Hi again.
Im trying to use this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script>
<video height="270" width="480" id="myVideo">
<source src="/static/bunny.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="/resolutionz/les-outils.webm" type="video/webm">
<script type="text/javascript">
modes: [
{ type: 'html5' },
{ type: 'flash', src: '/jwplayer/player.swf' }
I just wanted to be sure of what is the URL to my protected file? In the exemple above I used “/mybucketname/myfile.webm” but don’t seems to work…
Thanks a lot for the help! I’ll give it a try right now :)
That’s ok. Will it still be able to stream from my protected bucket though?
Great! It worked!
I just needed to delete the previous distributions following the tutorial you gave me and to set it up again in s2members.
Thanks a lot for all your help Bruce! You guys are still the best out there! Anyway I could give you a thumbs up and let your boss know that you’re awesome?
hum. I tried to reset the cloudfront and I received a different issue from yesterday:
Unable to auto-configure Amazon® CloudFront Distributions.
Error code: -95. Error Message: Unable to delete existing Amazon® CloudFront Downloads Distro. Existing Amazon® CloudFront Distro cannot be deleted at this time. Still in a `pending` state after having been disabled by s2Member. Please wait 15 minutes, then try again. There is a certain process that s2Member must strictly adhere to when re-configuring your Amazon® CloudFront Distros. You may have to tick the auto-configure checkbox again, and re-run s2Member’s auto-configuration routine many times, because s2Member will likely run into several `pending` challenges, as it works to completely re-configure your Amazon® CloudFront Distros for you. Thanks for your patience. Please wait 15 minutes, then try again.
If I remember correctly, the 400 I received was also about the CloudFront Distro.
I managed to fix the S3 issue.
I needed to create a new bucket and upload again all my files to that new bucket (instead of cuting and pasting it from another bucket). The amazon S3 integration now works.
I then tried to add cloudfront but I got a error 400. Cloudfront still cannot integrate. Is there a way to reset my cloudfront straight on amazon?
Regarding the displaying of JW player, the theme developers told me to add “.fluid-width-video-wrapper { position: static !important; }” in my css file. It does fix the JW player issue but then create a pb with all my youtube videos embedded on the site. – I know it’s not because of S2member but maybe you have an idea on how to fix that…
I did troubleshoot it and apparently my theme was preventing the JW player to load properly.
Now there is still an issue with the configuration with S3. Even though the JW player loads every time with the new theme, it still gives me an error “file not found”
I tried creating a new bucket and cut/pasting all my files in the new bucket, then changed the name of the bucket in S2M but it still didn’t work.
I don’t believe that it’s coming from a plugin because I turned everything off and it still had the same issue. It started happening once I tried to reset the integration. It didn’t happened at all the first time I set up amazon + cloudfront.
Any idea?
Ok, I’ll do that and get back to you once done.
Thanks a lot for the help :)
If I turn off all plugins, Im talking the risk to lose some important data… And same goes with the theme, I might lose all my settings.. Is that right?
Hi I resubmitted my infos. Normally it should work now.
Not at all, please do what you need. I really needs this to work to start taking off youtube videos from my site.
Let me know if you need any additional info from me.
Thanks again!!
Please do :)
Do you need me to send my details again?
BTW I deleted the “crossdomain.xml” along with my previous bucket. Maybe that part of the issue?
Thanks for your answer.
Nop, I only integrated S3 and it gives me a “file not found” error on JW (buket and file names are correct). – and the same error mentioned previously continues (JW loading 1 time out of 5).
Hello again,
Since I cannot troubleshoot properly the issue (I cannot disable all plugins, ect), I tried to set up Amazon again…
Bad call.
Now I receive the error message:
Unable to auto-configure Amazon® CloudFront Distributions.
Error code: 307. Error Message: Unable to update existing Amazon® S3 ACLs. Unable to acquire existing Amazon® S3 Bucket ACLs. Temporary Redirect
I followed the steps written here: http://www.s2member.com/kb/reset-the-amazon-s3-cloudfront-integration/
But no chances.
I would really appreciate help on this issue cause I need to put my tutorials on S3 asap for security reasons.
Please heeeelp :/
To see the JW player you will need to toggle down the “Resolution” window (by clicking on it).
Thanks a lot! I sent my credentials.
You can find the issue on this post: http://www.tourdecartes.com/archives/16119
(please login with my credentials to have access)
Best regards,
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your reply.
I enabled logging configuration as you suggested, then I refreshed the page a couple of times to log the issue.
But to be honest I don’t really know what to look at. Could you help me out with this? Maybe I could give you a login or something?
Thanks again!
That’s a very good news! Would you have an idea on when this will be released?
Thank you for taking the time to answer :)
Should I maybe send a private message?
IT’S FIXED! woohoo!
Apparently it was caused by a plugin: “Simple Local Avatars” I deactivated it and everything got back as they where at once!
Thanks again for the help :)
For now here are the issues:
bbpress plugin installed on jan27 with Minimatica theme.
since a week and a half:
– more and more forums/posts/topics are disappearing: showing only in the admin panel but not on the user end (or only partially with no sidebar/footer/admin bar).
– users can actually post in some forums but not in affected forums/topics/posts.
– admin bar not showing in the “user” tab in the admin panel.
– wordpress backup not backing up the website.
What i did:
– checked and repaired all the database to insure they were ok.
– uninstalled wp super cache and installed quick cache
All the issues are still here… I’m running out of things to try…
Anyone have ANY idea? Maybe I should uninstall and reinstall bbpress?
Ok I will try both. Thanks so much for your help, it’s not the first time you helped me (directly or indirectly) and I’m really thankful for that. I’m glad I’m using this plugin :)
Thank you very much for your answer!
Unfortunately I don’t think it is a cache issue. I am using WP super cache, and I already deactivated the plugin once (tried it again to be sure) but it didn’t help. Either for the level1 list not showing nor for the forum issues.
That’s why I thought it was a corrupt database issue. I thought the issue was just with bbpress but just today i noticed this “level1 list not showing” issue as well… The data is still here, it is just not displaying…
Is there any risque in repairing the whole database?