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Posted: Wednesday Sep 18th, 2013 at 2:43 pm #59668
Username: qldpol

Hi Tom,

Thanks very much for your reply. During one of the s2Member video tutorials the lead developer says ‘s2Member will handle all of your refunds’ so i guess that was a false statement then? I have no problem using paypal to refund the customer but why does everything from s2Member keep saying that refunds are conducted seamlessly with paypal if it’s a straight forward paypal refund and s2Member has nothing to do with it?

I appreciate your assistance but i’m still confused as to what was advertised as to what is possible. perhaps its a paypal standard v paypal pro issues, as i’ve said before s2member obviously isn’t interested in cusomters using paypal standard.

Posted: Wednesday Sep 18th, 2013 at 1:47 am #59647
Username: qldpol

i can’t help but think that there must be other customers out there that are using paypal but not paypal pro so it won’t just be me that has this issue with the s2Member lack of support for standard paypal issues.

Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 3:24 am #56410
Username: qldpol

Thanks very much Bruce, I appreciate your feedback. I’ve passed that information onto the developer who is taking care of the s2Member plugin for my site and he’s working on fixing this issued based the information you’ve provided.

thanks again

Posted: Sunday Aug 4th, 2013 at 2:46 am #55057
Username: qldpol

Hi Mike,

The first URL screen shot with the ‘P’ favicon is from Safari whilst the second favicon with the ‘PayPal US’ is from google Chrome. Firefox and Safari always go to the first page whilst Internet Explorer and Chrome go to the second and wrong page. I do know that one person used Chrome and it went to the correct page but he’s the only one.

Does this help at all? As I said before PayPal just keep blaming the s2member plugin so I need to get this sorted ASAP.

Thanks for your help

Posted: Saturday Aug 3rd, 2013 at 12:45 am #54810
Username: qldpol

I just noticed two weird things about the two pages that users are getting. On the page that allows customers to use visa/debit card the url bar has a differnt icon/favicon to the left of the url address, from the page that only allows customers to use their paypal account to pa.

Both url addresses are exactly the same except for that icon. I’ve attached screenies of both to see if that makes any sense to you guys.

Paypal are absoltuely useless and they keep saying that it is a problem with my site and the s2Member plugin, surely there is a s2member tech support members on here that can log in and check to see if my settings are all correct and tell me if i’ve done something wrong?

Please help

Posted: Thursday Aug 1st, 2013 at 3:28 pm #54651
Username: qldpol

Thanks Mike, that’s very interesting. The only problem is that i have absolutely no idea where to start with making changes in the layout. Literally i wouldn’t know where to start or what to do.

Are their people who specialise in these kind of problems? I’m going to need some assistance and fast.

Posted: Thursday Aug 1st, 2013 at 3:05 pm #54645
Username: qldpol

This first image is the screen customers should be directed to.

This second screen shows where customers a re being sent to in IE and Chrome

I would post this question over at if i could figure out whatever their rubbish issue with adding extensions.. no matter what i try it won’t let me add an account.
I’ve already post a technical support ticket with paypal, they said 1 day to reply but still no reply. I don’t see much point in posting another one. I was kind of hoping that somebody here might be able to make some suggestions as i’m not getting any help anywhere else.

Posted: Thursday Aug 1st, 2013 at 2:35 pm #54630
Username: qldpol

I was referring to this one “PayPal® PDT Identity Token”. It didn’t make any difference anyway so it’s obviously something else. Have you ever heard of such a problem where paypal directs to different pages depending on what browser is used?

I really need this fixed asap but its been days already and paypal technical support NEVER get back to me.

Posted: Thursday Jul 18th, 2013 at 6:32 am #53601
Username: qldpol

Thanks very much Cristián, I’ve submitted an email via his contact page but i haven’t heard back from him yet – it’s been 24 hrs so i’m hoping he get’s back to me soon.

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

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