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Cristián Lávaque

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Posted: Wednesday Oct 23rd, 2013 at 6:32 am #60548

You’ll find that in the shortcode itself, in the description attribute. Just edit the value of desc to what you want. [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Pro Forms -› Shortcode Attributes -> desc[/hilite]

About searching hundreds of files for something, it’s possible with some text editors. I use EditPlus, but there are others.

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 23rd, 2013 at 6:29 am #60547

Cassel is awesome, I just wanted to add that comment. A great friend in this community, always looking out for others and always very nice when asking something. Thanks for helping everyone so much. :)

Miranda, conditionals are super powerful and versatile. We love them, that’s why we made them possible with WP shortcodes. And you can go even further with PHP conditionals, if you come up with more complicated conditions you’d like met in the future. [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Scripting -› Advanced PHP Conditionals[/hilite]

Posted: Wednesday Oct 23rd, 2013 at 6:19 am #60546

You can edit the form’s template to some extent, this article will help:

And of course you can style it with your CSS. The pro-form has plenty of IDs and classes that will help with the selectors. To remove the line under the headings, for example, you could do

div.s2member-pro-paypal-form-section-title {border: 0;}

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Friday Oct 11th, 2013 at 7:41 am #60292

Yeah, they can be troublesome… Have you asked them about it and what credentials you should use now that they changed their names in the interface you have?

Could you show me a screenshot of the interface you have? (obscuring your credentials, of course) I’d like to show it to Jason in case it’s different to his.

Posted: Thursday Oct 10th, 2013 at 7:22 pm #60278

No problem. I’m glad you sorted it out! Thanks for the update. :)

Posted: Thursday Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:13 am #60272

I see, I don’t know the new interface you’re talking about. Have you asked PayPal what the “vendor” was changed to in the interface you have?

I just googled it and this PayPal page refers to it as vendor:

Use the information to enter the username, partner, vendor, and password in your shopping cart’s configuration or administration screen.

Posted: Thursday Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:01 am #60271

Sorry, I missed the previous reply.

The reason why that may work over the other could be a server configuration thing, maybe for security reasons. The one they suggested has the variable’s value URL encoded.

I see the Member’s Home link is in the footer. I’m not sure if it’s in your theme’s options or you used a widget.

Posted: Thursday Oct 3rd, 2013 at 9:04 pm #60133

Ah, I didn’t mean changing to PayPal Pro, just Express Checkout (which is free). But yeah, that post is the answer to the ERP question. :)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 10:35 pm #60115

Jason said:
Or, use a PayPal-generated button that is a “hosted button”

Just keep in mind guys, that these will only work for new signups, not upgrades of existing users.

Y said:
I bought the pro (just to support your work)

Thank you! :)

I always thought I need https and database to store the payment info on my own server so I never used the pro form.

No, that’s not the case. We’ve purposely avoided storing the payment info, to let the payment gateway deal with the implications that it carries, making it easier for you guys.

The pro-form doesn’t even require PayPal Pro, it can work with just PayPal Express Checkout. In the shortcode change the accept to just “paypal”: [hilite mono]accept="paypal"[/hilite].

If you allow the PayPal account to be optional in your PayPal settings, and you’re selling Buy Now, the user can pay with his card on PayPal when checking out. If you’re selling a subscription, he’ll be required to login to PayPal. Just as with PayPal Standard buttons.

@Jason, could you confirm that his existing user subscriptions will keep working fine when he starts using Express Checkout? I imagine it’s fine because the PayPal Standard account remains the same, which is not the case when upgrading to PayPal Pro if I remember correctly. Just making sure.

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:43 am #60091

Yes, for some reason nothing saves.

I cannot customise the form.

Please see this: Knowledge Base » Admin pages not looking or working right

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:38 am #60090

Hmm… I’d double check that you didn’t miss any of these requirements: Knowledge Base » s2Member® Security Badges

And if that’s not enough, I’d do these: Knowledge Base » Common Troubleshooting Tips

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:36 am #60089

Yeah, I’m sorry you had to go through that. PayPal can be very annoying.

We do have an article, I may link to it from the admin pages. Thanks for the feedback. :)

Knowledge Base » PayPal® Services / A Quick Comparison
Knowledge Base » PayPal® Pro (PayFlow Edition)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:33 am #60088

No problem. :)

Posted: Wednesday Oct 2nd, 2013 at 7:30 am #60087

The vars in that URL say that he got redirected because the page required him to have Level 0 access, which anyone logged in has. This is odd if he just logged in, of course.

Could you try these?
Knowledge Base » Logged In, But Am I?
Knowledge Base » Common Troubleshooting Tips

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 8:01 am #60059

You could probably do that if you protect the subscription one with a level, the permanent one with a custom capability (ccap), and configure the EOT behavior to leave ccaps untouched on demotion.

Video » s2Member (Custom Capabilities)
[hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› Automatic EOT Behavior[/hilite]

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 8:00 am #60058

s2Member has an export tool that gives you a CSV file of your users, including columns for the custom profile fields. The format is mentioned in this article about the importation tool: Knowledge Base » Import (or Mass Update) Users

The CSV file is generated when you manually click the button for it, it’s not something that happens automatically when someone registers. I just mention this because I seemed to get you wanted that, but I may have misunderstood.

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:53 am #60056

Don’t know what could be causing it. I know it’s not an s2Member error…

Have you checked with your webhost?

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:51 am #60055

Recurring Payments is an extra service you have to pay for. It’s not default in PayPal Pro, they charge you extra to enable recurring payments. They give it differnet names, they also call it DPRP if you have the non-PayFlow Edition of PayPal Pro. Knowledge Base » PayPal Pro, PayFlow, DPRP, Express Checkout

If they changed that, then ask the person to give you a link to the documentation where it says so, or an announcement about it in their site. Or point you to the page in your PayPal settings where it says that recurring payments are enabled for your account.

Oh, also if have PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition) and you want to sell subscriptions (recurring payments), for Express Checkout to work you’ll need to have them enable Reference Transactions in your account.

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:45 am #60054

1. I need a way to protect Thank You page from being accessed by anyone except for those who came to this page from Clickbank (http referral being *.clickbank or something similar). I understand that this is achievable by some function in the mu-plugins or perhaps allowing PHP in the page and make a conditional statement?

The thank-you page, if it’s a custom one, needs to be public, because a new customer won’t have an account yet, so he’ll still be a visitor until he registers and logs in. If you protect the thank-you page, he’ll be taken there after checkout and bounced to the Membership Options Page.

If you don’t have the thank-you page in your navigation, or let it be indexed by search engines, then only those that actually purchased will see it. Right?

About the tracking, wouldn’t the signup work better?

And here’s an article that may help: Knowledge Base » Google® Analytics ECommerce Tracking

2. I am trying to get my site s2member security certified and I passed all the check list however the test url always return 0 without giving any further notices. How to troubleshoot why it doesn’t return 1 as long as the site meets all the requirements?

Have you verified that you have no files in your s2member-logs directory? [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Log Files (Debug) -› s2Member® Log Viewer[/hilite]

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:35 am #60053

Hello Nicci.

To show an excerpt of the post in the posts list, you need the Alternative Views Protection disabled and use the “More” tag in your post.

[hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Restriction Options -› Alternative View Protection[/hilite]

Another option is not to use the custom capability or level restrictions on the post, and instead hide the content using conditionals. See: [hilite path]Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Scripting -› Simple/Shortcode Conditionals[/hilite]

With the latter, the user won’t be taken to the Membership Options Page, though, because the post itself is not restricted, only part of the content. But you can show the content if the user has access, or the payment options if he doesn’t, using the conditions if that works for you. This is good if you want to customize the pitch according to the post he’s trying to view. This approach is also the best one for SEO because the search engine’s spider can actually open the page and crawl the content that is visible to visitors.

I hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:29 am #60052

Our account type is PayPal Payments Pro.

Thanks for confirming it.

Should I only have one or the other? Is our problem caused by having both sets of API info in the s2Member PayPal Options?

If you have PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition), then you need to have all those. If you don’t have the PayFlow Edition, then you should leave the PayFlow panel empty in your s2Member configuration.

Did they mention that you have the PayFlow Edition of PayPal Pro? Can you confirm that?

Also, make sure that your account is tied to the PayFlow account, they have different logins and I remember a site owner having trouble because the account seemed to not be tied together, if I remember correctly.

Also, if you want to sell a subscription you’ll need to have Recurring Payments enabled in your PayPal account, and if you have the PayFlow Edition, for Express Checkout to work you’ll need to have PayPal enable Reference Transactions.

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 7:10 am #60051

That’s a WordPress email, not s2Member’s. You may have more luck in the WordPress forum. Or try Google:

I found this article that may help you:

Posted: Tuesday Oct 1st, 2013 at 6:24 am #60047

Thanks for sharing it. :)

Posted: Friday Sep 27th, 2013 at 7:48 am #59941

Oh, I couldn’t agree more, they have made a mess with the names, and the services themselves can be confusing too.

I believe we have Payflow Pro

I see. s2Member doesn’t integrate with PayFlow Pro, so you need to verify this. s2Member integrates with PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition). See: Knowledge Base » PayPal Pro, PayFlow, DPRP, Express Checkout

That article also mentions that you need Reference Transactions enabled for the Express Checkout integration to work if you have PayPal Pro (PayFlow Edition) and are selling a subscription.

Contact PayPal to verify the account type you have, please.

As soon as you confirm this, I’ll go ahead and do that test purchase. I’ll be waiting for your update.

Posted: Thursday Sep 26th, 2013 at 8:37 am #59914

I’m glad. :)

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.