site, the primary site (s2member has not been network activated). Buddypress is (and will only be) activated on the primary site.
I’m purely using it for permissions on my own plugin which will only allow paying members to access certain area and functions. At present my plugin is not installed as I want to lay the foundations down before adding anymore complexity.
What basically occurs with this problem is that whenever I am not logged in, the line in the head for s2member css appears like this, with no url parameters, and firebug shows the fatal error as in previous message:
<link id="ws-plugin--s2member-css" media="all" type="text/css" href="http://www.wheretopetersfield.co.uk/addons/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php" rel="stylesheet">
And when I am logged in it appears as should be, with the url parameters, like so:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='ws-plugin--s2member-css' href='http://www.wheretopetersfield.co.uk/addons/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_css=1&qcABC=1&ver=120703-120703-109729511' type='text/css' media='all' />
This is also the same for the javascript header tag and occurs on all pages when I am not logged in.
Obviously all user registering aren’t going to be logged in so form falls down for css and js. My shortcode in the registering page is:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="1" template="s2member-pro/templates/forms/business-registration.php" ccaps="" desc="3 Months free / then $4.99 GBP / Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="GBP" dg="0" ns="1" custom="www.wheretopetersfield.co.uk" ta="0" tp="3" tt="M" ra="4.99" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" rrt="" rra="2" accept="paypal,visa,mastercard,maestro,solo" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="SAVE-15" accept_coupons="1" default_country_code="" captcha="0" /]
Sorry for the headache!
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Tony Cannon.
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Tony Cannon.