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Posted: Wednesday Sep 11th, 2013 at 6:46 pm #59466
Username: Manni01

If it works when you send the bbc copy of the email sent to the parser with gmail, it means that the issue is likely with your host, especially if it doesn’t work when all the plugins are disabled.

Because it means that s2member is sending the right info, and that this very same info is correctly parsed by aweber when you are not sending it though your host.

Maybe your host adds some meta info to the email that leads the aweber parser to confuse the header and the body?

Honestly I don’t know, but you might want to get in touch with both your host and aweber to see if they are aware of any issue between the two services?

Two last things to try:

1) I realize that I’m using the mailfrom plugin to change the “from” address in wordpress. You might want to try to install it to see if it helps.
2) if there is a plugin that allows you to specify the smtp server you want to use when sending emails from WP, you might also want to try that, especially if one allows you to chose gmail (as you know that it works).

Good luck!

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 8:30 pm #59437
Username: Manni01

Actually, I have one very last idea…

Can you try sending the email you get from the bcc trick to the with gmail, to bypass your host?
if it works (correct email address), it means it’s a probably a problem with your host, or with the admin email address you use (you might want to change it to a gmail address just to see if it works)
if it doesn’t work (admin email address), then it’s probably something in the s2member aweber integration that doesn’t work on your install, for an unknown reason.

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 8:09 pm #59435
Username: Manni01

One last idea:)

I assume you’ve read this:

If everything is correct in the email you receive from the bcc trick, what happens if you email it manually to the

You might want to try to call your host and request the change mentioned and the end of the page linked above.

Apart from that, I really have no idea.

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 8:00 pm #59434
Username: Manni01

It means that the Aweber custom parser is set correctly, so everything on Aweber for that list is configured correctly. You can leave that out now, and hope that someone else will find a way to explain why your s2member install doesn’t work like mine (and I assume many others).

I’m stumped, sorry!

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 7:39 pm #59430
Username: Manni01

I can’t even select Paypal in aweber, it’s the one option that’s disabled in the list, so no idea what the problem is there.
You can either try to go down the list I gave above (especially copying exactly my parser and disabling all plugins/select default theme), or wait for someone else with more ideas. I can’t think of anything else.

By the way the special email address you can use to add an aweber subscriber is, as described here:

So you could try to send the parse test body (the one you used in aweber to test the parser) to that email address and see if the subscriber is added correctly.

Good luck!

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 7:24 pm #59428
Username: Manni01

Please try the Paypal parser to rule out the custom parser.
If it works with the paypal parser, please set your custom parser exactly like mine. No assumptions.
If it still doesn’t work, make a complete backup of your site, set it into maintenance mode if it’s live, disable all your plugins except s2member and select a default wordpress theme.
If it works re-enable your theme, then all the plugins one by one, until you identify the cause.
If it still doesn’t work, you’ll have to wait for a dev to step in as I have no idea what is wrong in your settings.
Please do all these steps and report here…

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 7:10 pm #59426
Username: Manni01

Just another idea, you could try to select the paypal parser in the parsers list in aweber. It’s not as reliable or flexible, but it might work and that might help you to pinpoint the issue to the custom parser itself, if it’s the culprit.

Here are the instructions:

If you like, choose the PayPal® Parser (even if you’re not using PayPal® as your Payment Gateway). You can safely ignore the additional instructions they provide. s2Member just needs the PayPal® box checked, and that’s all.

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 6:58 pm #59425
Username: Manni01

Okay so now we’ve ruled out the aweber side, apart from the parser.

If your parser is exactly the same as the one I linked above, then it’s definitely your s2member settings, or a conflict with a plugin/theme/host/etc

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 6:53 pm #59423
Username: Manni01

This is my working parser. Does yours look EXACTLY like that?

Check carefully all the “match” and “store” fields at the right.

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 6:40 pm #59421
Username: Manni01

Until you try to add a subscriber to the aweber list without using s2member (ie using one of the methods mentioned above) it’s difficult to be sure whether the problem lies with your aweber list configuration or your s2member configuration.

If the bbc trick and the logs show everything correct, it might be your aweber config for your list.

The only way to find out for sure is to do what I suggested above and report here. If it’s aweber, you can ask them to help you fix it. If you’ve established it’s s2member, it might be easier to get some help here.

The s2member to aweber (or mailchimp) integration is very straightforward and it just works, I’m testing both aweber and mailchimp at the moment and both add the user to the list on registration, and delete it when it’s deleted by s2member. I do dozens of tests every day, and they never missed a beat. Something is wrong your end…

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 1:42 pm #59406
Username: Manni01

Wow, thanks a lot for that, I’ve been looking for a way to get the proper registration flow (register, verify email, send registration info) for ages, and it does it very well. The fact that it uses the theme’s css makes it even nicer.

Just make sure you don’t enable the security features, as they will probably interfere with the s2member IP restriction features.

I’ve just configured it and it does exactly want I want. The login/register widget is also very flexible as you can decide which link you want to enable or not.

Apologies to the OP again for the “noise”, I think if we have anything to add which is not directly connected to the issue with CF7 we should open a new thread and post a link here so that we don’t pollute this thread any further.

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 9:33 am #59397
Username: Manni01

No, I’m using the latest version of CF7 too (3.5.2) as I usually keep all my plugins up to date.

I probably started using it when the “old” way was the only way, but it has been working fine ever since.

I guess that the 1 in the old way refers to the form number.

Uninstalling/reinstalling might help if you make sure all the settings are back to default.

There might be a conflict with your theme which is only present when you activate s2member.

Did you try keeping s2member enabled but selecting a temporary default theme and disabling all the other plugins?

If it then works, you can try re-enabling each plugin one by one until you find the one that conflicts with both s2member and contact form 7.

I use genesis with the two different themes on two different websites and contact form 7 works on both (but s2member is only installed on one).

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 5:49 am #59392
Username: Manni01

$5 if the gig unit, so it’s from $5, but they might ask for more than one gig depending on the complexity of the job.
No, I’ve never used them for wordpress coding as I’ve been able to do what I needed myself until now.
I would personally first go to the s2member recommended route ( ), describe what I need precisely, and see what developpers bids are. If you can afford that, go that way. If it’s too expensive for you, you have a realistic frame of reference before approaching someone at fiverr. You are also more likely to find developers who already know s2member inside out at than at Fiverr.

Remember that usually, you get what you pay for…

Apologies to the OP for the OT discussion!

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 4:54 am #59390
Username: Manni01

I’m sure your CSS knowledge is better than mine, which is non-existent for now:)

When I said not expensive, I meant the kind of customisation that you could get for a few gigs on fiverr, so worth a try! Just go to and search for “wordpress”, you’ll see what I mean. Jut make sure you look at the people’s ratings before you hire someone, as it’s not the route recommended by s2member, but if you have little money available it might be an option.

Good luck!

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 4:45 am #59389
Username: Manni01

No, thank you, both individually and collectively, for your awesomeness:)

I have just bought the multisite version, and noticed I made a small mistake in my review (I mentioned a developers license when I meant the multisite pro license). I’ve added a correction in a reply.

Thanks again Raam!

Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 4:26 am #59386
Username: Manni01

If you expect help from support about custom code, I think your expectations are not right.

They clearly say in their support policy here that they have to concentrate on resolving bugs and technical issues before they can help customization, and they’ll only help if they have the time (and only if it’s no more than a couple of lines of code).

As you can see exactly what’s available in the free version before you buy the pro, it’s not as if you had to buy blind like with the other solutions.

If you need custom design, you need to brush up your coding skills or hire someone to do it for you.
It’s not very expensive, they recommend but you could also try some other places.

Most other membership plugins either do not offer customization at all (beyond the use of other plugins), or also ask you to pay for it, but you don’t have the choice regarding who to pay, or how much, because their solution is neither open source, nor as flexible as s2members. They basically hold you hostage.

To me the s2member support policy seems very fair. Think about the value they give away for free, and compare the price of the pro version to most membership plugins around.

That way, users with the skills don’t have to pay for something they don’t need, the devs can concentrate on supporting users for s2member related technical issues and on improving the product with new features, and users without the skills need to pay a bit more to a third if they need some custom design.

To me, it feels fair on everyone. I’d much rather have it that way than not having a fantastically powerful free version, and/or having to pay more for the pro version.

By the way, I have just bought the multisite pro version, even though I don’t really need the extra features right now, just to support them.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2013 at 3:55 am #59382
Username: Manni01

Thanks, I’m about to purchase the pro version so I’m going to have a look. In the documentation they do say the pro form is only available for the registration page. It might be a good idea to request its extension to other pages, but you might want to do this in a separate thread as it’ a bit OT here as I don’t think CF7 would be the right tool for this.

If you have access to the php (or html) source code, you could try using something like the my shortcodes plugin, which alllows you to easily create shortcodes (from html/php) and then easily customize their style.

I think Magic Box Pro also allows html code as input (on top of direct aweber and mailchimp integration) but I’m not sure it would work with registration/profile pages., and the number of styles is more limited.

If you find somewhere some customized registration/profile pages with html or php code, or documentation on how to create the code, I’m very interested in the source as I’d like to customize these pages too.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 6:00 pm #59328
Username: Manni01

The pro version of s2members offers a customizable pro form for registration. I haven’t tested it yet though.

Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 5:46 pm #59324
Username: Manni01

Wow, that great, thanks a lot, much appreciated!

I’ve gladly written my review (as manni02, manni01 was already taken) and I’ve liked you on facebook (however I don’t use my account very much, so feel free to disregard that if it matters to you).

Here is a link to my review:

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 12:56 pm #59312
Username: Manni01

Hi Raam,

I see the coupon field is now available again, but the coupon I had found seems to be invalid or expired. I had a look on your facebook page but couldn’t see a coupon announcement (that isn’t expired as well). Any chance you could share an available and valid coupon you might know of, or is/are the current coupon(s) reserved to a lucky few?

By the way, I’ve spent the last few weeks evaluating s2member and I am simply amazed at the value you are offering with the free version (along with the source code as well, which is both unique and priceless). I have solved most of the outstanding issues I experienced initially, so I’m ready to commit.

I’d like to upgrade to pro to support the community even if I don’t really need the extra features right away, so a coupon would be nice, but to be honest I’ll happily pay the full price as it’s still amazing value, so no worry if there are no public coupons available, I’ll definitely buy the pro version at some point, with or without a discount!

You guys simply ROCK!

Many thanks,


Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 12:20 pm #59311
Username: Manni01

Glad I could help.

I have no idea where the restriction data is stored, probably in the MySQL WP database, in one of the many tables (the one related to posts/pages). Maybe someone else knows more precisely? In any case I doubt the info is readable, so you would also need to know the exact format used to be able to edit it. Probably no worth it if the workaround does the job.

Might be nice to see this bug fixed though, as it looks like one.

Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 6:37 am #59297
Username: Manni01

I might misunderstand what you are trying to achieve, but the problem is that you can’t have (recurring) paying members at level zero. All paid members have to be at level 1 or above if it’s not a one-off payment.

So you might have to either :

– move all your levels up one level, so that your new level one is for your members with access to some of the 150 pages and not any other, using ccaps as well as level(s) to protect pages or group of pages. If you hit the ceiling of 4 levels and absolutely need 5, then you’ll have to upgrade to the pro version of s2members.
– or if possible use only ccaps and not levels in your website, so free users are all at level zero, and paid users are all at level 1. That might be a hassle depending on the complexity of your site, but it might allow you to have any number of “levels” along with your specific pages ccaps and use recurring payment for these.

More experienced users might have another solution, but that’s my understanding of how it works at this stage.

Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 6:05 am #59296
Username: Manni01

Try to change the login welcome page to another page (any unprotected page) in your site.

If that works, create a new login welcome page, copy the content of your old welcome page to it, assign the new page in s2member as the new welcome page and make sure you don’t restrict it. If that works, delete the old page.

If that doesn’t work, try creating a new welcome page from scratch (without copying the content from the old page).

At least that should allow you to go live without waiting for the resolution of the bug, if it’s a bug!

Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 5:54 am #59293
Username: Manni01

Have you modified the default form in any way?

I use contact form 7 on my website with s32member with the default form and it works fine (just tested it).

Here is the default code in case you’d like to test it:

<p>Your Name (required)<br />
    [text* your-name] </p>

<p>Your Email (required)<br />
    [email* your-email] </p>

<p>Subject<br />
    [text your-subject] </p>

<p>Your Message<br />
    [textarea your-message] </p>

<p>Input this code: [captchac captcha-118 size:l fg:#00ff00 bg:#ffffff]<br />

[captchar captcha-118 4/4]  </p>

<p>[submit "Send"]</p>

Also how are you calling the form?

I checked on my page and I’m using the “old” way, like this:

[contact-form 1 "Contact form 1"]

If you’re using the new way:

[contact-form-7 id="672" title="Contact form 1"]

you might want to give the old way a try.

You might also want to uninstall/reinstall the contact7 plugin to see if it works with the default settings.

It definitely works here (using genesis / prose in case that makes a difference)

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Manni01.
Posted: Monday Sep 9th, 2013 at 5:43 am #59292
Username: Manni01

Showing your admin email address in the “from” field is correct, as aweber is sending the email to your member on your behalf.

What’s not correct is to send the confirmation email to the admin instead of the user.

If you get the user/password at the correct address that means the address is correctly input. However it doesn’t mean aweber will accept it. Did you try to use an email address from a non free domain, that you have never used for testing, just to rule out some weird block?

If you still have issues with such an address, I would use a plugin like magic box pro to add a user to your list with their sidebar widget (that will not go through the s2member to aweber integration), or use the method to add a member by email (I’ve never used it, but I think you just have to email an aweber address with some info and they add the user to the list). That way, you’ll be able to see if the problem lies with the s2member to aweber integration, or with the configuration of your list at aweber.

If using a non s2member way (like Magic Box Pro) to add a user to the same aweber list works fine, then you’ll know it’s s2member’s fault. The Magic Box Pro plugin is free and it takes seconds to configure a quick opt-in box that you can add to their sidebar widget. You’ll find out really quick whether that works, which would point to an issue with your settings in s2member in relation to the aweber integration.

Otherwise it’s probably a bad set up of your list within aweber.

I’ve tested it and s2member to aweber integration works absolutely fine in my setup.

Viewing 25 replies - 1 through 25 (of 52 total)

Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.